He once saw a girl around 9 AM in the morning
She was traveling to the East and needed some money
for her transportation
She had her travel bag with her
He was seated in the bar of a guesthouse
Smoking cigarettes!
The lady, about twenty-five to twenty-seven years old
Walked into the bar and saw him
She didn't hesitate
She walked up to him and said
"Good morning, please can I see you?"
He had no idea what she wanted to see him for
He told her to sit down
She said "What I need is some money to get to the East,
I have to travel today!
But I don't have enough money and I don't want to
beg for favors
So I want to use what I have to get what I need
I will spend the whole day with you
All you have to do is take me to your house or a hotel
I will give you a very nice time
Whatever you want to do to me is allowed
You can take me from behind, the front, standing,
kneeling you can even do kinky stuff
Suffocate me, tie a rope around my neck, do anal
If you want you can invite a friend, I can do the two of
you at once or even pick another babe so that you
do the two of us at once!
All I need is fifteen thousand Naira (About 40 dollars)
Are you game?"
He didn't know why the offer irritated him
He was not used to a woman being so forward
Secondly, it wasn't in him to sleep around
He just found it somehow!
He had his vices!
Sleeping around was not one of them!
He told her no!
She started to renegotiate, brought the price down to
10,000 naira
He shook his head
She wasn't fazed, she said she'd sleep with him for 5,000
but it would be for half a day because then she would
have to findsomeone else to hustle up for the balance
of the money she was looking for
He shook his head!
Then she said "Take me somewhere, anywhere and
have a taste! If you like what I give you, you can pay
me anything you have!
He looked at her again
In the course of their rapport, she had become likable
She took his rejection well and was almost making him
feel guilty for saying no
Her latest offer was more like it
Sex for the sake of it
He gets to judge her based on performance
He was a bachelor, he had his two bedroom flat
apartment to himself
He wasn't in any relationship at that time
He watched porn and masturbated once in a while
He also had some money, in fact, had she walked up to him
begging for money, he would have gladly given her some
He had about 8,000 Naira on him at that very moment
It was a very tempting offer
He was almost considering it
But then he decided against it
He wasn't comfortable with it
He just couldn't tell why!
He shook his head!
She was disappointed, she stood up and went to position
herself at another table
About an hour later, two guys walked into the bar
She waited for them to make their orders
Then she approached them and spoke to them in whispers
They listened and seemed to like the idea
When the barman arrived with their drink
They ordered a room and told him to take the drinks to the room
A few minutes later, she picked her travel bag and followed
them to the room in the main Hotel complex!
He finished his cigarette and went home
He had an assignment to cover at noon
He was a freelance journalist and had been extended an
invitation to cover the annual general meeting of a cement
manufacturing company!
Later in the evening, as he was returning from the
assignment, he went straight to the bar to "relax"
For him, relaxation means drinking two to three bottles
of beer and smoking some cigarettes before going to bed!
When he got to the bar he met a crowd
He didn't like crowds and prefer to mind his own business
But everybody was talking at the same time
He had to pay attention!
After about three minutes, an ambulance arrived
This time, he had to join the crowd to see what was
going on
Two bodies were brought out of the hotel room
into the ambulance
He noticed that it was the dead bodies of the two guys
that took the pretty lady's offer earlier in the day!
He went to see the hotel manager
What happened?
The manager told him the roomkeepers found the
two of them in the hotel room
They were alive and breathing but they seemed to have
been afflicted by a strange ailment
The room keeper raised alarm
By the time they called the hospital to send down
an ambulance
The two of them had died!
He asked the hotel manager about the lady that
was in the
room with them
He said "They were alone! Nobody was in the room
with them"
He told the manager he was there when they
ordered the room
A lady followed them into the hotel
The manager wasn't around at the time
He checked the CCTV located at the reception
The lady went into the room with them at 9:05 AM
She came out of the room with them at 1:15 pm
She had changed her clothes and she had her travel
bag with her
They returned to the room together (The two men)
a few minutes later
They were healthy and very much alive
By 8 pm they were dead!
The CCTV tape was handed over to the police
An investigation was promised!
They never heard anything about the matter again!
But he was convinced of one salient fact
If he had taken the bait earlier in the day
He would have been the dead one!
And yet at that time, he only felt "lucky"
He knew he could have been either the victim or
the perpetrator
He had tried on three occasions to do money ritual
He took a friend of his to a herbalist once to be used
for money ritual
The friend didn’t know that was why they went to
the herbalist
He lied to his friend that the herbalist could make
them both rich
All they had to do was approach him and ask for help
The herbalist told him his friend couldn’t be used
because his friend’s mother had used up all his stars!
