He started the race in the evening
He was going home from the office
Everything was fine
He was right where he wanted to
be in his life
He had just completed his ICAN
examinations and he passed in
flying colours
He was working with a multinational
He was twenty-six years old
He was making a lot of money
He was a Christian
He was not in a relationship
He was still living with his parents
but was planning to move out by the
end of the year
That evening, he had gotten home
from work a bit early and decided to
take a stroll to the ATM close to his
He needed some cash
Hw withdrew the amount he needed
and started walking back home
when a woman approached him out
of nowhere
The woman looked haggard and hungry
The woman stretched out her hand
to him
She was a beggar
His immediate instinct was to turn away
The woman was stinking badly
and he had a very sensitive nose
He didn't want to catch the flu
But the beggar was persistent
She pressed towards him and
encroached into his physical space
He dipped his hand into his pocket
and gave her some money
He had to get rid of her quickly
She collected the money and
did the most unexpected thing
She spit in his face, turned
around and ran off without
looking back
It was terrible!
It was horrible!
He could barely hold himself
from throwing up
Somehow he dragged himself
He went straight into the shower
He wished he had stayed at home
The stroll was a disaster
He kept perceiving the horrible
smell of the beggar
A shower turned into a bath
He scrubbed and scrubbed and
The smell persisted
When he came out of the shower
thirty minutes later
He could still perceive the smell
It was as if it was coming from inside
He asked his younger sister to draw
close to him and perceive his odour
She said he was smelling okay
Everybody says he was smelling fine
but the smell in his nostril was putrid
It was as if he was decaying from
within and chocking from the smell!
He couldn't sleep all night
The next day, he went straight to the
He told his doctor the challenge and
was given some drugs
The doctor called his condition Anosmia
He was asked if he had been using
any medication and all
The drugs didn't help
He told the doctor the cause of the
problem as he recalled it
It was the beggar
The doctor said that was psychological
There was no scientific evidence that
linked the beggar to the medical
challenge he was facing
Later that evening, he could no longer
bear the smell
It was not only making him uncomfortable,
but it was also disgusting
He was restless and unsettled
The only time the smell was a little
bearable was when he was on the move
Walking, driving or talking
Whenever he was by himself, the smell
seemed to grow stronger and stronger
He left home by 8 pm
He drove to a bar
He sat for a while before ordering a
drink and some cigarettes
He needed to smell something else
A friend of his who was a medical
doctor once told him there were some
habits that you cannot pick up once you
are above twenty-five
Those habits were often picked up as
The friend mentioned smoking and
drinking as two of those habits
He was twenty-six when he smoked
and drank for the first time
He had to dull his senses and get
some sleep
It worked!
By 10 pm he was smelling only the
alcohol and tobacco
He drove back home and slept off
He slept for the first time in two days
He slept until 5 AM
He woke up with a hangover
He managed to get himself to the
office on time
He nursed the hangover till noon
The smell returned afterward
It was faint at first but as the evening
approached, it took him over
He drove straight to the bar
He drank and smoked like before
He got home around 10 pm
By the end of the week, he was hooked
to cigarette
He started having an itchy throat which
only a whiff of smoke could cure
His parents became alarmed
They raised all sorts of hell
He didn't bother making things right
with them
He just moved out
His life was no longer tidy and perfect
Something was wrong with him
He didn't know how to deal with it
and telling them would be drawing
them into the abyss of worry
He would rather spare them the
trouble and be the bad guy
Of course, his parents got worried
but they couldn't blame anybody
He was single and he didn't have any
He was just fighting his own battles
and trying to figure his life out
The drinking helped him a lot
He was able to cope with the smell
But the drinking also had its downside
It took money out of his pocket
It sullied his relationship
It drew him into a world he had no
business being in
He also became a cigarette addict,
smoking forty sticks of cigarette a day
When he was twenty-nine, he met
a lady
His younger sister's roommate during
her NYSC
The lady got a job in Lagos and needed
a place to stay until she could get her own
The lady was a Christian
When he told the lady how he felt about
The lady shook her head and walked
He didn't understand her reaction
His sister told him the lady wouldn't
even consider him because of his habits
He told his sister about the smell
He told her everything
He also told her that almost every
fortnight, he would have a dream
in which he would find himself sleeping
with the stinking beggar
He had never told anyone that fact
He had struggled and fought and caved
in eventually
He knew it was his mind
His mind was playing tricks on him
The smell was bringing back the memories
of that evil day
The sexual aspect was just a figment
of his imagination
His younger sister didn't see it that way
She had seen a lot of things in the
corpers fellowship she attended while
she was serving
She knew it was not a mind game
He was a prey of the mighty
A willing and ignorant prey
She told him he needed deliverance
He laughed
It was the most ridiculous thing
he has ever heard
It made no sense
His younger sister saw that he wouldn't
She went to report the whole matter
to their mother
Their mother finally had her suspicions
It had always been the devil!
