Vox Populi

Vox Populi

I contested for the post of president 
of my department when I was in 200 level
I knew I might not win, but I didn’t do it 
in order to win, I did it to make a statement
Nerds were supposed to be glued to their 
books and not be moved by other things 
going on in the society
That was the norm
I was a first-class student and yes a 
bookworm but I was also by far the most 
popular student on campus at the time
I was organizing tutorials in my own free 
time and I was a campus fellowship 
I also believe at that time and I still do 
that there were no better candidates
for that office at the time
The 300 level students protested, they 
knew I would win and they decided they 
will not take my insolence lying down
They went to meet the staff advisor for 
our department and protested to him
He saw reason with them and called 
me for a meeting
He told me to drop my ambition
He said he would make life difficult for me 
if I went ahead and contested in the election, 
especially if I win
He said “Has your script been missing before”
I said “No sir”
He said “You May suddenly discover that 
your scripts, especially for my course, 
may get lost mysteriously”
He meant it even though he said what he 
said jokingly
I regard this lecturer quite highly, even till 
Even though I felt it was unjust, I dropped 
my ambition
A day to the election, I withdrew from my 
candidacy after the election debate
I still won on Election Day, even though 
all the votes cast for me were considered 
to be null and void
Students in 100 and 200 level voted for 
me massively
(I had been taking them tutorials and 
I was very popular among them)
The 300 level guys had three students 
contesting and the vote of the class 
was split in three 
So they couldn’t win the popular vote
The guy that won had only 76 votes out 
of 535 votes
As I suspected, he was president only 
in name
He did nothing tangible during his tenure
I wasn’t voted into any office because it 
was too late to contest for any other post
This lecturer invited me to his office and 
said “I’d like you to help the editorial team run 
and also the department, I know you can 
do it but you must trust me when I say to 
you that getting you elected over the 
guys in 300 level was not the right thing 
to do”
I said okay and I did my best in the 
background to ensure the department 
woke up from its slumber
We had the best editorial team that year
I got to 300 level and I expected that I’d 
be the president this time around
I had edited, written articles, helped many 
students from our department to be better 
in both their studies and in life
I was being considered for the role of the 
President of the student body at large
When election time came, this same 
lecturer called me to his office and 
said NO!
Don’t even contest, you’re better off in the 
I ended up not contesting, this time a lady 
from 200 level won the election! 
She now works with UBA and she is a 
You have to consider my pondering at 
that time
When i contested in 200 level, they revolted 
but they gave it to a 200 level right after that!
I graduated!
I joined a church and after some time they 
started electing their youth executives
I threw my hat in the ring unopposed
A lady I was dating at the time, the daughter 
of the pastor of the church went to talk to 
another brother
She encouraged him to contest against me 
and he did
He won the election (she campaigned for 
him vigorously)
Again I lost out! 
She later told me she was not convinced 
I’d be a good president
The irony was this guy that was voted for 
didn’t do anything at all.
The pastor of the church, after waiting 
for the youth to come up with a programme 
for six months, came to church one day 
and called me to the podium
She said she is announcing to the church 
that I am the Pastor I charge of the 
youth church!
After the announcement, she invited me 
to her office and said “Please rally the 
youth and lead them” (but they have a 
president, I protested)
She said he is just a figurehead! 
Again, I had to assume the role of 
leadership over a people who didn’t 
vote for me
I did the best I could and till today 
that church regards me not only as 
the pioneer youth pastor but also as 
the pioneer youth president.
Why was it that I was unelectable but 
it was easier for 
People to follow my lead after elections?
You have to understand that I really 
wanted to be the president on both 
occasions but somehow people or 
the powers that be didn’t allow it to be
I asked the lady I was dating the 
same question and she said “power 
corrupts, it will get into your head and 
you may become uncontrollable especially 
because you are anointed”
She was wrong
I didn’t tell her that but I understood!
We want to have control over our leaders 
and if we perceive them to be strong willed
 in any way we are scared they will not 
listen to us 
I have led a church, fellowship and many 
groups as the head since then and I didn’t 
exhibit the traits they were scared would 
be my undoing!
Competence, vision, antecedent and track 
records are important in choosing a leader
Having control over a person is not enough 
reason to derail him or her from his/her 
We all want to control someone we call 
a leader
You will hear people say “he doesn’t have 
a listening ear”
What they really mean is “I want him to 
do my will but I think he will not”
If a leader is doing your will, it means 
you’re the one leading!” 
A true leader will consider the pros and 
cons of all counsel and do what is best 
for all.