He was very disappointed at the time!
He wanted desperately to ride the latest cars in
town and be a “made” guy
Oh! How ladies would flock around him!
He would be in his own self made heaven
Cruising all over the world with “sudden wealth”
After that episode
He tried again
He was made to eat “Ekuru” on a refuse dump at
a village in Ijebu
He bathed in a strange spring at Akoko
He slept with two dead women's bodies at a village in
All in a bid to make demonic wealth”
He had to abandon the quest when he met a herbalist
The herbalist told him it was not worth it
"You will never have a good night sleep again,
you will have money but you will never enjoy a
penny of it!
If you buy twenty cars, you will never have any
pleasure in riding one
If you buy fifty houses, you will never enjoy living in any
You will be like the living dead inside
Although on the outside, you will be rich
Even at that, it wouldn't last
You will die a miserable death within seven years!"
His excuse had always been poverty
But he was richer than all the herbalist he was
consulting with to make him rich
He was on his way back to Lagos from Ila-Orangun
When he met the Lord
A Christian Brother seated beside him in the bus started
He didnt pay attention at first
But the problems he had all over his body were telling
He had eaten so many demonic things in his desperation
to make money
He really needed help
He took the Help Jesus had to offer
In his head what does it matter if he added Jesus to all
the demons troubling his life
But Jesus indeed changed everything
He started attending church and grew in the faith
As he grew in the faith, he started sleeping better,
he also made a lot
of new friends and changed his priority
Money became secondary
His health and salvation was paramount
He still drank and smoke but those were just bad
habits he was trusting God to break
A life without Jesus is a calamity to the whole world!
We tend to assume we are safe as long as we are saved
This is only half true
We are spreading life when we preach the gospel!
Those with evil intentions avoid Christians as a rule
Born Again Christians are useless to occultic powers
Even the sinful ones who have given their lives to Christ
cannot be used for demonic purposes
Even If some get caught in the line of fire or got killed for
demonic purposes
It would be a waste of effort for the kingdom of darkness
Beyond being safe, we save a life when we preach the gospel
A would-be victim's life would be saved if he or she receives
the gospel and becomes a child of God before walking
into a pit of darkness!
A would-be perpetrator's life and that of his victim (s)
would be saved if he or she
receive the gospel before carrying out his or her evil
act that would bring pain and sorrow to other destinies!
He realized this as he watched the ambulance speed away!
That was the last day he ever smoked and drank
The incidence was a wake-up call
He forgot about his "self-consciousness and shame"
He took the gospel as a job
He wore the gospel as a Toga
But indeed the harvest is ripe and the harvesters are few
He got to some would be perpetrators just in time
He got to some would be victims just in time
But he still missed many...
So many destinies waiting away
Are we concerned anymore?
Are we praying?
Are we reaching out to them?
Are we even concerned?
Is there a tear to be shed for these ones?
or have we become hard-hearted, selfish and
Have we steeled ourselves against the plight of
these ones?
We see Yahoo guys and Ignore them
(We pretend it's part of the hustle)
Christians get on social media and defend them
We claim the economy necessitated it
Kai! We don't understand how Zion works anymore
We are like soldiers who have effectively defected to the
side of the enemy
We saw nothing wrong in demonic activities and
demonic conduct!
What would we tell the Lord?
The one who left His throne to die for us
What excuse have we to give him?
We can still save one, we can still save some,
we can still save many, we can still save all
But as long as we keep quiet, as long as we continue
to justify and ignore demonic activities this will happen...
and this...
We cannot be lethargic!
We cannot grow cold!
We cannot be tired!
It is time!
PS: The friend that sent me the video did so in tears
I got his message immediately
If you love the Lord Jesus, if you are sure you are in Him
You will get the message too!
I have heard Christian saying they are not comfortable
with one on one evangelism
They are also uncomfortable with social media evangelism
They are also uncomfortable with morning cry
But they are comfortable in their high fenced houses
gated communities and their salvation which has secured
them a seat in heaven!
The Gospel is the only hope of mankind
Jesus is the only salvation of the human race
If only this is real to you, you will do more!!!
I met an auto-mechanic recently
He saved up all he could to buy a laptop for his 16
year old son
He said to me "We have been so poor, I decided he had
to make it in life"
So I bought him the laptop to do "Yahoo fraud
It is time for someone in our generation to become
We have to do more, we have to do so much more
"Religious sales have to stop"
It is time to sell the heart of Christ
It is time to be Christ to our world!
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