Green Eyed
The voice in her wouldn't stop
'He is cheating on you'
'All men are cheats'
'He is sleeping around'
'A girl is chasing him'
He is a good man
He has never cheated on her
She knows where he is at any time of the day
But that voice won't stop
Always gnawing
Always whispering
She waits for him to sleep
She picks his phone
Checks Text messages
Word for word
She looks for codes
'Anagrams, connotative, denotative
Idioms, proverbs, wise sayings'
She goes to Whatsapp
New contacts, new messages
With a fine comb, she becomes CIA
Where is the collusion?
Eventually she finds something
Her eyes turn green
She wakes him up
'Who is so and so?
Why is she asking you when you will be in the office?
He gets irritated
He: 'You this woman, don't kill yourself'
She: Why are you evading the issue? Mr. Holy Husband, I knew I would catch you
She: It is a matter of time. Who is she? Answer the question
He: Let me see (He checks the phone) isn’t this your tailor? The one you said should deliver your clothes to me at the office yesterday?
She: (Checks) Oh, I saved her name as so and so on my phone.
He: Shakes his head
He: Why are you so insecure? Why are you so suspicious?
She: See you know I am very jealous by nature, it is how I am
He: You can change, you need to change, you are hurting yourself
She: God is a jealous God, I am like God, I watch jealously over what belongs to me!
One day she wakes him up, causes a big ruckus
He: Please let me sleep
She: Who did you send engagement list to on your Whatsapp? I have seen her picture and I have sent her a stinker, you will not marry a second wife in my lifetime.
He: What have you done?
She: Don't twist it?
He: I sent the list to our in-laws, the family coming to marry my younger sister, have you not been involved in the whole marriage arrangements?
She: Oh! Well, one can never be too careful nowadays
He: Apologize to that woman immediately, you have really embarrassed yourself
She: Isn't she a woman? She will understand
It got so bad she insists they must always do video calls so that she can see where he is at anytime she calls
It took five years but he eventually got weary of it
He started staying longer at the office, doing nothing...
He started lashing out at her
It was pure reflex
She grew less attractive everyday
She stopped making sense to him
When she calls, he wouldn't pick
When he is home, he wouldn't smile
Her defense was erected against external forces
Civil war caught her pants down
She got scared
Pastor, I don't understand my husband anymore
He has completely shut me out
I am no longer good enough for him
I have become one of those women whose husbands treat like pariahs
At 34, Pastor! 34!
I can’t survive like this
Pastor: Is he cheating on you?
She: I can't say
She gets home
She: Pastor wants to see you
He: You are a foolish woman, so lacking in wisdom
She: What have I said that you are insulting me? Why is it that even my shadow disgusts you nowadays?
He: You went to report me to your pastor, instead of buying wisdom!
He: You assume I am the one with a problem here?
She: So am I the one with a problem? I cook, you won’t eat. I don’t cook, you don’t notice. I call you, you won’t pick. You won’t call me. I touch you, you fling my hands away. We share a bed but i might as well be sleeping in Siberia
He: I will no longer indulge your demon called jealousy. It is either you cast it out or you marry it. And if you take too long to deal with it, i may have to deal with it for you
She: How?
He: The natural way. I will just marry another wife and you can stay or leave!
She runs to pastor.
Pastor: He has confirmed to me that he wants to marry another wife
Pastor goes home with her
He talked
Pastor talked
She talked
Pastor talked
Pastor: Does your husband check your phone?
She: No sir, but it is because he doesn't love me. I have nothing to hide
Pastor: Does your husband eavesdrop on your phone calls?
She: No
Pastor: Do you eavesdrop on his calls?
She: Yes, but it is for his own good. The women of nowadays are very subtle, they lure the very unsuspecting into their traps and he is a very simple man. i am defending him
Pastor: You must never check his phone again, you must never pick his calls, you must never eavesdrop, you must never make an issue over any conversation he is having with a third party to which he did not invite you.
Now if he gives you reason to doubt him, you can disobey me
She felt pastor took sides with her husband
She cried.
Worse still, her husband showed no tenderness towards her. He watched her cry without saying sorry or showing any emotion. It hurt her
But she listened.
She toned it down
Five years later, she was happy she listened
Jealosy ruining relationships since 900BC