Principles for Walking In The Supernatural 6

Principles for Walking In The Supernatural 6

Principle Number Six:
Acts 10: 34. Then Peter opened his 
mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive 
Romans 2: 11. For there is no respect 
of persons with God.
One of the ways to trigger the 
manifestations of those things that 
we've already received is by 
reading/studying about them, attending 
meetings where those things are in 
manifestation and watching relevant 
As a child, my Dad instructed me to 
study all the miracles of Jesus 
mentioned in the Bible over and over
He gave me ALL the books of T.L.Osborn 
he had (including all the official magazines 
of T.L.Osborn Ministry called Faith Digest).
Not only that, whenever he demonstrated 
the supernatural, he would turn to me 
and say "Taiwo, every child of God can 
do the same."
And whenever he was going to villages 
to visit some Missionaries, he would 
take me along with him and he would 
tell me to observe how those men of 
God demonstrate the Spirit and the 
power of God.
On our way back, we will be talking 
about those things we witnessed and 
my Dad would keep telling me "Taiwo, 
God will do mighy things through you."
When T.L.Osborn & Daisy Osborn 
went to India as young missionaries,
they returned to America discouraged 
and wearied.
In their own words:
"We couldn't convince the Hindus about 
the supremacy of God's power over 
their idols,we believed that the days 
of miracles had passed."
But while in America, they attended 
William Branham's meeting, and for 
the first time they saw raw demonstration 
of the power of God in healings, miracles, 
signs and wonders.
T.L.Osborn said he was crying on his 
seat as he was seeing practical 
demonstration of the Spirit and the 
power of God through Brother Branham.
He said while he was sitting there crying,
he kept hearing a voice telling him 
"You too can walk in the power of God."
The next thing he did after the meeting 
was to go back and study the miracles 
of Jesus and the Book Of Acts over 
and over again.
As a result,he and his wife ended up 
conducting evangelistic and miracle 
crusades all over the world for many 
years with outstanding miracles taking 
God has used David Hogan to raise 
several people from the dead.
He said there was a time in his life 
when he decided to study ALL the 
dead raising miracles recorded in the 
Bible over and over again with the 
desire to see God use him to raise 
people from the dead also.
Curry Blake desired to walk in the 
supernatural as a young minister,
he said he would spend hours studying 
the ministry of Jesus,the Book Of Acts,
attend Lester Sumral's meetings and 
watch him demonstrate the supernatural.
He said he would be watching David 
Hogan's miracle videos and be crying 
and be saying to himself, "This Man 
Of God Is Already Walking In These 
He now walks in the realities of those 
things and has also raised people 
from the dead.
A pastor friend of mine was invited 
for a ministration by a ministry, I gave 
him Prophet Kobus miracle videos 
and instructed him to watch those 
healings and miracles for hours daliy 
then speak in tongues afterward.
He watched the miracle videos daily 
for at least 3-4 hours and pray in 
tongues a week before the program.
And on the day of the program, he 
spent three hours watching those 
miracle videos and later spent some 
time praying in tongues before he 
went for the meeting.
He witnessed all kinds of healings 
and miracles in that meeting, 
Glory Hallelujah!
We should be intentional about 
attending meetings where the things 
we desire to walk in are being 
We should also read about them 
in the scriptures, read books about 
the subjects and watch relevant videos.
This also is one of the principles for 
walking in the things/impartations 
we have received.