Of Dummies and Zombies

Of Dummies and Zombies

The mob can always be sold a dummy
They will buy it and defend it with joy
Even when they come to realize they 
have been sold a dummy
They will stick to their position and 
insist it was not what it was or blatantly 
say "So what? At least it is our dummy 
and we are not complaining 
Jesus called it the hour of darkness
That moment when sense, logic, reason, 
and reality is suspended for an agenda 
to prevail
When people are determined to place a 
lie on the throne and hang the truth on 
a scaffold there was nothing they 
wouldn't do to make it happen
Even fools must have their way if we are 
all going to live in this world together
If only the wise got to make decisions, 
the fools will feel left out
If the fools felt left out they can incite 
a riot or throw a spanner into the works 
for the fun of it
Just so that they can have 
their way
Always remember this
They were invited into an intervarsity 
The debate was to hold between 16 
Each University was to present three 
main speakers
The other members of the team were 
the supporting cast
They were not required to play any role 
outside of 
helping the team to prepare for the 
The school already had three main 
The Vice-chancellor decided to add one 
of his nephews, a fresh student to 
the team
Just so that he could have a taste of 
how things were done and get some 
experience for the future debates
boy informed his mother of the great 
feat he had achieved in 100 level
The mother asked him if he would be 
The boy said NO
The mother got angry
"It is a platform, a stage for you to 
shine, you must seize the opportunity, 
fight to be heard, you must speak on 
that stage!" 
The boy was not even qualified to be on 
the team
It was favoritism that landed him a place
How was he to displace the more erudite 
and established speakers
He was ranked 10th in the team and 
there were ten debaters in all
If he managed to bump one debater, 
there was a natural 
replacement on the team already
The boy's mother hounded him day 
and night
"I have told your father you will be on 
National TV, all your siblings are dying 
to see you up there. You cannot settle 
for clapping and cheering others, this 
is an opportunity you have to grab with 
both hands"
The boy didn't know how to go about 
getting on the stage
He had tried approaching the lecturer 
that prepared the team but he knew 
he would be thrown off the team for 
trying to upset the chemistry of the 
team with his inordinate ambition
The pressure from his mother was hot 
He wasn't even able to prepare for the 
debate as he ought to to
Every time he thought about it, he saw 
the disappointment on the face of his mother and he wilted
His mother would never accept any excuse
 from him and he was too scared of her to try to reason with her
He needed to 

do everything within his power for that 
five minutes spot
After several days of ruminating, he came 
up with an idea
Four hours to the debate, while the debate 
team was finalizing their strategies and all, 
he poisoned the breakfast of the entire team
Not with something deadly, 
a laxative that made everyone's tummy 
It was the only way he knew he could 
get a spot
By the time the debate was to start, he was 
the only debater healthy enough to make 
an appearance
The coach had no option but to give him 
the stage
Finally, he was going to get his time 
under the sun
The debate stage opened
The opponents had a go
He was finally given the stage and he froze
He just couldn't get the words out
He just went blank
Even with the help of the prompter, he 
failed to deliver
Of course, the school came last in the debate
It was a disaster 
He failed his mother woefully
It would have been better if he cheered the 
others on than to be remembered as the 
debater who froze on the national stage
He had brought shame and disgrace on 
himself and his family
The debate coach decided to investigate 
the sudden sickness that 
befell his team
He discovered it was a deliberate work 
of sabotage from the boy
He took the case to the vice-chancellor
The vice-chancellor invited the boy's parents
Money exchanged hands
The evidence got lost in transit
The vice-chancellor convinced him to 
drop it and blame the 
failure on the food they ate and all
That was how the whole matter was 
It didn't matter that other students 
prepared very hard for the debate and 
were denied their opportunity under 
the sun
It didn't matter that he jeopardized 
the health of fellow students and 
the debate team
Nothing he did matter because he had 
the Vice-Chancellor and his influential 
parents in his corner
In other words, he got away with murder
Funny enough, the public sympathy was 
swayed to him
"He was thrust into the limelight too 
said some
"He was not adequately prepared for 
the task" said others
His mother invested in a lot of propaganda 
to sway public sentiment in his favour and 
it worked
He didn't suffer any consequence for his 
He was the ideal victim of circumstances.
When I see believers so easily swayed by the 
trend of news and events
Believers who actually took whatever is 
happening in the world at face value, I 
remember the words of Jesus "For there 
shall arise false Christs (Acclaimed Saviours, 
helpers, solution provider, and false 
prophets, and shall show (illusion, perception, 
present a view or information or news) great 
signs and wonders; so that, if it were 
possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
If you will not be deceived, you must insist 
on drinking from the one true fountain of 
truth and reality, The Holy Spirit.
He is our only NEWS source

PS: Did anyone notice that since President
Harris became the President of the USA,
the number of Zombie Games in the
games world increased?
I am just wondering if we saw that
and if any of us actually paid attention
to the fact that Mr. Biden always refer
to the true President by her title
The eye is the greatest deceiver
Do not trust in  your sight
Live by the Spirit
Live as led
That is the only way you will see what
is and not what is being presented as
the reality