The race started
The race he had feared and avoided
His parents went from church to church
from spiritualist to spiritualist
As long as the name of Jesus was
called in the place
Her mother and sister went there
to seek for help
They brought him all sorts of things
Coconut water, palm fronds, soaps
cooked stuff, olive oil, candles,
perfumes, prayer bells, holy water
It sickened him that he was the one
they were claiming to save while
exposing themselves to all sorts
It got to a point he told them not
to go anywhere on his behalf
He stopped collecting stuff from them
It seemed the more of the stuff
he used, the worse things became
He used to cope better with the
problem before he told his sister
He was fine with the rebellious boy
At least they felt he was in charge
of his own destiny and doing all the
damage he was doing to himself
It gave him some dignity
But the moment it became obvious
he was not the one doing himself
The looks, talks, and pity
The concern and the tears
It weighed him down seriously
It pushed him into depression
A place where the drink and cigarettes
couldn't reach to comfort him
He was the one who had everything
in order
He was the one everybody was
running everywhere to help him put
his life back in order
His ego took quite a bashing
It was the first time the problem
affected his lifestyle and work
He had to take some time off work
to deal with the depression
Religion complicated his problem
His mother wouldn't stop crying
Acting as if it would somehow make
him feel better to see her all twisted
up over his issue
The shrink he was seeing had to
invite the whole family and tell them
to give him some breathing space
The moment they kept away, he
started getting better
He didn't want to be a burden
to anyone
He would rather carry his burden
They left him alone for a whole year
He resumed work and even got a
He continued drinking and smoking
He exercised and tried to take care
of himself better
He continued to have the dream
The smell also persisted but he had
adjusted to it somehow
He was coping
On June 4, 2018, his phone rang
It was his younger sister's friend
Since she walked away from his
effort at getting close to her, he
had also closed that chapter
She said she wanted to see him
He said okay
They met at a popular eatery
She told him about the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt
She sent him links to some of the
He didn't know why he paid attention
Maybe because he really liked her
and wanted her to see him as someone
who took her opinion seriously
They read some testimonies together
She asked him if he wouldn't mind
meeting with the Brother in Jeans
and T-shirt
He said he would give it a try
The next Wednesday, they met with
the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt in his
He was battling with depression,
self-esteem issues, addiction and
a spiritual affliction
He told the Brother in jeans and T-shirt
the whole story
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told
him that the Holy Spirit in interested
in healing and restoring the infirm
but more intersting in saving their
The devil or demons or even men
can take a life and ruin it without any
They can do so simply because
they have the power and the ability
to do so
You do not have to offend anybody
or do anything wrong
This is because you are like a sheep
without a shepherd
Like a house without walls!
Anything can crawl or walk in and out
of such a life at anytime
But this is not the reality of the
He or she has willingly given his or
her life to Jesus
There is a shepherd over that life
There is a strong tower protecting
that life from the reach of the enemy
The Christian is a citizen of Zion
he or she has passed from death to life!
The Brother in jeans and T-shirt asked
him if he would like to become a citizen
of Zion
He nodded and smiled
They joined hands and prayed together
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked
the Holy Spirit to manifest His power
in the faulty reality of the infirm
The Holy Spirit took over
After about ten minutes, he screamed,
he fell on his knees and started crying
while also praying in the Holy Ghost!
When they finished praying, He started
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked
him why he was laughing so loud
He said "Sir, the smell, the smell is gone!
I can smell my own perfume now!
I can smell my own sweat
O Jesus!
O Jesus!
My sense of smell is back!"
PS: He stopped smoking and drinking
that same day!
He got married to his younger sister's
friend a year later
The affliction lasted for ten years!
Ps: The Bible says there is only one
step between YOU and death
1 Sam 20:3
The name of that step is Jesus
If you take it, you come into eternal
life and all its wonderful realities
If you refuse to take it, you are in
great peril
A man or woman outside of Christ
belonged to the devil through sin
The devil kills, steals and afflicts
them at will
A man or woman in Christ (Christkind)
belonged to Jesus Christ through
the gift of salvation
Jesus came to give us an abundant life
which cannot be afflicted or killed
Jesus is all the step you need to
take to be saved
Just call upon His name and invite him
into your heart'
Ask for the Holy Spirit infilling and
gush with a river that will never run dry
Night of Glory is happening on Telegram!!!
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