

It started with a phone call
I was fast asleep and I had put the phone
on silence before I slept
I am a deep sleeper but if my sleep gets
interrupted in any way, I usually struggle
to return to deep sleep
So I am very deliberate about my sleep
Switching off the light, keeping anything
that could make disturbing noise very far
from me!
So it was sort of a wonder to me when my 
phone rang out at 3 AM
It was my best friend
She was calling at that odd time of the night
because she was excited about something
I picked the call
I was right
She was in tears and shrieking in terror
Her boyfriend had travelled and left her
all alone at home
She had a very disturbing dream 
That was the cause of the whole drama
I tried to calm her down on the phone
But she wouldn't let me drop the call
She kept saying "Please don't leave
me alone"
After about one hour, I went in search
of a BIble and I told her to do the same,
I read Psalm 23, Psalm 91 and Psalm  121
aloud to her
I prayed with her afterwards and promised 
her I will come to her house to see her later
in the day
I went back to sleep around 5:30 AM
When it was about 9 am
Her call came in again
She wanted to know how soon I can make
it over to her house
So I freshened up, packed a few clothes
and went over
She was very grateful to see me
We watched some shows on television and
caught up on our girly gists
It was a very good day
When it was 7pm
She told me to change
She would like us to go clubbing
I was prepared to have fun
I changed and we drove down to a
club close to her house
She had always been a fun girl right
from when we were in school
She was not wild or immoral
She was just not the boring type of
We took some drinks and danced
It had been a long time
I had just gotten a job as a bank cashier
and the job had practically taken
over my life
I hadn't been out to have fun in months
I really enjoyed myself
Time flew
When it was around 2 AM
The crowd changed
The music also
We decided to leave
Just as we were driving out of the club
She suggested that we go to another
She says the crowd there is more matured
and the music too
I was tired but it was just one day in a
long time and I deserve to enjoy it
So I said, why not?
We got to this club and the crowd was as
she described
There was a live band doing jazz
I loved it immediately
We got to the bar and ordered drinks
Within a minute
Three white guys approached us
They were expatriates looking for a bit
of fun
I didn't mind the attention
But I have always held on to a policy
that I found very rewarding
If you are buying me anything in a bar
I stay in the bar
I am not going anywhere with you!
My friend was tipsy by now
I was not, I also have a policy not to
drink when my friend is drinking
I have a long life ahead of me
Cutting it short by drunk driving
was not on the agenda
She took out her phone and started
taking pictures with the white
She was having a blast!
I avoided the pictures like a plague
I am very wary of strangers and prefer
to drink alone 
If I have to tolerate company, I want to
be able to delete such by turning my
back on them
I don't need to document mistakes!
Suddenly my friend says "I have a small
headache, I need to lay down my head
a little and have some sleep!"
One of the white guys says he has a room
in the main hotel and offered her the room 
to lay down her head
I said no, I would drive us home and she
can sleep all she wanted in the car and
then at home
She said no!
She wanted to sleep in the hotel room
I said I am not going into a strange room
with her
I do not go into a room with strangers
She laughed and said I should call her
phone in two hours, she would have been
well-rested by then!
And she was gone!
Arm in arm with the white guy!
I could only look on helplessly!
I stayed at the bar
When it was two hours, I started calling
her phone
It rang and rang and rang
She didn't pick
The other white guys had sauntered
off when she left with their friend
I was at the bar till 8 AM
She didn't pick her call
I was so tired and angry
I dropped her car keys with the hotel
receptionist, took a taxi and left
I went to her house to pick my car
I had dropped my travel bag and clothes
in it before we went out the previous 
So I didn't have anything to pick in 
her house
When i walked into her compound, I saw
her boyfriend
He was supposed to be gone for three days
But he had returned overnight
He said he saw her pictures on snapchat,
facebook and instagram
Making a fool of herself with some white
I tried to explain what happened as best
as I could
He was so angry
I didn't even know what to say
Then he asked me where she was
and I started stammering
I had never been put in such a difficult
situation before and I am not really
good at improvising lies
I told him what went down
When I got to the part where she went
to rest her head in a guy's room
Her boyfriend flew in a rage
I know how it sounded but I tried
to make him see that things weren't
that bad!
She couldn't have slept with anybody
in that state
She had a headache!
Her boyfriend didn't respond to my plea
He just went into the flat, packed his
clothes and other stuff
Dumped them in his car and drove off
I tried to stop him!
I really tried!
But he was as mad as a hatter
And he drove off in a jiffy!
He had his own apartment on
Lagos mainland
Her office was on the mainland
while his own office was on the 
They stay at each other's houses
as they find convenient!
After a while, I drove off to my 
house too
I tried her number over and over
Eventually, the toils of the previous
night caught up with me and I slept
When I woke up around 1AM
I saw over a hundred missed calls from 
her and many other strange phone
Apparently, she thought I was dodging
her calls and started borrowing phones
to call me!
I called her back
She started raving and cursing me!
I didn't get what I did wrong at first!
What did I do?
You couldn't tell him a lie?
You couldn't cover for me?
What was your plan?
Was it because you don't have a man?
Were you aiming to snatch him from me?
She had taken matters too far, too far!
I had to cut the call when the insults
got too much
I decided it is best to let her calm down
About an hour later, her mother called
Her mother started cursing and raving
Why couldn't you lie to protect your friend?
or keep your mouth shut!
Did her boyfriend torture you to tell the
You are a wicked traitor!
I sent text messages and WhatsApp messages
trying to explain what happened to her
She blocked me everywhere
Suddenly it was my fault
All her poor decisions are suddenly my
I don't get it!
Why wouldn't she take responsibility
for her own actions?
The following night, as I laid down to
I saw her and her mother, they stood
at a T-junction
They called my name three times and 
smashed three eggs on the road
Then they turned their backs and
walked away
That was the beginning of affliction
in my life
I reached out to the Brother in Jeans
and T-shirt
I told him the whole story via WhatsApp
He told me to relax
He told me about Jesus and the Holy
He also sent me some scriptures
I walked into an above reality
A reality that is beyond the comprehension 
of the elements of this world
I was delivered from the wickedness
of men!
The afflictions stopped immediately!
I am free and wiser now!

PS: This event happened on the first
week of October 2019 in Lagos, Nigeria

Wisdom directs profitably
Foolishness also directs but with
heavy consequences!
When you combine folly with wickedness,
what you find will be a continuous chain
of errors and damages
Many are a victim of this!
Guided by the Holy Spirit, you are
immune from the spirit of error and
all its consequences!
Jesus preserves you from all evil!