The Intervention

The Intervention

We were having Night of glory in September 
It was an online service and I was to minister. 
Thirty minutes to my ministration I got a call 
from a despatch rider that he is waiting for 
me at the hotel reception and I should come 
down to collect an order someone made 
for me!
I wanted to resist the urge to go down because 
coming out of fellowship can destabilize one 
sometimes but I felt the urge to attend to it 
I team out of my room and dashed into the 
I got to the reception, received my package 
and got back to the elevators! 
Usually, I prefer to ride the elevators alone 
because I don’t wear a face mask and it could 
make people uncomfortable but this time 
I was in a hurry
I saw a couple, they were getting on the 
elevator and I decided to jump into it with 
them so that I’d make it back to my room on 
time to minister
The guy looked at me and said 
“Brother Gbenga…
They were going to the third floor and I 
was going to the sixth!
I greeted him
He began to pray in tongues
They got to the third floor and the elevator 
He took some money out of his pocket, gave 
it to the lady and told her to go
I was puzzled
He said “I came to see you with my wife 
when we were struggling to get pregnant!
You prayed with us and one year later you 
dedicate our baby
I am based in Abuja and I am here for a 
I didn’t ask him who the other lady was!
I was in a hurry!
I held his hand and blessed him and I left
The concierge on that floor came to 
investigate what was going on because we 
didn’t let the elevator move to the sixth 
floor as we talked. He too began to speak 
in tongues and I had to lead him to Christ.
Finally, the brother alighted and I left for 
my room
I got there with five minutes to spare 
before my ministration 
Today he sent me this message

"Brother Gbenga, I don’t know what to say 
to thank you but I must tell you that I 
spent an hour this morning thanking God 
for you and your life. 
I cannot explain what came over me that 
day, I came with my friends to have a time 
out at the poolside of the hotel
Some ladies came around and my friends 
invited them to sit we us. 
We were having a nice time as the band 
was singing and we decided to dance. 
One of the ladies, the one you saw me 
with touched me and said “Let is go and 
have some fun” I really didn’t want to but 
I obliged her.
We danced for a while and then she 
asked me if I was lodged in the hotel
I said yes!
I work in Abuja but we had a seminar in 
Lagos and all of us lodged in that hotel 
for the seminar
Next thing I know I was going up to my 
room with the lady when you met us in 
the elevator. 
You were not wearing a face mask like we 
were and I was about to jokingly ask you 
about it when I saw your face. 
I recognized you immediately but you 
didn’t remember me. And somehow I 
came to my senses and began to pray in 
I sent the lady away and you prayed 
with me
I know this happened some months ago
The reason I am writing this is because 
this lady wrote to me this morning asking 
for your number
I have sent you the details
She is seriously ill and I could have been 
afflicted if I didn’t meet you in the elevator
She said a lot in the screen grab I sent to 
She really needs help 
I am just thanking God he saved me from 
Apparently, she used a spell and it has 
backfired somehow
Thank you, sir. 
Her details are in the chat I sent earlier
God bless you!"

Glory be to God!

PS: I have spoken to this lady, and i met
with her
The Holy Spirit has begun a good work in her
Blessed be the name of the Lord