His wife sneaked in after the power-packed
Sunday service
He was a Zonal Coordinator and one
renowned for his stand on the doctrine of Holiness!
His area of gifting is not the “miraculous”,
it is church ethics, discipline and doctrine!
He had a very bright future in the mission
His wife said “Brother, my husband is in trouble!
He did not want anybody to know about it
but he is in a deep mess!
He had locked himself at home for several weeks,
he refused to go to work
(He was a builder and he owned his own company)!
I thought he was on a spiritual retreat
But that is not the case I hear him weeping,
howling and sometimes screaming in his study
at odd times of the night!
He didn’t know I came here to see you!
I want you to come to our church on Sunday,
I will convince him to invite you to anchor our
prayer service. Please help him
On Thursday they were back!
Things had gone out of hand!
He was already behaving like a lunatic
The screaming and howling had moved
from night time to day time It could no
longer be hidden But he was still able
to express himself clearly
“What is the problem?” The Brother
In Jeand and T-shirt asked him
The man asked his wife to excuse them
He said “A lady came to our church
weeks ago. She requested to see me!
We talked! She said she has no control
over who she slept with or where!
Something she can’t explain comes over
her once or twice every month
It sets her on fire on the inside
Fire only sex can quench!
She said she thought marriage would solve it
She got married and had a good life
But when the thing comes upon her, her
husband began to stink to her
She would go hunting for a fresh mate
She would not rest until she had slept
with three or four men
She had been married thrice
All her marriages crashed because of it
She had slept with mechanics, drivers,
students, colleagues at work, IT students,
youth corps members, random strangers,
pastors who tried to help her, herbalists,
cousins, her friend’s husbands, neighbours etc
She said it was not nymphomania!
She could do without sex!
She could do without sex for weeks
But when this thing comes welling up on
her insides It drives her crazy
She tried dildos, toys
Nothing worked
She picked random mates on the social media
and pays them to satisfy her
The heart of man is very wicked
Her pictures and videos were taken
She found herself paying heavily to blackmailers
The pictures still ended up on the internet
She had to pay experts to scrub every trace of
the scandal off the internet
She was a mother of two
She wanted it to stop
I decided to pray for her
When I touched her head,
I felt a strange force push my hand away
There was a strange sensation all over my body
I ignored it
We prayed and she left
Later that day, in the evening,
I went to drop my daughter in school
As I was driving out of her school
I saw a lady and this sudden urge
to pick her came upon me I gave her a lift
and we talked
We ended up in a hotel
After 23 years of marriage in which I have been
faithful to God and my wife
I slept with this lady!
I drove home afterwards!
Some days later, the urge came back!
It was like latent heat
Like a thirst in my throat
I find myself uncomfortable and restless
I drove to a brothel I slept with four prostitutes
When I got home I realized I had dug
myself into a hole I decided to do self-deliverance
That was why I locked myself in my room!
My life is in shambles For the past ten days,
I have refused to give in to it
It has been sheer torture!
I have cried and cut myself on the arm with
blade several times, trying to stop the urge
I am going mad Please help me! I just want
to be healed and i want the urge to go away
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt helped him
There are certain activities of the unclean spirit
that manifests sexually!
This was a classic example!
Jesus is Lord over all and rules overall!
Hands were laid on him and he was set
free completely! It took only a few minutes
The next day, the lady the pastor tried to
help also showed up
This time, a female minister laid hands
on her as they prayed!
It was a strange spirit!
She got afflicted by it through a curse!
The Holy Spirit set her free!
PS: This event happened in Ketu, Lagos
Beware!! There are afflictions a condom
can’t prevent!
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