Dismantling Mantles
Mantle Seeking? 01
Did you know that when the 120 gathered
at the upper room, they were not asking for
"Jesus' Mantle".
Neither did Jesus promise anyone His "mantle".
All He promised them was The Holy Spirit.
And He assured them that with The Holy Spirit
living inside them, they would do even greater
works than He did.
This "mantle seeking" concept is strange to
the New Testament.
I am not a "mantle seeker".
I am conscious of my divine union with Christ.
1 Corinthians 6:17.
If the Apostles didn't seek for "Jesus' Mantle",
but only waited to be filled with The Holy Spirit.
Now that I am ALREADY filled with
The Same Holy Spirit,tell me why should I be
seeking for someone's "mantle"?
I pray that the Believers will truly know
who the New Creation Man, filled with
The Holy Spirit is.
Sweet Holy Spirit, continue to reveal Christ
to us, because the more we know Him, the
more we know ourselves.
As He is, so are we.
1 Corinthians 6:17.
Galatians 3:27.
Let me show you what Paul knew that
made him not to seek for anybody's "mantle".
He had the understanding that the same
Holy Spirit that worked mightily in Jesus,
was the One who was working mightily
through the Apostles, and that the same
Holy Spirit could also work mightily through
Listen to what he said:
Galatians 2:8.
The day you have the understanding that He
that worked mightily through these Heroes Of
Faith is the same Holy Spirit in you, your
mantle seeking exercise will end.
William Branham, A.A.Allen,Alexander Dowie,
John G.Lake, E.W.Kenyon, Smith Wigglesworth,
Kenneth E.Hagin, Oral Roberts,
Maria Woodworth Etter, T.L.Osborn, Kathryn Khulman,
Charles & Frances Hunter, Billy Graham,
John Wesley, Charles Finney, Watchman Nee,
Howard Carter, Stephen & Grant Jeffrey,
Raymond T.Richie, Aimee Semple McPherson,
S.G.Elton, Lester Sumrall, William Duma,
Kobus Van Rensburg, Joseph Babalola,
Emmanuel Omoniyi Omotunde, Benson Idahosa,
Tommy Hicks etc
None of the people mentioned above ever
sought for someone's "mantle".
What they did was that they received The
Holy Spirit and maintained a constant
communion with Him.
Read their stories, you will never read of any
account where they sought for "mantles".
Today,many Believers are seeking their "mantles",
and some are already claiming that they have
received so and so "mantle".
The only thing that consumed the apostles was
to know Christ and to know The Person Of
The Holy Spirit intimately.
They never sought nor prayed for anyone's
Now that they are gone, people are seeking
their "mantles".
Get understanding of your identity, inheritance
and abilities in Christ.
Understanding your divine union with Christ
will usher you into supernatural adventures.
1 Corinthians 6:17.
Galatians 3:27.
Colossians 1:9-11,26-27.
Colossians 2:3,9-10.
Five Prophets, Five Contradictory Visions.
"I went to heaven and I saw Jesus.
He (Jesus) took me to a very beautiful HOUSE
in heaven where "mantles" are kept.
I saw many mantles,I saw that of Smith
Wigglesworth, Kathryn Khulman, John G.Lake
They looked so beautiful and glittering.
Jesus told me that the time has come for
these mantles to be released into the earth."
"Jesus appeared to me in a vision, took me to
a VALLEY full of mantles, they looked like
animal skin and they are not beautiful nor
I saw Kathryn Khulman,Smith Wigglesworth,
etc mantles.
Jesus then told me that the time has come
for our generation to claim these mantles."
Third Prophet:
"Jesus once appeared to me and told me that,
"There's no mantle in heaven, when a man or
woman of God dies, their mantles remain in
the earth to be picked up by someone else."
"God told me in a vision to travel to South Africa
for John G.Lake's mantle,that his mantle is still
available in South Africa.
So, I went to South Africa and picked up
John G.Lake's mantle."
"I went to Spokane to get John G.Lake's mantle,
because Jesus told me in a vision that John G. Lake '
mantle was lying dormant in Spokane."
Isn't it funny, that "Jesus" told five people, five
different things about where "mantles" are?
You must learn to judge visions and revelations
in line with the finished work of Christ, and the
New Creation Realities, so that you will not end
up with deception and error.
Mantle seeking is not consistent with
The New Creation!
Which "Jesus" appeared to these prophets?
Some desperate "mantle seekers" have
traveled to the grave sites of some of
Heroes of Faith, for the purpose of
"receiving their mantles".
A Pastor told me that there's a particular
mountain here in Nigeria,where people
queue to wear one of Joseph Babalola's clothes.
They want to receive Babalola's "mantle".
The day you know who a New Creation is
and what it means to be One Spirit with Christ,
you will stop being religious
The "mantle seekers" need to meditate more on
the following scriptures:
John 14:12,16-18,23.
Acts 1:8
1 Corinthians 6:17.
Galatians 3:27.
Colossians 1:26-27.
Colossians 2:3,9-10.
- Taiwo Akinyemi
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