The Masquerade's Conductor

The Masquerade's Conductor

According to the story his father told 
all his children, their family compound 
was a long stretch of land given directly 
to their grand father by the local chief. 
It was out of the magnanimity of their 
grandfather's heart that he invited a 
distant relative to the town from the 
village and gave him a piece of land to 
erect his house on! 
His father told him, 
that the distant relative had been scheming 
to take over the plot next to his own by 
claiming the plot was promised to him 
when he moved to town from the village. 
There was no record of such! 
His father told him to make sure the 
land was not taken over by the distant relative! 
He promised! 
About six months later, his father died! 
His father was 70 years old when he died 
The distant relative was 62 
He was 40 years old 
As soon as the news of his father's death broke 
The distant relative's children started 
clearing the land! 
The distant relative was the oldest man 
in the compound 
Even though he does not bear the name 
of the family or direct kinship, he was taking 
advantage of the death to the full! 
When he was told, he approached the elders 
They sent the distant relative a message to 
stop every activity on the land at least until 
the dead was buried! 
They advised him to fortify himself against 
spiritual forces 
Land issues are usually very emotional and 
attracts all sorts of fetish and demonic activities 
He knew! 
He just wanted to ensure that the promise 
he made to his father was kept! 
They fixed the burial date 
The whole town poised for a war 
The distant relative sent him a message 
"Keep off that land, don't play with fire" 
He didn't respond 
The distant relative sent him several warnings 
On the eve of the burial, he pulled a stunt! 
He got mobile policemen and soldiers to 
the community. 
He got undertakers 
Within two hours 
The land was totally surrounded
 The grave was dug on it 
He buried his Father on the land overnight 
By the time everyone would know why he did! 
The dead had taken possession of his property! 
The distant relative was furious 
"You buried your father on the land! 
You think you are wise, I will deal with you! 
I will show you!" 
He didn't say a word 
He didn't want his word to be taken out of context 
He didn't want to be rude 
They had the burial ceremony 
Friends and well wishes came from far and near 
Many relatives didn't show up 
They didn't want to be seen as being on his side 
People were scared of being targeted by the 
distant relative 
The day after the party, they woke up to find 
a strange sight 
A masquerade's attire and local canes 
were on the land! 
Nobody moved close to the items 
Everything was ominous! 
They prayed and returned to the city 
A week later, his sister in Illinois called 
She had a dream 
She saw a masquerade 
The masquerade flogged her mercilessly 
Her body had sores all over when she 
woke up Her sister fell ill afterward 
The sickness defied the expertise of 
all the specialists 
Her sister died ten days after the dream! 
A week after they buried his sister, 
his younger sister also had the same dream 
She developed a strange 
Mental illness afterwards and was admitted 
into a psychiatric hospital 
The elders sent him a message 
"Exhume your father's body 
Bury him elsewhere 
Apologise to the distant relative 
You are still young 
Don't let him grind your family to dust" 
He decided he had been foolish 
He reached out to the distant relative
 The distant relative said 
"I have given the land to death! 
I made a covenant with him that all of you 
must lie beside your late father on that
 land within the next one year! 
It is a covenant I cannot break! 
Prepare yourself! Death comes! 
His younger sister died a few days later 
His mother started running around 
Seeking for a solution to the problem 
He was equally perplexed 
His father had three children 
Two had died 
He was the first child and the only son 
He was fortified with incisions, rings 
and concoctions... 
Then he had the dream 
He saw himself on the land 
His hands bound behind him 
He was on his knees crying 
The masquerade appeared out of nowhere
 and started flogging him 
He screamed to life from the dream 
His wife called the Brother in Jeans and 
She narrated the whole story 
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked 
his wife to bring him 
When they arrived 
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt saw the 
marks all over the man's body! 
He told him about Jesus 
He showed him how the spirit of Christ 
operates in a believer 
The man accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour 
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt got him 
filled with the Holy Ghost 
He spoke in tongues for hours 
Then the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
said "Tonight, at 1 am, make your 
confession and sleep! 
You will see yourself on that land, 
you will see the masquerade! 
Don't be afraid! 
Tell the masquerade to pack all the 
canes away from the land 
Tell the masquerade never to return!" 
He left with his wife! 
A week later he was back! 
"I want to become a pastor, do you have 
a church where you can put me sir" 
The man stated joyfully 
He had seen the power of God! 
He said he did it immediately he got home 
He was afraid he would be less confident 
later in the night! 
He got home and set the Holy Spirit to work! 
Six days later, the distant relative was riding 
his bicycle home from the farm 
when a dead branch from a tree fell on his head 
He fell down injured 
It took some time before he was discovered 
He was rushed to the hospital but his body 
resisted every treatment due to charms 
and fetish fortifications 
The distant relative sent for him 
"The elders told me not to heed his call, 
so I didnt go to see him!" 
He explained 
The distant relative died that morning 
He took off to the office of the 
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt afterward 
He had discovered for himself that the 
Holy Spirit is real and powerful in the 
life of believers! 

Ps: You have the power that overcomes 
the world! 
Use it!