

When she met the Lord
It was at a critical moment of her life
She just finished her university education
She needed to get married
She needed to pursue her masters
She needed to pursue a career
She needed to know her life's purpose
She had a lot of questions
She would brood late into the night waiting for things to click
Nothing made sense
She didn't really have a serious suitor
The guys hanging around her were the clue and puzzle dropping type of guys
They hang around dropping emotional baits
She knew what they wanted
She wasn't born yesterday
She would have given it to one of them too
But she hated the fact that they weren't even trying to get her
It was as if they reasoned that she would eventually throw herself at one of them
She tried very hard to look comely
She wanted someone to say the sweet nothings
Someone to "toast" her and say "I want you"
All she got was "When are you coming to visit me in my flat?"
"When will you come and spend the weekend with me"
"The sight of you makes my body tingle in strange places"
She didn't know what she did to attract such guys
Sex was thrown at her without the benefit of any affection
It irritated her
She knew it could be better
Some courtesy, care, feeling, tenderness
She would open the garden and throw away the locks for such
She wasn't looking for romance and milky feelings
But some serious attention wouldn't hurt
The guys seemed to get whatever it was for cheaper elsewhere
Her bars were raised too high
One by one all her friends did it
Some because they fell in love
Some because they followed the cheese and fell into a trap
Some because they just wanted to
The lucky ones found love
She found herself feeling like a prude
She felt left behind, forgotten on the shelf
She was especially shocked when the very one she regarded as very religious confided in her that she wanted to have the experience so badly, she had to do it
She was very disappointed
She was the only child and her parents were in a hurry to have grandchildren
When a neighbour's daughter had an abortion that almost claimed her life
Her parents called her and told her
"Look at this mansion, look at all the cars, the money and affluence, it is for you
If you come home pregnant, we will make sure you deliver the baby in the best hospital in the world
If you decided you want to marry. we will support you
If you decide you dont want to marry, it is equally fine
But we encourage you to have children
As many as you desire"
She was right in the middle of the complexities surrounding her life when she met the Lord
Her friend had often told her about some guys in her church
She went to see how friendly the honey drip her friend described was
The Choir ministered, the preacher mounted the podium
Reality turned
Everything was spinning
She wanted it to stop but it couldn't
Before she knew it she was praying in tongues
The urge in her to be saved was unsettling
She gave her life to Christ
As soon as she confessed Jesus as her Lord and Saviour
Peace flooded her soul
A calm assurance, a flood of love, She knew she was special
Almost immediately everything fell into place
A guy brought his sister to the salon while she was making her hair
He loved up in a big way
He paid her the right type of attention, the sort her heart yearned for
Her admission also clicked and she was given full scholarship
When she told her man about the admission, he screamed!
He had also been given admission with full scholarship to study in the same school
There was no doubt in her heart that he was the man for her till eternity
She wondered how Christians could be so selfish

They have a God who answers prayers so fast and none of her friends bothered to share Jesus with her
God was answering her prayers at the speed of light
Two years after they met, they got married
She told God she wanted to get pregnant on her wedding night
It didn't happen
She told God she wanted to be pregnant on her one year wedding anniversary night
It didn't happen
Her parents mounted pressure
Her mother started suggesting seeing specialists and artificial insemination
She couldn't believe God was not hearing her prayer
She went to see her pastor
He agreed with her in prayer and they fasted
They went for full medical check up
The doctor declared the two of them healthy and perfect
The doctor gave them certain drugs to use
Fifth year wedding anniversary, still nothing!
She started losing hope
Is God real?
Does he answer prayer?
All her prayers that God answered in the past, were they coincidences?
Why had God refused to answer her prayer?
She refused to eat for many days
Her soul was bitter and her heart grieved
She wet her pillow with tears and mucus
She felt so rejected, dejected and unloved
That night, the Holy Spirit came to her
She saw herself under a mango tree
She was plucking all the low hanging ripe mangoes on it and eating them
The fruit was so delicious, she ate and ate and ate
She went back to the tree for some more fruits but the fruits were all gone
She was so hungry but there were no fruits to eat
She started crying because she was so hungry
A man came, he brought her a bowl full of all the seeds of the fruits she had previously eaten
He pointed to the land beside the tree and said "Plant the seed and eat"
She couldn't believe it
How long would it take for the seeds to grow and start having fruits
She was hungry at that moment!
She turned to the man and said "I will plant the seeds later but I want to eat now"
The man didn't say another word, he just stared at her and said "Happen"
She eventually took the bowl and started planting
That was when she woke up
The vision was vivid and clear to her when she woke up
She had prayed against witches, wizard, village people and powers of darkness
She had fasted and prayed and made vowed and tried tears
She knew what she heard!
She was told to happen!
She had been in the church for seven years
She was a worker
SHe paid her offering, tithe and contributed what she can
She thought that was all being a believer is
The next morning, she sought counsel
She wanted to know how she can happen
She was taught how to be a disciple of Jesus
Winning souls, discipling souls, preaching the gospel
Within she months she happened
She preached the gospel with love to all and sundry
Darkness heard the word through her turned to light
One year later, it happened!
She got pregnant as easily as any other woman did
No fuss, no calculation, no procedure, just seed time and harvest
She delivered a set of twins nine months later!

PS: Every believer goes through that season
That period when childish indulgence are taken away from us
That season when we have to go on to maturity
Some of us get to this season and refuse to mature
We become stunted in growth and kwashiorkor like in frame
Others recognize that the Kingdom's goodness which we enjoy is not only for us
We must spread the word and shine the light
If you are yet to happen as a Christian
It is time!
We eagerly wait for your manifestation
The whole world is waiting!