She left home at 11.AM
She told her parents she had to be in school before 1.PM
She had a tutorial class
Her Father drove her to the motor park, and made sure she boarded the bus before leaving
She waited a little until his car was out sight
She alighted from the bus and walked briskly to another bus
She had promised her boyfriend she would come and see him at home
That was the plan all along
Her parents didn’t even know she had a boyfriend
Even she was surprised she had one
She had been brought up in a church where members were strongly encouraged to marry only from of their denomination
She had bought into the Idea from day one
Same language, same mindset, same belief theory
Until he came along
A dashing intellectual in 300L
He was the answer to a lot of questions
He was godly, spiritual, serious, responsive, responsible, respectable and respectful
She didn’t consciously decide to be with him
It just happened!
One day she went to the bookshop and found a book a very interesting book of short stories
The book had only one copy left
She didn’t have enough money on her and decided she would buy the book the following day
The following day she got to the bookshop and the book was gone
Somebody had bought it
When she got to the library later that evening
She saw him reading the book
She approached him
Told him she wanted to buy the book desperately and was disappointed that he beat her to it
He asked for her name
She told him
He smiled
Few minutes later, he walked to her on her seat and handed over the book to her
She looked at him in bemusement
He said she should open the book
He had written “Guys usually look at ladies and think, what does she want? How can I get her to see that I want to be with her? With you the answers preceded the question! Thank you for showing me your heart!”
She loved it!
Her first instinct was to reject the book but the book had become even more precious to her because it was the very first book bought for her by a guy who was not a member of her family!
She promised herself she would buy him a gift at the earliest opportunity
It was the thought of this gift that made her take time to study him
She wanted to buy him the perfect gift, something that would be as important to him as the book he gave her was important to her
In the end he took the gift himself
A kiss
They had been having lunch and meeting in the library every other day for two months
One evening as he walked her to the hostel, he took her left hand gingerly
She liked it
It was the first time a guy would hold her hand and she would know in her heart it was a gesture of attraction rather than friendship or plain communication
He was silent
She wished she knew what he was thinking
She walked on silently too
Her heart racing
They got to a spot, he stopped and pulled her into himself
As soon as her body sank into his chest, she knew what was coming
She closed her eyes
His lips were so tender and curious
Ah! She was just 19, a good Christian girl, what was she doing?
The kiss silenced the devil
The kiss silenced common sense
Everything stood still!
The kiss lasted till forever and then stopped
She opened her eyes
He was looking right into her soul
“I –“She thought he wanted to apologize
She pulled his head down and kissed away the apology
Nobody should be sorry for making her feel so great
“That was the gift I have always wanted from you” He whispered
She became his girlfriend that night
His exclusive love of life
Contrary to everything she had heard or assumed, it didn’t affect her academically
He was determined to make a first class and she was determined to match his ambition!
His parents were abroad and he told her he planned to settle abroad too
This gave her a ray of hope for the future
She could actually marry him far away from the prying eyes of her religious parents
Their relationship was just out of this world
He didn’t pressurize her for sex, and the kiss became a once in a while thing
That Thursday evening they left campus together
She promised she would come and know his house on Saturday but didn’t know how to tell her parents the truth
So she lied that she had to get back to school that Saturday, all the while planning to go to his house
Immediately she boarded the bus to his house, she switched off her phone
Her parents would naturally call her to find out if she had gotten to school safely
She didn’t want to have to lie to them that she had safely gotten to school while she was somewhere else
She got to his house
They watched a movie
They cooked together
He was such a gentleman
She was the one that asked him to kiss her to make the memory of her visit sweeter
She had always believed that kisses made time go faster
She was proven right again
Just one kiss and the time was 6pm
Oh God! She still had at least an hour’s journey ahead of her to get back to school
He didn’t even suggest that she should stay the night
He was a good Christian boy like her
They have rules and boundaries!
She eventually got a bus, the journey commenced
Halfway through the journey
There was an unusual traffic
Vehicles started inching forward like snails
She became apprehensive, started praying
She needed to get to the safety of her school
Then she saw the cause of the traffic
Her father’s car, broken almost in two underneath a truck!
She screamed!
She didn’t know what happened afterwards, heat welled up from her tummy and she fainted
When she came to, she was in the hospital
Her mother was right by her side
“Mummy, what happened?” She asked
“We were worried when we didn’t hear from you, we called and called but your phone was switched off, at a point your father decided he would drive down to your school to see if you had gotten to school safely. He was driving down when the truck ran into his car. We believe the brakes of the truck failed!”
“Ha! She lamented, is my Father going to be fine?”
Her mother shook her head, tears streaming down her face “It is very unlikely”
“Please Mum, can you get me my phone?”
She called a friend and told him everything that happened. “Don’t pray for me over the phone, my faith insists that you come here and do this! Please –“
Two hours later, the young man in Jeans and T-Shirt walked into her room
She: I have sinned and God is punishing me by taking my Father away from me
Man in Jeans and T-Shirt: No way! God does not act like that! What you just said is inconsistent with God’s character
Just then they heard a noise, it was her mother
They rushed outside
Her Father had stopped breathing
He had been declared dead
She saw her mother talking to the doctor, her arms folded and her back against the wall
She sank to her knees
“The wages of sin is death…“ She shouted
The young man in Jeans and T-shirt: Why do you people quote the word of God halfway and choose the most horrible part. Why? “…but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Where did you magnify crucifixion and silence the power of resurrection?
He turned to the doctor
“Doctor, her father lives!”
The doctor smiled
The young man in Jeans and T-shirt: Her father lives! Doctor, Please go and check him again
They heard a loud cough!
Doctor turned
He mother froze, lips quavering
She held the legs of the Man in Jeans and T-Shirt tightly
A fall
A nurse’s call
More footsteps
Her father emerged, his arms draped over a nurse’s shoulder
Young man in Jeans and T-shirt walked up to him
“Sir, stand on your two feet, Jesus of Nazareth has made you whole”
The wobbling legs stabilized
He stood!
Young man in Jeans and T-Shirt: Jesus didn’t come to condemn us. He came that we might be free from guilt. Stop quoting scriptures halfway to invoke fear and dread! This is the undoing of most believers!
PS: This event happened in 2012
The couple are happily married and living in Scotland
They got married in 2017
Her father is still alive
Many of us were misinformed by the fear mongering gospel embraced by the church for several years, read the Bible yourself!
Be Informed!
If you are properly informed, you will believe the proper way, if you believe the proper way, you will confess the proper way, if you confess the proper way, you will act the right way, if you act the right way, you will get the right result
The gospel is eternal life and liberty
Believe, preach and memorize it that way!
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