

His wife insisted he had to go and see the chairman of their wedding reception
The man was her former boss and highly connected
He could easily help her husband get a job
She had called him and explained the situation
Her husband had struggled financially since 
they got married
She had been the one bearing the financial burden 
of the household
She had to dip into her nest egg (A savings she had 
for several years before they got married) in order 
to pay the house rent just two years into the marriage!
It was high time her husband got a job
The "I don't want to work for anybody" principle 
had to be ditched
The "I will strike gold on my own had to face reality"
Her husband resisted the move at first
He was a very idealistic young man
He felt the challenges were a teething problem 
and she should be a little bit more patient with 
him and his ability to turn tears to joy
It didn't happen
Seventeen months into the marriage
A lot of night talks, tears and pain
A baby's arrival
Rent, Creche fees, baby's food and home upkeep
A car bought and stolen
He ate the humble pie and went to see the man
The good man who had kickstarted his wife's career 
several years before and instrumental to his wife's 
upward projection in the construction industry
His wife set up the meeting
He went to see the man
They talked like a father to a son
The man offered him the job of a programmes producer
The man had a media outfit that covers 
the construction industry
He was offered the job of directing and 
producing the interviews, documentaries and 
other media-related activities of the company 
The company's focus was on the construction 
and real estate industry
Twice a week, the programmes he produced 
will be aired in a major television station
The pay was not fantastic but he would have the dignity 
of a job and his hands would be engaged
He took the job!
One of the reasons he was avoiding a 
nine-five job was the ministry
He had been called into the ministry several 
years before
He was afraid if he started chasing mammon, 
mammon will chase back
The day he resumed
He made a promise to God!
"Father, I promise that I will not allow this job to own me
I will not get so carried away that I will lose my zeal 
or allow the lure of money to take me away from my 
divine responsibilities
I will look for a church around to worship
I will never allow my love for you to wax cold"
The busiest days he had on the job were the days 
they were on the field interviewing real estate and 
construction company 
heads, getting real-time news on building collapse, 
policies etc
Whenever he was not on the field
His break time was between 12 noon and 1 PM
On such days he would step out of the office
Head to a nearby church and spend some time 
with the Holy Spirit
He would sit down and read the bible, or 
meditate or pray
One day, the security guard of the church where he 
goes to pray 
came to him
"Sir, he said, I had a dream and when I woke 
up my ears were blocked
All I have been hearing was "OOOOOO" like a siren
I have been to the hospital, the doctor referred 
me to another hospital
I don't have the money to pay any doctor
Please, sir, pray for me
He laid hands on the security guard and prayed
The security guard was healed
The security guard couldn't contain his joy
Just like that the pain and all the symptoms were gone
The security man told people around him
I have found an anointed man of God!
Soon enough people started coming to him for 
prayers once he came around
"They called him Pastor"
One morning, he went to pay a close Christian family a visit
The husband and wife were having some domestic issues
He settled the issue
The couple were very grateful
They offered him food
He declined
The wife quickly packed the food and put it in his car
When he got to the office
He checked the food
It was fresh fish!
He blessed the food and ate it
At noon, he went to the church
A woman was waiting for him
He prayed for her
Suddenly rashes broke out all over his body
He started feeling feverish
It was so sudden, he didn't know what to do
He started praying!
In the evening, he managed to drive to church
He told his pastor
"Sir, after praying for a woman at the office today
I found this and that happening to me"
The pastor laid hands and prayed for him
The next day, he went on a self-imposed fast!
How could I have been open to attack?
Did I commit a sin?
Were my defences breached by the enemy?
Father have mercy, deliver me and remove this attack!
He stopped going to the church to pray for people
He felt he should get a verdict from God that his 
defences had been rebuilt before praying for other people
He was a wounded soldier of Christ and couldn't
function to full capacity anymore!
Three days after he started the fast
He was in the office praying in the spirit by 12 noon
 when his colleague with whom he was sharing 
an office (not a Christian) who was  asleep suddenly sat up
looked at him and said "Son, you have not been attacked by any
power of darkness, the rashes on your body was
as a result of an allergic reaction to the fish you ate
yesterday morning. 
The Hives and skin rash were a warning for you not
to eat that type of fish again
Now go and minister to my children"
Once the colleague finished speaking, he adjusted his chair
laid his head back on his office desk and slept on as before!
He stood there!
Totally transfixed!
The sleeping guy was one of those "anti-christian" religious
fanatics who had nothing but disdain for Christians!
He took his bible and he went to the church immediately
Later that day, he asked his colleague
"When you slept today, did you have a dream?"
The colleague said no!
"You didn't remember anything?" He pressed 
The colleague said "NO"
On their way home from the office
he gave his colleague a ride
His colleague asked him why he was asking all those questions
He told his colleague what happened
His colleague refused to believe it
"You were making things up my friend"
Said his colleague!
And that was that!
He worked in the office for three years before changing jobs
And he kept ministering to people
Not once has anything he had been open to the 
attack of the enemy
As he grew in the faith he understood that such 
mindsets were unbiblical
The one who gave us the power to use His name is more
than capable to keep us all the days of our lives!

Jude 24-25 King James Version (KJV)
24 Now unto Him, that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

PS: I remember a lady who reached out to me 
She was being tormented by certain spiritual forces
She was 30 but she looks 70
She said three old women fed her every night with all sorts of food
As a result, she was single, looking like a grandmother and 
suffering from diseases relating to old age
I told her to find a born again Christian who would lay hands on her
She said "Nobody" agreed because they don't want to 
"Use their head to carry another person's problem"
The mindset above is pagan in all its essence
At the root of such a mindset are "self" and "fear"
What does the Bible say about the fearful?
The poor lady had to travel all the way to Lagos
(All expense paid by
And the Holy Spirit restored her
She is happily married now with a child!

- The Brother in Jeans and T-Shirt