

As a believer or a minister of 
the gospel, if you are conscious 
of Christ and the manifestation 
of your sonship, you will not 
be consumed with SELF...
When I say SELF, I mean CARNALITY. 
A man consumed 
with self places more value 
on things that have no 
eternal value, things that 
He places more value on 
things that pleases his ego 
and doesn't care about how 
the Lord feels.
A man consumed with self 
is a man that is more 
concerned about people's 
opinion of him, whether 
people talk about him or not, 
how much people like or 
hate him, how much people 
accept or reject him...
Such a man is insecure, 
thinking everyone is in 
competition with him, 
thinking anyone that corrects 
him is jealous of him, thinking 
he has something to lose 
when he doesn't have the 
final say in a matter..
Such a man is moved by 
the applause of men, and 
the criticisms of men will 
quickly plant offense in his 
heart and throw him off 
Such a man is motivated by 
his pride and lust for 
validation, hence he seeks 
to show off knowledge... 
and he can go to the extent 
of corrupting the word of 
truth just to appear relevant 
and feel great in his own 
Self is the greatest enemy 
of sonship and 
Satan is defeated, but he 
is here again in the form 
of "self", influencing your 
focus to remain on your 
carnal mind and not on 
your spiritual essence, and 
this is the sponsor of all 
the STRIFE we see in the 
body of Christ.
Hear me saints, you may 
have revelation of deep truths, 
but if you have no revelation 
on how to live above the realm 
of SELF, you are yet to 
understand the dealings of 
Yes, God won't stop loving 
you, but there are things you 
can't manifest all because 
of your SELF and 
Self is conquered once we 
realise that IT IS ALL 
ABOUT JESUS, and not all 
about us.
I repeat,
Self is made of no effect 
once your mind is focused 
on Christ, knowing that He 
is the true essence of your 
If we are Christ in identity, 
let us be Him in 
Enough of SELF!
The Lord wants to be SEEN, 
and this requires that SELF 
gives way.
Humble yourself and ask 
the Lord to help you purify 
your heart and make you a 
vessel of honour.
Same I pray. Amen.

In trying to reveal 
righteousness by faith, 
allow the spirit of truth 
to guide your heart lest 
you water down the gospel 
and lead people into 
riotous living.
Also in trying to make 
people morally sound do 
so with a heart of Grace, 
lest you water down the 
gospel and become a voice 
of accusation against the 
Wisdom is key.

Peter that was a 
professional fisherman. 
He understood the water 
business very well.
He had probably seen 
many people drown in 
The same Peter agreed to 
Jesus asked him to come.
The ones that will walk/
work against reasonings 
and human experiences 
over and over again are 
The ones that roar and show 
forth belief against hope.
That a professor of medicine 
will bring crazy healings 
that cannot be denied.

In this sheepfold nobody is 
doing a greater or better 
work than other. 
We are doing according to 
the measure given to us.
To whom much is given 
much is required and to 
whom less is given less is 
It all depends on the giver 
not the recipient.
He giveth to them all as 
he will in measure by 