

I argued with a pastor recently,
I said I rarely had dreams, 
and he said "The enemy has 
taken away my ability to hear 
from God" 
Thank God this occurred when
I had become a little grounded 
in the word, If the discussion 
had occurred years back I 
would have been thrown off..
Some years back, I was 
feeling really desperate to 
get married aided by the fact 
that my younger friends 
were getting married at the 
Now I laugh at the whole 
incidence but it was not funny 
at the time. 
One of my friend's Mum invited 
me to go visit a supposed 
pastor and I went with 
great expectations
Getting there, she asked me 
to observe 'White fasting for 
seven days' and on the 
seventh day, I should put 
water in a bowl outside at 
about 1 AM and leave it till 
I should use the water to 
wash my face and bathe 
 I suffered through it, 
(White rice without soup, 
Pap without sugar.....)
Finally, the seventh day 
came and I did as told 
and went to bed I had a 
demon induced and 
highly disturbing vision  
I visited her the next day 
to report my "VISION" 
Thank God a call came in 
for her probably I would 
have been thrown off 
course for a lifetime
While she was on her call, 
as she spoke with the person 
on the other end about how 
she was going to have a 
discussion with a dead client 
of hers, I heard a still small 
voice inside of me 
(now I know it was the spirit 
of God) 
He reminded my of King Saul 
and his end. 
I ran for my life..
A few years after, I started 
have some recurring dreams 
seeing myself in dirty places, 
running through muddy water... 
I went my Church priest, 
he prayed for me but the 
dreams persisted, 
my priest decided we 
needed further consultation 
saying "even a Pastor has 
a Pastor"
Off we went to visit my 
Priest's Pastor, He also 
prayed for me and said he 
saw a vision, some people 
had seen my star so they 
had put a stumbling block, 
he needed to perform 
some works for me which 
required a talking drum, 
a bell and a cloth I wore 
all through the nigh
I was eager the do all he 
asked because he said a 
lot of things that were true 
at the time but my Priest 
refused to take me back 
saying he cannot be a 
party to such 'ritual', 
Jesus should be enough!!!
That was the reset I needed. 
God delivered me a few 
months afterwards...
We had a program called 
'Jesus Festival' it was a yearly 
program geared towards 
celebrating the resurrection 
of Christ. 
I did not know what came 
over me at the time but I 
was led to dance and I 
danced like my life 
depended on it. 
The dreams stopped 
and my life moved with 
As Christians, we need to 
yield ourselves to the 
Holyspirit, be grounded in 
the word then and only then 
would we have the peace 
we have been given in Christ. 
I am still a work in progress, 
I am learning to live a 
spirit-led life at 
@pssbcnigeria and great 
has my peace been.
I invite you to come into 
the place of rest. 
You can hear God by yourself 
and not be swayed by every 
wave of doctrine. 
Not everyone who uses the 
name of Jesus is "truly" of 
him (remember the seven 
sons of sceva in Acts 19:13) 
Connect with @GbengaWemimo the 
Holyspirit awaits you. 
The life of a believer is upward 
and forward always, never backward. 
Come! Come! Come! 
Let's rest in him together

Olamiposi Ademuyiwa
04/05/2020 @olameposy on twitter