

What would be the point of beauty?

If she ended up suffering

She knew what she saw every day in the mirror

She had seen herself in the eyes of many men

Right from when she was a little girl

She stirred the devil within their loins

She had used this attraction to devastating effect as she grew older

Especially in the tertiary institution

But it lost its appeal in the big city

She was a local champion who thought she came to the city to reign

The city though did not give her a second glance

For the first time, she was treated like a normal person

Some men would look at her in that ;'sleep with me' way

But that was the same look they gave the other ladies

Nobody was fawning over her

Treating her like a queen

The city had taken away their sensibilities

It was a tragedy

She returned to her town

Told her mother

I have suffered for two years in the city

I give up

I will return here and settle down with one of the local guys

Her mother wouldn’t hear of it

She took her to another older woman

They sat and discussed all night

The next morning she was unleashed on the city

Her first target was a rich industrialist

She met him in the office

Told him what she wanted

He couldn’t resist her

Within a week she had a job, a car and an accommodation

The forces were with her

Her mother told her to press home her advantage

She got pregnant

He was married

His four children were schooling abroad

She birthed the fifth and the sixth

The force was paying her dividends big time

He went for a routine medical checkup abroad

He died there

Ponzi Scheme had failed

She ran to his family members, please help me, for the sake of the children!

His wife and children relocated abroad immediately after the burial

He had a will, she was not even mentioned

He also had a lot of debts

Bottom line, she lost big time

She re-saddled her horse

Targeted another Real estate magnate

He was in his late 50s, divorced

She moved in, played the wife for six years

Had two other children

He went to Lekki ‘98

Became born again

The force deserted him

He insisted on doing restitution and taking his legal wife back

He was never married to her

She lost again

But not totally, she dumped his two children with his relatives

Kept her daughters from the first man, four children would discourage men and male children are especially sensitive

When the relatives protested, ‘Groom them or eat them’ was her cry

She targeted three other men after that

The force was weakened drastically

What was she to do?

How would she take care of herself and her children?

Her first daughter was 15 and filling out nicely

She decided to manage her career

Introduce her to the game

The force had deserted her but rich men need young blood

She rode her daughter into many battles

Three years later, she introduced her second daughter too

They took the town by the storm

Rode men of timber and caliber into profit

She had met with the elders and empowered them everywhere

They had the backing of the ancestors, deities and elders

They went one day and never came back

Some people closer to the deities used them

Just like that!

Now she roams about the city, begging for bread

Like Caesar, the force she trusted stabbed her in the back!