The Sun
She was sacked unceremoniously!
She never saw it coming
When she got home, she sat alone for hours
She just wanted to be numb
She needed the calm hours before her sons
returned from school
She didn’t say anything to her husband
When she told her mother, her mother
said “rejoice”
The next day, her husband spoke with a friend
The friend had a startup business that was
heading nowhere
No capital, no investors, no ideas
It was an excuse for the friend to say
“I am doing something”
He asked if his wife can be coming to the
friend’s office to while away time
He just didn’t want his wife becoming
depressed He had a good job and
they would cope
The friend said “fine” His wife resumed
The following Sunday, the couple approached
the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
“This friend has shown us kindness,
we want his business to flourish”
They agreed! The following week, an
investor (in a similar line of business) surfaced!
Then investor invited them to five cities in
Europe to give them an idea of what he had
in mind They adjusted their company profile
to match the investor’s own
More investors surfaced afterwards
Money came!
after months of “God will do it” God did it.
The partnership with the investor thrived
They decided to buy a property
She was instructed to get a lawyer for
the company She did!
The lawyer sent a representative from his chambers
The representative spoke with them
The representative said “If I handle this job
for you personally it will cost XYZ, but if my
chambers handle it for you through me officially
it will cost ABCXYZQ!!! She was not
comfortable with the idea Her boss said ”
if it saves money, he will go with it”
She had to take it
Weeks later, the lawyer called her
“I didn’t hear from you again”
She told the lawyer the truth
Your representative has hijacked the brief
The lawyer sacked the representative!
The representative told her boss!
Her boss sacked her!
All within 24 hours!
Her husband was furious
How can my friend do this?
Someone I have known for over 20 years
How can he sack my wife for telling the truth?
I will go to him and give him a piece of my mind
Who does he think he is?
His wife calmed him down
By 5AM he called the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
He vented all!
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt said
“Go and see your friend but don’t say
anything negative to him.
Just greet him, thank him and let him know
there are no hard feelings!
Husband agreed!
They saw each other and handled the
matter with maturity!
The wife took it on the chin
A week later, the main investor pulled his
funds He said he got a better offer
somewhere in the east
The other investors left too
It was like Humpty-dumpty’s tale
One minute on the wall The next all over the place
The boss called his friend and lamented
“Hell is falling on me!”
That same week, the wife got an offer
from the main investor
“Act as our liaison for us with the company
we are investing in now from the East
The wife took it She became a staff of a
multinational company with flexible time,
opportunity to travel the world and job security
Weeks later, the friend called!
“I was told you wife attracted good
fortune to my business! Can she come back?
I promise to triple her pay!
In fact she can name her terms once things
stabilize again!
But it was too late Like the parable of
the ten virgins The door had been locked!
Ps: This event happened in
September/October 2019
If you have the sunshine
And you call it nothing but a torchlight
You just might buy a torchlight and discard it
Only to discover everything withers
without the sun Your torchlight will run out
of battery and cry for the sun too!
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