Father In The Lord

Father In The Lord

Someone told me in confidence that after   
Dr. Paul Enenche finished building the hundred 
thousand capacity auditorium,   'Glory Dome,' 
the number of pastors that   want to be his 
sons-in-the-Lord increased   astronomically!  
Nigeria, people submit to their fancy in men, 
not actually to the cause of the Gospel!   
This is the concept of spiritual fatherhood in   
practice in church circles in Nigeria.  
It's about lust of the eyes, inordinate ambition,   
platform, etc.   
Everything is wrong with it! 
It is unscriptural and inappropriate.  
It is true we can follow men and emulate   
the good examples of faith that they set forth.  
In scripture, we are told to follow God, men,   
spiritual leaders, examples of faith, what 
is   good (1 Corinthians 4:16, Ephesians 5:1,   
Philippians 3:17, 1 Thessalonians 1:6,   
Hebrews 6:12, 1 Peter 3:13.  
But when we follow men because of their   
status, platform, or wealth, it is their fancy   
that we are after, not the Gospel.  
The concept of spiritual fatherhood in practice 
in the church in Nigeria is a big minting industry.   
That's the fact!  
People are loyal to men, not to the cause of the 
Their pursuit and drive to connect with men   
has nothing to do with the Gospel.   
It is entirely a personal success drive.  
Everything is entrenched in the strive for   
success and recognition.   
This is the reason it is easy for them to   
gallivant from one 'father' to another every   
The whole thing is a craft of mind game.   
It has no connection with the Gospel.  
This post is a public post; any pastor, from top   
to bottom, can challenge it and present   
scriptural facts of how what they practice   
in this regard has helped the church.  
The truth is, the concept of spiritual fatherhood   
in practice in the church in Nigeria only   
makes some men rich.   
The idea runs on tithe and offerings.  
Majority of pastors who gallivant from one   
supposed father to another really do not   
know what they are doing except that they   
heard that they need a "cover" in ministry.  
In quote, this "cover" are men!   
As unfortunate as such a remark, it is the   
driving wheel for this unscriptural practice   
by men.  
You hear words such as, "Without a father   
you can't fly farther."   
"Without a father you don't have a feather."   
"You need a father to fly farther."  
The whole idea is a drive entrenched in   
personal success ambition for church   
growth, not the spiritual development of   
God's people under their watch.  
This is the reason a pastor could abandon   
the people he's called to minister to and   
begin to chase one man all over the country   
with a "money seed."  Why?  
He wants to be accepted by the man and   
be divinely granted the spiritual impetus   
to also have his church grow to become   
a "mega church."  
This is the idea that drive this thing!   
Is that what the scripture teaches?  
First and foremost, it is a serious financial   
crime for a pastor to dip his hands into   
church money and make a transfer of it   
to one man under any guise.   
That is recklessness!  
Church fund is a trust and it is communal.   
It is not individually owned; so God couldn't   
have told any man to act inappropriately.  
People who claimed they heard God told   
them to do such things didn't really hear God.   
It was their mind that was replaying a   
prominent conception.  
Preachers who do such things always claim   
to want to connect to a "higher grace."   
It is sorcery to want to use money to   
buy the gift of God.  
We can honour men, but to want to "tap"   
something from them through money is   
Acts 8:18-20 says,  "However, when Simon 
saw that the [Holy]   Spirit was imparted 
through the laying on of the apostles' hands, 
he brought money and offered it to them,  
Saying, Grant me also this power and   
authority, in order that anyone on whom I   
place my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.  
But Peter said to him, Destruction overtake   
your money and you, because you imagined   
you could obtain the [free] gift of God with  
That is what most pastors do in their bid to   
connect to "higher grace."  
You can see that the idea that drives the   
concept of spiritual fatherhood in practice   
in the church in Nigeria is faulty!   
This is why it is easy for pastors to gallivant   
from one father to another.   
They change fathers like 'wrapper!'  
In Ephesians 4:11, Jesus told us he gifts the   
church with different ministry offices for   
specific purposes.   

Martin White-Ufuah    

GSW'S NOTE: I was a Personal Assistant to 
many pastors  I was raised through Kings  
I saw a lot  I promised the Holy Spirit i will 
never  encourage, promote or allow anything  
i saw as wrong to become my culture  
I have never allowed anybody to submit  
his or ministry to me  
I have many brothers and sisters  
We are all brethren and we have one Father    
8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for you   
have one teacher, and you are all brothers.   
9 And call no man your father on earth, for   
you have one Father, who is in heaven.   
10 Neither be called instructors, for you have   
one instructor, the Christ. 11   
The greatest among you shall be your servant.   
(Matthew 23:8-11 ESV) - Jesus    

28And we know that God works all things   
together for the good of those who love Him,   
who are called according to His purpose.   
29For those God foreknew, He also predestined   
to be conformed to the image of His Son,   
so that He would be the firstborn among   
many brothers. (Romans 8:28-29)  
-Paul writing about Jesus!    
If Jesus is not our "Father in the Lord"  
How can any man of God be?