Femi (Brother)
1 O perfect life of love!
All, all, is finished now,
All that He left His throne above
To do for us below.
2 No work is left undone
Of all the Father willed;
His toil, His sorrows, one by one,
The Scriptures have fulfilled.
3 No pain that we can share
But He has felt its smart;
All forms of human grief and care
Have pierced that tender heart.
4 And on His thorn-crowned head
And on His sinless soul
Our sins in all their guilt were laid
That he might make us whole.
5 In perfect love He dies;
For me He dies, for me.
O all atoning Sacrifice,
I cling by faith to Thee.
6 In ev'ry time of need,
Before the judgment throne,
Thy work, O Lamb of God, I'll plead,
Thy merits, not mine own.
7 Yet work, O Lord, in me
As Thou for me hast wrought;
And let my love the answer be
To grace Thy love has brought.
Femi (Sister)
This love is beyond feelings.
I can't explain it. It's like a
It is not feelings, it's a person.
Jesus, you are love....
You are love!!!
I have love burning inside of me.
See what you have caused now.
I've been crying since.
His love is just washing over me.
Reminding me of where I was before
I met you and how he has transformed
my life and shown me grace.
How I prayed to Him to send
someone to help me and then I met
you on Twitter.
He loves me....oh how He loves me
I was born again but didnt know what it
meant to be born again.
I didn't know who I was in Christ,
I didn't know the Holy Spirit.
He didnt leave me that way.
He connected me to you and now
I'm free.
Grace and peace has been multiplied
through the knowledge of God my
Father and Jesus Christ my Lord
Femi (Brother)
So I have a testimony...
Some will remember I used to own
a lounge and I followed the Holy Spirits
leading to shut it down.
Turns out I had a significant debt
after closing it down..
I was relaxed that He would sort me out...
A few weeks ago whilst ministering
on Telegram, I heard a word of prophecy
saying all debts paid...
I spoke it oh... but didn’t think of myself
as a beneficiary .... ANYWAYS...
Fast forward today..
He DID! Debt paid!
Gbenga (Brother)
The day I met His love, I was in Oshogbo,
I was lost those days!
So lost I embarked on wanderings to
find myself!
I went to Iwo, ila Orangun, Eruwa,
Everywhere in the southwest!
I was searching for myself!
I had no money and I was not chasing
I had secondary school friends living in
these places.
I just started walking about looking
for them! Nobody understood!
My soul was lost! I was lost!
I couldn't place a meaning on my life!
I was just not real!
I went to see this guy in Oshogbo! Kazeem!
He took me in and treated me well!
We talked in the evening and strolled!
I didn't know what I was looking for
but I knew when I see it, I will recognize it!
This fateful day, I was at the Motor Garage
close to Terminus hotel!
A bus came out of nowhere! 18 seater
bus on full speed!
I had gotten lost in thought and wandered
into the road!
The bus hit me!
My hands jumped right in front of
me instinctively to protect my body!
The bus hit me and the bus jumped
It was as if a bubble suddenly
covered me!
I stood there and I wasn't shaken,
injured or hurt!
The bus was pushed backward!
The bus was shivering and trembling!
The driver too! Everybody!
It was a crazy day!
I stood there like a maverick!
Nobody knew who I was or
where I came from!
A man came out of crowd and
draped his hand across my shoulder!
By that time the adrenaline had
started rushing through my body
and I was shivering!
The man said "Olorun feran re o.
Ma gbagbe! Meaning " God loves you,
dont forget!"
This was 2002 or 2003!
His love was loving me too much!
Even when I didn't know him!
Thank you Jesus!
Thank you for loving me
Sister Iyabo
I know that bubble covering of protection.
I felt it too when I had an accident
years back.
I was not injured one bit and the
car was a write-off!
Jesus truly loves us even before
we know Him.
Now my heart is racing and I'm
Jesus is Love!
Love is Jesus!
His love is so great
He brought Heaven to us
NOTHING can separate us from Jesus!
Brother Eyitayo
You know that moment; that alone
moment with Him when all is quiet
and you can literally feel His
love pour upon you?
My heart’s racing now
Sister Amaka
My God
My God
Thou at great and mighty
For you have loved us before
we found you
Before we knew you
You have loved us
We thank you
We glorify you
You are worthy
Ever worthy
I refuse to cry
I remember my thoughts
Those devilish thoughts and how
they’ve been washed away
The turning around of my life
was mighty
Thank you Father
You love showed me I had more
to offer
Your love showed me that I wasn’t
what I had called myself
Thank you Father
Sister Gbemi
The day I did "follow follow" in school
as a trusting fresh student
I followed a male friend and his friend
to hang out.
Instead of them to take me back home,
they took me to their house in Quarters
in OAU very dark, lonely road like that.
I did not even know anywhere.
My friend started saying he wanted
to sleep with me.
I did not understand.
Offered me money, blackberry bold,
and what not.
I started begging the Holy spirit oo.
Me that left my room without my phone.
Did not even tell my roomies what I
was going out.
His friend used his key to lock us in
stared at us asking what was happening.
Apparently, they already had a pan in place.
He just said "leave her omo ote leleyi"
(Meaning leave her she is naive)
and they drove me back in stony silence.
My slippers were in my hands till I got
to my room.
I found out later that was the in thing at
that moment in Quarters.
Gang raping girls.
The Holy Spirit changed their minds.
The guy even changed the TV station to
Chinese as I did not agree.
Thank you Holy spirit.
I never would have been able to live
that down...
Brother David
One experience of His love
I cannot hold back is sometime last year
at worship & warfare session of RCCG
It was Mercy Chinwo ministering.
My eyes were closed and hands lifted partly
singing, partly praying in the Spirit.
Suddenly I felt this warmth on my right
side (as if someone was closing-in) and
then a peck on my right cheek.
Then He said, "I love you..."
With tears uncontainable
I responded, "I love you too Lord Jesus.
I love you, I love you...
It was much later before Mercy Chinwo
started singing her hit song,
"Jesus you love me too much..."
You can imagine what meaning the song
had to me and how with every being in
me, I sang it!
Brother Frank
Romans 5:8
[8]But God showed his great love for us by
sending Christ to die for us while we
were still, sinners.
This dumbfounds me each time I think of it.
His love is greater than life itself.
PS: Today His love made himself known to us,
His love brought us to tears of joy
His love took us to the past
His love quickened us and strengthened us
His love preserved us, and lifted us
His love loves loving us! As we learn to love Him
(The discussion above was taken from the
PSSBCNigeria/GSWMI Ministers Platform
today, 13th December 2019!)
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