The Whirlwind

The Whirlwind

There were seven of them
Seven children born to the same
Their father was a very rich and influential
Their mother came from a very rich and 
influential family
It was a marriage made in money
Their Father met their mother in Monaco
The two families were two of te few
 families of African descent to own 
properties in the city reputed to be the 
home of the world's richest people
She was beautiful and very well educated
She attended an ivy league school
He was also very handsome and well
He attended the ivy league schools too
The two families saw their union as natural
The two of them were very much in love
She was the one who decided she wanted
as many children as possible
She was a twin
That was all her father had
A set of twins
Her father lamented often that he wanted
to have many children but life denied him
that one heart desire
Even the set of twins he had was by the 
"grace of God"
After having married six times without
producing any child
A group of young ladies started a club
and approached him to be their patron
One of them was especially determined
to be with him
He knew it was for the money
But he was way past the sentimental 
season of expecting ladies to love him 
for who he was
He told the lady what he usually told
other ladies who came on to him
"If you get pregnant, I will marry you"
He had been told by the witch doctors
consulting for him that he will not die
He was required only to be kind and 
generous to all women
"Your children are in the body of a
particular woman, she will come to you
by herself in due time"
And that was what happened
Of all the women he slept with that
year and throughout his adult life
She was the only one who came back
with an "I am pregnant" verdict!
The necessary tests were done to ascertain
that he was the father of the twins
after they were delivered
That was how he became a parent at the
age of 54
Of course, he doted on the children
He made sure they lacked nothing
He really didn't stop sleeping around
But their mother was his legal wife
and heir to all his properties until she
died when the twins were fourteen 
years old!
He was quite elderly at the time and
had learnt to take things easy
He lived another twenty years and
witnessed the marriage ceremonies 
of the twins
Her twin brother married the daughter of
an ambassador
She married the son of a business tycoon
As soon as she got married, she got 
For every child she had, her father gave
her a landed property for the child
It was an incentive
Her twin brother had some delay in
having a child
But she kept delivering babies every 
eighteen months!
Their father died at the age of 84
As soon as he died, a lot of secrets
started coming to light
It started with the demand by many
traditional rulers and influential people
around them that their father's body
must not be buried in England where 
he died!
Many people claimed he belonged to them
and must be buried according to one rite
or the other
Their father was a member of a confraternity
A renowned brotherhood of darkness
His properties were supposed to be inherited
by his children on paper
But family members challenged the will
in court and many people suddenly came
out of nowhere claiming they had a right
to his properties 
Many even claimed to have borne children
for him or helped him in some capacity
while he was making his money
It was dirty!
They had to return the body home and 
leave it to the confraternity members to
do whatever they wanted with it
Everything was just too messy!
The brotherhood their father belonged
to coloured everything
Family members and friends distanced
themselves from them
They were practically spectators at their
own Father's burial
After the burial, she returned abroad
with her family
Her husband started behaving somehow
He said he had been told by prophets,
seers, witch doctors, and his parents
about the Brotherhood!
All those who belonged to the Brotherhood 
and their children were marked for life
He said he was sure, everything they had
would be gone within seven years!
He was a very pragmatic person
He didn't want to go down with the sinking
He divorced her
She didn't bother contesting the divorce
She would have divorced herself if she
was in his shoes
What she saw during the burial made her
question who she was and what would
become of her
Six months after the burial
Her twin brother died in a rare hovercraft 
His pregnant wife did not allow anybody
to come close to her
She claimed their family was cursed
She claimed her husband had been under
serious mental torment since their
father's death that his death was a relief
for her
She cut herself off from the family afterwards
She even changed her name and didn't
allow anybody to know the identity of her
The properties her father gave her for her
babies were in her name
Nobody could touch those ones
But looking at the pattern of events since
her father died, she decided she ought
not to touch anything that could bring
the attention of the powers of darkness
on her and her children!
She kept away from the properties
Yet she lost three children within the 
first two years of her Father's death!
There was no sickness, no injury
They just slept and died!
Her ex-husband called her one night
and told her to find her way to God
"Only God can rescue you and your
Only the mercy of God can speak for you!"
By this time he had remarried and fathered
another child 
He wasted no time trying to make up for
the lost time he had concluded his 
marriage to her was!
She took his counsel very seriously
But she didn't know which church to
They had been brought up without any
religion whatsoever
An old friend took her to a pastor
He prayed with her
When she told him her story
He stylishly ran away from her 
She went to another pastor, this time
she didn't tell him the gory details
just enough to get him interested in her
He ran too!
Nobody would touch her with a long pole
That third year, she lost another child
She lost her last child to a rare infectious 
She became very desperate
Her husband's words were proving 
to be true
The problem was, she didn't know 
what to do
She went to a witch doctor
He didn't bother consulting the gods
He told her she was dust, everything she
had and her children were dust
It was only a matter of time
A strong whirlwind was blowing her way
The whirlwind would scatter everything
It was only a matter of time!
That very month, she lost another child
All she had left was herself, two daughters,
and her son
Then her lawyer, the one representing her
on the property inheritance case suddenly
died at the age of 49
Death was everywhere, looming over 
She reached out to the Brother in Jeans
and T-shirt
"Brother, I have given up all the properties
I don't want anything to do with them
I just want God to spare my life and the 
life of my children
I don't care if we have to starve, beg
and borrow
Please, we just want to live
We are pleading for our lives!
Please, I know you may not want 
to touch this case, but let our 
lives be precious in your sight! 
Just respond! Anything you
say, I will do! I am willing to sow all 
the properties to 
God or give them to charity
Just tell me what to do, please!!!!!!!!
This is the tears of a broken woman
A woman who has buried four children
I was not a willing part of any deal
with the devil
Please don't let the whirlwind scatter my
life without a trace
Please, sir, don't let the whirlwind
scatter my three remaining children!"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
responded to her Direct message on
Twitter with his Whatsapp number
They talked
Three weeks later, she arrived at
his office with her three children
The oldest was nineteen, the next was
fourteen while the last child was ten!
He had told her it could be handled on
the phone but she insisted she would
prefer a face to face
They met!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
shared the gospel with her and her children
He explained to them that the devil created
nothing and can take nothing, not a strand
of hair from anyone who belongs to Jesus!
He led them to Christ
Then he explained what the Holy Spirit is
and His manifestations 
They desired it 
He laid hands on them in the name of Jesus
and they were baptised in the Holy Ghost
Then he told them to take charge of all their
properties, the ones in court and the
ones that were given to the children as gifts
He said "You are now the light and all that
pertains to you has become light! 
The properties have now been sanctified
by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in
Do not entertain fear or any form of anxiety
Your life is hidden in Christ now!"
They believed him!
The wind stopped!
Death stopped!
Disaster stopped!
There was no fasting, praying, sowing
of seed, jingoism or religious nonsense!
The entrance of His word brought light
and understanding to the simple!
The meeting with the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt took place in Magodo,
on the third Wednesday of June, 2015
Today, her second daughter clocked 18!
She was already in her third year in the
The first had gotten married and already
had a child while her last child will turn 
fifteen in January!
Her twin brother's wife also reached
out to her
She and her daughter had become saved
and they all relate very well
Jesus will always be sufficient!

Ephesians 5:8-14
8 For you were once darkness, 
but now you are light in the Lord. 
Live as children of light 
9 (for the fruit of the light consists 
in all goodness, righteousness 
and truth) 
10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 
11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless 
deeds of darkness, 
but rather expose them. 
12 It is shameful even to mention 
what the disobedient do in secret. 
13 But everything exposed by the 
light becomes visible—
and everything that is illuminated 
becomes a light.