Manifesting Christ

Manifesting Christ

I once laid on the same bed with a lady, 
I wasn’t married at the time. I met her at a 
Christian gathering and she told me she 
wanted to build a website to support her 
business but she couldn’t put the content 
of the website together
She asked if I could help, I said Yes. We
exchanged phone numbers and she called 
during the week asking if she could come 
and see me
I said Yes!
She came around, I was living in a two bedroom 
flat at the time
I had a laptop
I had a fully furnished sitting room
I had planned that we would just conduct our 
business and
that would be that
It started very well until she got a slight 
headache and asked if she could lie down for 
a while
I pointed to the couch in the sitting room, 
she said “It was too close to the window”
She really looked distressed and I had no 
option but to point to the room
Just as she was walking into the room, she 
turned around and said “Can you please 
come and hold my hand, I feel so helpless 
right now”
I suspected nothing
I went with her and sat at the edge of the 
bed while she laid down
The voices went low and my head started 
experiencing a
very soft tingling sensation as she caressed 
my head
I somehow ended up on the bed and my 
hands swung to action in removing barriers 
with alacrity
Just when the pre-match training was over 
and the referee was to blow kick off
I realised that my Messi was depressed!
Don’t disgrace your ancestors here o
It had been jumping and passing the ball 
throughout the pre-match session
Even my playmate commented on its 
solidity but it was a no show for the main 
We tried very hard
In fact I almost turned to God in prayer 
to please not kill my
reputation with this lady
How would it be said in the congregation 
of ladies that my Messi saw an open goal 
and refused to even touch the ball!
After trying so hard, I gave up
The lady dressed up and after a while 
said she was leaving
I walked her to Ketu bus-stop!
I was looking
at the possibility of a rematch or a way 
to tell her to “kill me inside”(keep my secret) 
and not expose me to the world but 
I didn’t know how to word it.
She suddenly turned to me and said 
“I have HIV. I was raped somewhere in 
Oshodi two years ago and that was how 
I got it. I had sworn to infect as many 
people as I can with it in my lifetime.
Maybe you should go back now and stop 
following me.”
The words didn’t sink in immediately for 
many reasons but it finally did after I had 
walked her to the bus stop where she 
boarded a bus to Ikeja.
This was 2009.
The lady’s name was Bidemi, she died of 
complications due to AIDS two years later
I came across our old emails some hours 
ago and I started crying
God loves me!
He loves me in such a manner that many 
mortals cannot comprehend, he wouldn’t 
even suffer my foot to slip or to be
dashed against a stone.
Several times before I gave my life to Jesus, 
God rescued me from destruction
During the cultists vs. Indigenes clash in 
Eruwa, in the early 2000s, I was a UI student 
who went to check his babe that was caught 
in the cross fire
I could have been shot dead
or burnt alive like many others
A man came out of nowhere and said “Why 
are you beating my son, leave him alone. 
This old man called himself “Baba Abiye 
and rescued me from angry indigenes 
who couldn’t tell the difference between 
cultists who came from other schools to 
kill in their town and a foolish boy whose 
parents sent to UI but who chased skirt 
to Eruwa.
My life was preserved in Oshogbo in 2003
I went to see a friend, Kazeem at Terminus 
area and a bus came out of nowhere and 
hit me with full force!
I flew up in the air and landed on my feet like
Iron Man in an Avenger movie!
It was as if I was cocooned by a balloon 
and couldn’t be touched.
I had no injury whatsoever
Even I couldn’t explain it.
After I gave my life to Jesus in 2007, the 
near-death experiences stopped until the 
Messi’s mess up I described above!
I have seen God turn my seemingly ordinary
 life into a glorious one.
Nobody who knew me five years ago could 
recognise me now
Everything about me was transformed by 
the Holy Spirit in such a manner that I 
cannot explain
It suddenly dawned on me that He 
preserved me because He has a
purpose for my life
I am fulfilling that purpose today
Armed robbers beat the hell out of me 
at 21, even broke my jaw but didn’t shoot 
me even when I had attacked one of them 
foolishly and deserved to be killed.
The love of Jesus is a sweet testimony in 
my mouth! No one has lived such a 
wonderful life I live now without His 
presence and power.
I have seen the dead rise and many sick 
people restored to good health in this 
my short life
I have seen destinies transformed and 
glories rise into greatness out of obscurity
I have seen grace speak and heard mercy
I have experienced the kind of miracles 
that made people put pictures of some 
Men of God on their signboards
I am surrounded by His Glory at every 
level and many call my mother blessed 
because of me
What Jesus has done with my life kept 
me awake all night as I prayed and
sang glorious songs to His Holy Name.
If you don’t yet know Jesus, or if you 
know Him and you have not experienced 
His transforming life, please send me a 
DM or a message on 08072744871 WhatsApp!
You can check out to see 
the exploits in pictures, video and
writing that God is doing through us all over 
the world as we grow in the knowledge 
of Christ
Today I am manifesting Christ and so are my
We are all manifesting His Glory! 
This above all is my joy.
My sisters are opening blind eyes and my 
brothers are raising the dead
Our fellowship is vibrant and we don’t have 
any church politics to deal with!
Glory be to God
We are the prolongment
Of the days of Christ upon the face of the earth!