In a world where so many
ladies are busy slaying men
with nude pictures, we
choose to slay principalities
with scriptures
In a world where so many
ladies are boasting with
the thousands that are
following them on Instagram,
we choose to boast with
the thousands of signs
and wonders that are
following us...
In a world where many
ladies are looking for likes
on Facebook, we choose
to make our face a book
where the ordinances of
heaven are written on, our
face will be a book that is
liked by Angels and disliked
by demons
In a world where many
ladies are too busy making
up their faces, we choose
to make up realities, other
ladies might be sliming to
fashion but we are fasting
to grow in fellowship with
our God
They said runs girls
are busy locking up men
in padlocks, we are women
that will cloak our husbands
in prayers
If Jezebel can make Elijah
run, i can make
demons disappear,
if Herodias can get the head
of John in a plate, i can get
the head of principalities in
a spoon, if Delilah can shave
the hair of Samson on her l
aps, i can shave the power
of darkness on my knees
In a world where abortion
has become normal among
ladies, we choose to be ladies
that will get pregnant with
wonders and deliver the
realities of the gospel
We won't stop pushing until
we birth realities and if ever
we have to abort, the only
thing we will abort from our
lives is THE FLESH.
We are not joining
them to fight for women
rights because we are too
busy shining the light of Christ.
We might not be beautiful
enough to appear on
magazines, we might not
even have the
kind of shape the world like
but our spirit carry enough fire
to shape the lives of territories
and nations, you won't find us
in the club, drunk with alcohol
and dancing with mortals,
but you will find us in the
secret place, dancing
with immortals, for we are
Stars in Zion, and we are
drunk with Godka, when
the devil sees us he can't
stand us, he'd just SMIROFF.
You say a woman's place is
in the kitchen, don't worry
we will enter the kitchen of
the deep and cook up
something that will feed
nations, we are tired of
hearing how Eve fed Adam
with the apple that brought
sin to the world, we want
to hear about women that
fed men with spiritual fruits
that brought healing to
We are not tired of men
stopping us to ask for numbers,
but they should see us and
be asking for impartations.
Our Generation won't ask
for another Kathryn or
Aimee or Maria, not when
we are here, ahyaaa we
might not be beautiful
enough to win Miss world,
but we are fire full enough
to burn the world
I first saw them in a vision
back in 1996.
And I didn't see them
again until 2016 when the
vision returned after twenty
They pray with fervency,
teach God's Word with
wisdom and power,
prophesy with accuracy,
preach the gospel with
signs and wonders following.
They are totally sold out
to the cause of the Master.
Loving and gentle,yet very
bold and courageous.
They demonstrate God's love,
wisdom and power
everywhere they go.
Preaching the gospel, healing
the sick,casting out devils
and raising the dead are as
normal to them as everyday activities.
Some of them are teenagers,
some are in their twenties
and thirties,and some are grandmas.
Full of fire and glory.
I've started meeting some
of them recently,
I know I will still meet some
of them in the future,
but most of them I will never
meet because they're
scattered all over the world.
-Taiwo Akinyemi
God's love is indeed deep
and impossible to fully
I've been reading the book
of Hosea this morning;
a man whose name shares
meaning with Yeshua, which
the Greeks pronounce 'Jesus'.
The book opens with an extraordinary romantic
proposition: God telling His
prophet to go marry a
loose woman.
The first child from that
union was a son, the second
a daughter and then a boy
again - all are christined by
God Himself with names of judgement and rejection.
Meanwhile Hosea's wife
continues to freely and
openly date men and to
break her husband's heart
until her business of adultery
goes bad because her lovers
have started getting bored
and are beginning to desert
She is now an abandoned,
ageing woman struck in
debt and penury.
It is in the midst of this
God instructs Hosea to go
and woo the woman all
over again and speak
tenderly to her.
He is to bring her gifts and
extract a fresh promise of
fidelity from her.
Hosea is standing for God
in this great real life parable
and the woman is God's
chosen people.
And here is some love!
That is not marriage,
love and forgiveness as we
are humanly capable of understanding it.
That is the deeper end of
the ocean of the
unfathomable love of
an unsearchable God.
John Ogunlela
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