The Call of the Son

The Call of the Son
The Call of the Son

A violent displacement of the seafloor 
The sudden and drastic recession of 
the ocean level -- a harbinger of death
A surge of mammoth waves moving 
Its evil intention eerily visible in its 
beautiful and deadly posture 
Lounging on the white beach taking in life
A life the wave will snuff out in a minute.
Fangs of teeth sharp as tungsten needles 
and tough as a titanium
When sunk in the soul bore through 
easily shattering order and configuration
The body opens up to an extensive decay, 
shutting down because it couldn't resist
Pity, another one flushed down the drain!
Using simile, the manual likened him to a 
roaring lion always prowling -- he's not a 
lion but "he is like one"
He is a snake that has been trampled on 
Yet, he still calls the shot over you
He controls the destructive orchestra by 
hitting you over and over again
No, he won't stop.
Take a strong stand today
There is a light so terrific in its showing
Blinding to the physical eyes of a mortal
It dwarfs the luminosity of all the starry 
hosts of heavens in their beautiful arrays
It's the indelible light of the Father
In this light, the snake has no minute 
hold over you forever. 
Come to me son
Come to me daughter 
With my arms wide, I will take you in
Imparting you with eternal life
For I have loved you with an 
everlasting love

The devil does not know how to stop
He does not know a kid, an adult, an 
old person
He does it over and over until that person 
is fully destroyed
However, he can only do it to someone 
without eternal life or someone without 

Jesus said, I am the vine and you are the 
branch. The vine and the branch are one -- 
same life goes through them. 
Be part of him today by simply asking him 
to come to your life. If you just did this, 
congratulations! Please reach out to me 
my dear new sibling whom I love. 
