The Crush

The Crush

She had a crazy crush on him 
He had no idea for two years 
When they were in 100 level, she 
would come around him seeking 
certain explanations and clarifications 
about their studies from him 
He was sure she knew those subjects, 
but he felt she only came to him to 
be double sure
Then she started sending him 
Warm, loving messages 
She would call and ask him to help 
her read them and vet them as she 
was honing her writing skills 
She was very creative and easy to 
be with 
He liked her spirit and yes, he was 
happy to oblige her and make 
suggestions where necessary 
He was six years older than her 
He was expelled when he was in 
400 level in a private university for 
having pornography on his laptop 
His parents sued the school and 
another year of “let him graduate” 
plea went by 
Eventually he had to start over in 
another private University 
He had learned a bitter lesson from 
his wasted years He just wanted to 
get the nightmare over with 
He had a relationship that was certain 
to end in marriage before his life crashed 
The lady simply moved on when it 
became obvious that he would have 
to start over 
It was his pot of beans 
The last thing he wanted to do was 
mingle with the students of the new 
school but she was different 
She was young, zestful and cheerful 
She was 17 and he was 25 
All he saw in her was a younger sister 
A little girl! 
When they got to the second year, 
the school arranged an excursion to 
a printing press for the students in 
his department 
By then she was already dating a 
guy in their class 
He heard about it from the other guys 
in the male hostel and he was happy 
for her even though they never talked 
about it 
After the excursion the bus stopped 
at a fast food eatery 
They queued up to place their orders 
A guy approached him and said 
“Hi, the lady over there said you were 
going to order Coleslaw, MoinMoin and 
grilled fish 
She also said you will order water 
She is always talking about you but 
she is my girlfriend, I wonder why" 
He smiled and shrugged it off 
He placed his order, it was exactly 
what the lady predicted 
He saw the young man that approached 
him earlier laughing 
When they got back on campus, the 
young man came to him in the room 
He said “I really think my girlfriend is 
in love with you. I told her so and 
she denied it but I won’t pretend not 
to see or notice the signs. 
We have been together for three 
months and I can safely say she 
talked about you almost every day 
If you guys are not related, it must 
be love."
 He told the young man they were 
close during their first year but 
somehow drifted apart during the 
second year. 
It was just friendship, nothing more
A month later, the young man came 
to him again to say “We have broken up” 
He asked the young man why 
The young man said she started 
acting funny the moment she learned 
the young man had gotten close to him 
and discussed her with him 
The young man said he only wanted 
to get to know and understand her 
better and since she was always 
talking about someone he had access to, 
he felt he needed to know what made 
that person thick 
The young man said she didn’t say a
Word, she just went back into her hostel 
and later that evening he told her she 
felt betrayed and she couldn’t go 
on with the relationship 
The young man was heart broken 
and so was she 
He tried as much as possible to console 
the young man 
He also promised to see if he could
talk to the lady and help the two of 
them mend broken feelings 
He went to the female hostel that 
She came out to see him 
They got talking 
She simply refused to discuss her 
relationship with him 
She said she came out to forget and 
not to be reminded 
He took her out that night 
They went to the cafeteria 
There was a champions league match 
going on 
Most of the students in the cafeteria 
were watching the match 
He took her to the other side where 
they were showing a telenovela 
They sat side by side and absorbed 
each other’s silence 
He didn’t say much to her that night 
They just sat together and found it to 
be blissful He took her out the following 
day too 
He just found himself walking to her 
hostel when he was done with his 
laboratory work for that day 
She was equally waiting for him 
Her heart had been beating like crazy 
all day, she just knew he had to come 
looking for her 
The magic of the previous evening was 
not a product of her imagination, she 
knew he felt the aura of peace that 
enveloped them too 
They went on a walk that evening 
She did all the taking 
She told him all about herself and her
The words kept coming 
She flowed and purred
 It was so unlike her previous relationship 
where she felt guarded and uncomfortable 
discussing herself with the guy 
She just felt he would glean information 
from her and end up making a joke 
of her in the male hostel. 
She was a very sensitive person and 
she didn’t feel comfortable being 
with the guy. 
He didn’t ask her out formally 
It just so happened that after several 
nights of eating, strolling and sharing 
they started holding hands, talking 
about each other with familiarity and all 
She knew it was more than friendship 
but since he didn’t make it formal, 
she simply told everyone who cared to 
ask her what was going on that they 
were friends! 
He proposed in 2016, two years after 
they graduated 
They got married a year later!

PS: I was told this story when I
challenged a lady on the issue of
having a crush
She said it is natural and can lead
to a good marriage
She wasn't a born again when she
fell in love with her husband
Her husband was not a born again
Christian too
They became believers in 2019 
when they had a strong challenge
with their newborn baby
They had to draw to God for help
That was how they met the Lord
and gave their lives to Jesus
The baby was completely healed
and their marriage was strengthened
by the experience