Willing Captive
They were born into a very comfortable family
Their father was a business tycoon who prospered
in the rubber business and invested wisely
They were the type of family where money can never
be a problem
They were born with diamond spoons hanging out
of their mouths
Unlike other men who were fortunate enough to have
made a lot of money in their youth
Their Father married only one wife
He was a very disciplined Christian whose heart
desire was to please the Lord
He had four children, three boys and one girl and
he did everything in his power to give them the best
life has to offer
He put them in the best schools and made
sure they were brought up in the knowledge of God!
He wanted so much to give them the right knowledge
of God and not the "ten commandments" religious
stuff that he invited a man of God to his
house every holiday to spend time with the family
and discuss the things of the spirit with them!
His first child finished his first degree and travelled
abroad for his masters
When he got to the United Kingsom, he encountered
the "West" and its secular ideologies!
He had travelled abroad on holidays before then
and was not a stranger to the easy life and well
thought out ideologies that govern the west
What got to him was the "No God" mantra of the secularist
He really didn't need God in the west!
Science has exposed God to be a fraud!
There was a very good welfare system, a very good
transportation system, the best healthcare system,
there were no witches, wizards or village people,
there was food security, life expectancy is high,
everything was well oiled and efficient!
He listened to the best minds, read their books,
and decided that while God may be a necessity in Africa
there surely is no room for God in the west!
Science and Technology have rendered God obsolete!
He completed his masters, did his Ph.D and set up
his own mobile phone company in the UK
He prospered!
By the age of 33, he was a millionaire in foreign currency
He didn't have to hide his atheistic worldview
from anybody anymore!
Whenever he had to travel home for an occasion
or have family members around him even abroad
he would mock and scorn their backward thinking!
"We don't need to pray before we eat!
Just cook the food as instructed, make sure the
preparations were done in a hygienic environment
and you'd be fine!
There is no need to waste time committing your day
to the Lord, you're better off thanking the government
for providing the amenities that have guaranteed
that every day would be a success for you!
Why pray when you are sick?
Go to the doctor"
His Father shocked to see his son's absolute
disregard for God!
He warned him!
Son! Son! Son! You may not need him now
but my prayer for you was that you will not have to seek
him with tears like Esau only to realise that what you
despised was the most important asset you need in life!
He laughed off his Father's counsel
God was so yesterday's news to him
His younger ones were equally industrous and wealthy
Only one of them remained in Africa
The others planted roots in America and Canada
But they didn't get carried away by the west
Somehow, their Father's efforts at making sure
they have knowledge of God prospered in their lives
But none of them could reach their elder brother
Whenever they were having a conversation and
one of them says "By the grace of God, we should
be able to do such and such tomorrow, their
brother would refuse to be a part of the thing they
were talking about! He would say since it is by the grace
of God and he doesn't believe in God! He doesn't have to
do it unless God personally asked him to!
And since God didn't ask, he wouldn't do!"
He got married and had three beautiful children
His wife was a Pastor's daughter whom he met during
his Ph.D programme in the UK
Ideally, there was nothing missing in his life!
He was so rich, he was one of those who booked
ahead for the space tourism trip to the edge of the earth
and back!
Just for kicks!
On his 50th Birthday, his younger sister called him
to wish him well! She told him about a vision she saw!
You lost everything bro!
You lost everything!
I saw you on the street, broke, tattered, like a mad person
I saw you running to buildings and shops for help
Nobody helped you!
People shrugged and turned you away
You were like a street bum, a nuisance
Like a raving lunatic roaming the streets
Eventually, some people wearing uniforms,
came and carried you away in an ambulance!
His sister was shocked he allowed her to speak
He usually wouldn't give her the time of day
SHe wondered if after so many years
He was finally reconsidering his stance towards God
He told her he had been having the same dream
Not a vision but a dream!
He had been talking to his psychiatrists about it
They told him it was as a result of stress
He was given some medicines and he would be fine!
"But how come I saw the same thing in a vision?
If it was just you being stressed up,
How come I could see the same things you saw?"
