

She became a flight hostess in her 
early twenties, it was a job she wanted 
ever since she took her first flight at 
the age of five
She couldn’t explain her obsession 
with the job
She just loved it!
Her parents did everything to dissuade 
her from doing the job
They felt it was too risky and too unstable 
for a young woman looking to settle down 
one day and have a family
Her mother especially went to war with her 
over the issue
Her father was with her mother at the 
beginning but the moment her father realized 
it was driving a wedge within the family, 
he softened his stance and convinced her 
mother to do the same
She had her way!
It was a fulfilling job, a blessing
She got to see the world and meet 
many people
It was also a job that kept her busy and left 
her with very little time for her own life
She met her husband on the job
He was an engineer
He boarded a flight she worked on and 
forgot a vital document and one of his phones 
The protocol was for her to hand over the 
items to another staff at the customer 
relations department where the owner would 
be sought out
But she saw the date on the document 
It was to be presented at a meeting that 
His business card was taped to the document
She called him
He asked if she could bring the document to 
He told her a return trip to the airport would 
be counterproductive as he would miss the 
window for the meeting he was to have 
with a top government official
She had no immediate flight out
She took the document to him
That was how they started
She really liked him and believed he was 
the man for her for always
They got married a year later
As soon as they were rounding off their 
honeymoon and she started planning her 
work itinerary with him
She realised the marriage was a mistake
He had assumed she would resign as an 
air hostess after the marriage and choose 
another job that would make her more 
available to him
She had never thought of it
She loved her job and wouldn't have married 
him if she thought it would mean the end 
of her career
He didn't take her determination
to keep her job well
That was the first crack in the wall of their 
As cracks do when not paid immediate 
attention, things got worse
He became very insecure, often accusing 
her of sleeping around with imaginary men 
simply because she was beautiful and 
chose to keep her job
She never gave him a reason to doubt her 
His accusations hurt her deeply
They were not mere words to her, they were 
a reflection of how he saw her
A reflection of the worth he had ascribed to her
She withdrew from him
Whenever they talked or chatted, she was 
always brisk and impersonal
She developed a defensive attitude towards
him and his hurtful words
The second crack was the intimacy 
between them
He started deliberately wearing condoms 
when they made love
Even though she told him she wanted to 
get pregnant
He would say "I cannot cut short my life 
because a wayward woman wants to have 
a child! How many shots can I count that has 
landed in that hole?"
She had to close her legs eventually
His use of their marital bed to try and shame 
herb into leaving her job too denigrating 
She faced her job
Her company expanded their operations to 
She met a guy, he was a staff of their company 
but he was based at the South African branch
He liked her and he was respectful about his 
She liked him too but she had drawn the lines
Infidelity was a no no for her!
One evening after her shift, he called her room 
on the intercom and they got talking
Somehow the discussion became very deep 
and her body began to react to his probing words
After some minutes he invited her over to his 
room, she hesitated a bit but declined
Some minutes later, he knocked on her door
It was her weakest moment ever
She knew it before she opened the door 
to him
The moment he walked into her room, she 
knew her marital vows were toast
It was just sex
Safe sex
The affair was a whirlwind
She consoled herself that her marriage 
was dead before she veered off course
Three months after the affair started her 
husband started to change
He had been going for ma
Marriage counseling and the effect 
was glaring
He reached out and wanted them to 
start all over
She was glad
That night, as they kissed and caressed
She started feeling a very strange 
reaction all over her body
Goode pimples, chilly feeling in her bones 
and it suddenly felt as if she was choking
She pushed her husband off her and told 
him she just wasn't ready
The next day they tried again, she endured 
to the point when he entered her
At that point the dam broke
She threw him off with a venom
He looked at her and said "You have been 
cheating on me"
She couldn't say a word
She just looked away in shame! 
Her husband left their matrimonial home 
the next day
She cried and cried
She called off the affair
She felt too dirty and empty to continue 
with it
It took her a year to bury the remains of 
her marriage
She also moved into a smaller apartment 
that reminded her less of the failed marriage 
and started to mend
She met a guy, a photojournalist who seemed 
to see her soul
He cared greatly for her
One thing led to another one day on his apartment
They kissed and started to make out
The feelings returned, violent and venomous
The almost killed him in her sudden rage
He never ever spoke to her again
She didn't know what was wrong with her
In her ex-husband's case, she could say 
it was the guilty conscience
But she couldn't lay a hand on the cause 
for her reaction to a guy she very much 
wanted to be with
A theory started brewing in her head
She decided to give it one more shot, 
just to test out her theory
She had many admirers, it was one of 
the perks of her job
She called one of them who had been 
very keen to be with her
They met at a hotel
He made his moves
She played along
The moment he started undressing her, 
she lost it
It was as if something was welling up 
within her
A dangerous putrid invisible air
Her admirer had to call the hotel's security 
to throw her out
It was that bad
No other person had the motive
or the emotional irrationality to afflict
her than her ex-husband
The more she thought about it, the
more it made sense to her
She believed her husband had gone to do 
something diabolical against her to punish 
her for cheating on him while they were 
She believed he put the charm on her
that night when she had the strange reaction
for the first time
She picked her phone and sent him a message
She told him what had been facing and begged 
him to please forgive and release her
She threatened that if he didn't she would 
have to go seek vengeance using any means 
Her ex-husband sent a message to the 
Brother in jeans and T-shirt on Twitter
He told his story
He swore he never did anything to his 
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told him 
to bring his ex-wife to his office
They came on a Tuesday morning 
She told the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
everything that she had been going through
Her ex-husband said he was too disappointed
in women in general and had kept off a 
relationship since they broke up
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told them 
about so many strange spirits and how they 
manifest in people
He told her he had seen her case before
It was an affliction that came to him from 
the man she had an affair with
He had a strange spirit (either deliberately 
sought for or accidentally contacted cannot 
be determined) that binds whoever he slept 
with to him and makes it difficult for such a 
person to have sex with another person!
She had never heard of such before!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told her 
about the Lord Jesus and the power of 
the Holy Spirit
She believed! 
He led her to Christ
She got filled with the Holy Spirit
She started retching and belching until 
she vomited all huge gulps of phlegm!
When it was over, he blessed her and 
decreed her restoration!
They left!
Three months later she called the brother 
in Jeans and T-shirt to say she was pregnant
It was puzzling
How did she get to jump into another bed 
so fast after she had come to know the 
Holy Spirit
She said it wasn't just another bed!
When they were going home after the prayers, 
her husband took her to a restaurant buy 
her lunch
They talked and the whole thing ended up 
in his room
She had been with him since then and their 
marriage had been restored!
She delivered the baby on Monday, 
10th February 2020
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt named 
the baby "Beulah"

Gbenga Samuel-Wemimo, [12.02.20 11:00]

Ps: Love forgives
Love forgets
Love starts over
Love does not take strong selfish stands
Love is protective and considerate
Love seeks help when floundering 
Love acknowledges when it has erred
Love does not say Never again!

GSW's notes: There are strange realities that 
the unfaithful come into everyday
The realities are physical, psychological, 
emotional and sometimes spiritual!
Please shun that temptation
It is better to leave it unexplored than to 
explore it and live the rest of your life in 
bondage or regret!