His sister asked
He got irritated and cut the call!
The next day, around 5 AM
A being came into his room
He was half asleep but he saw it
It had a human form but didn't seem to have any
bones in its body
It was like a shadow that could move into space
It was dark and frightening
He wanted to scream but his lips cleft to
the roof of his mouth
The being started spinning round and round
He was powerless to do anything
He was frozen, his arms and legs stiff
The being spun until it started moving
like a whirlwind
Then it jumped into him!
It came in through his mouth and nose
He saw it enter into him bodily!
Then he was able to scream
His entire body was on fire
Something was tearing his innards asunder
He screamed and screamed and screamed
Gasping for breath as he felt his lungs closing
His wife rushed into the room
She saw his state and called the paramedics
He was rushed to the hospital
Given a very strong sedative to calm him down
Tests were run from his blood samples
He was declared physically okay
It was determined that his malady was neurotic
He was put in a straight jacket
And sent to the psychiatric ward
That was where the battle began
He would be calm during the day, but
as soon as it was night the being inside of him
would start gnawing away at his insides
with fangs of fire!
He would literarily feel his stomach and intestines
on fire
Sometimes he would feel his throat closing up
only to vomit all over himself
His wife called his relatives after he had spent
three weeks in the hospital without improvement
The doctors were at sea on his case
it was such a strange ailment
hallucination, psychosis, distress...
His Father arranged for him to be flown back home
His siblings were also summoned back home
It was time for a family revival!
They declared a seven day fast
His Father invited many men of God
A prayer altar was raised
From seven days, the prayers were extended to
twenty-one days
More and more prayers were said
From 21 days the prayers were extended to 40 days
He started mending after then!
He was able to talk, process thoughts and sleep
But the night battle remained!
His sister invited the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
"He is better but as soon as it is dark he goes berserk!"
She said!
"Is there any personal effect on him from the UK,
something on his body, in his luggage that was strange?
Gis sister didn't bother to search!
She took out her brother's entire luggage and
burnt everything!
But that night, the problem persisted!
The Brother in Jeans and t-shirt went to see him
the next day, he was calm and jovial!
They talked! The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
shared the gospel with him!
He told him what a Homo Sapien can be afflicted with
And what a Homo Christus has gained over over!
Human beings would always have to battle the
elements of this world and demonic forces
But they are not a problem for a Born Again Christian
who is Spirit-filled!
Wherever the light shines, darkness must give way!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told him
If you accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour now,
I will fill you with the Holy Spirit and that demon
would leave immediately!
Do you want to give your life to Jesus now?
Call Him your Lord and Saviour, surrender your life to Him?
He said YES!
They prayed! The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told
him to stand up lift up his hands
He laid hands on him and said "Receive the Holy Spirit"
The man screamed and started shouting
"My finger is burning! My finger is burning!"
By himself, he clawed out his wedding ring and threw
it on the floor!
Then he slept off on the floor!
Later that night, he slept like a baby
The affliction was over!
Two weeks later he returned to the UK
As soon as he got home His wife filed for divorce
she claimed he was mentally unstable and she wanted
sole custody of the children!
He told his wife the truth
"I met somebody in Nigeria, I was told a voodoo spell
was cast on my wedding ring to make me mad
So that you can marry your young lover!
I have been told not to fight with you
But if you don't drop this divorce case and walk
away with whatever I decide to settle you with
I will have to show you there is a power that is more
potent than Jamaican voodoo!
Do you want me to call the person and ask him to
proceed with the retaliatory attack?
He is a young man who will only say a word or two!"
His wife dropped the case!
She got a good settlement and divorced him quietly
He kept the children and was restored on every side!
This event happened in 2018
"Only a fool will say there is no God!
There is a spirit realm unfolding its hold on
the physical world every day!
We see it's handiwork both for good and evil
The unseen is real, all over the world!
I have stopped trying to convince people
there is a God!
It doesn't matter whether they believe or not!
God cannot be diminished by their books
and such people cannot be magnified by their
I pray for such people, on the day they will need
May it not be too late! Amen.
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