

She could barely hold back the tears
as she walked into the office of the 
Brother in jeans and T-shirt that morning
She was pregnant, the bump was just
showing but it was obvious
She was in her thirties
She looked frail and weak
It might be as a result of the pregnancy
Often times, pregnant ladies look
weaker than they really are, especially
unhappy ones
He watched her as she sat down before
him, holding her head
She was really in agony
He offered her some tissue papers
She took them and blew her nose
It took her about five minutes to
compose herself
She apologized often
He offered her some water
She drank and relaxed a bit
He asked her how far gone she was
with the pregnancy
She said "Four months"
He told her his own wife just delivered
a baby girl at the time
They chit-chatted about this and that
Then he asked her how he could be
of help to her
She said "I have been married for six 
years and God has blessed us with
two children
This is our third baby that I am carrying!
I married a good man
My husband is quiet, reflective, caring
and very considerate
He was the only son of his parent
He was also a very brilliant man
whose potentials are waiting to be
fully explored
Our plan as a couple was to travel to
the United Kingdom where my husband
had a full scholarship to study
He was dragging the travelling issue
with his parents when he met me
They insisted he couldn't travel abroad
He insisted he was going to travel, infact,
he had bought his ticket and planned
to travel without their blessings when
he met me
We met at the Embassy
I was planning to travel too and went to
the embassy to submit my documents
and do my biometrics registration
We got talking and somehow we bonded
Two days after we met, i went to visit
him at home
He was still living with his parents
His mother took to me immediately
His father also
I didn't know I was just a pawn in their
They told him they love me and he 
must marry me and get me pregnant 
before he traveled
They were just afraid if he traveled, he
would follow the footstep of many others
and get lost in the White man's country
To put their minds at ease, they want
a marriage and a baby
My husband told me of this conversation
He didn't take his parents serious
His mother called me about a week 
later and pleaded with him to consider
their son and their plight
All they wanted was for him to plant
deep roots within the family before
traveling abroad
His sisters were also co-opted into
the plot
They befriended me and subtly persuaded
me to marry him and get pregnant
I had my own plans
I wanted to get married 
I also wanted to travel abroad
I was willing to go with whichever
came first
Eventually, my husband proposed
He did so four months after i met him
My family embraced him with joy
His family took me as a daughter
We got married in Lagos
On the day of our wedding, his mother
gave me a brand new set of bedsheets
She said when we get to our hotel for
the honeymoon, i must spread the
bedsheets on our bed before we 
made love
She said it had been specially blessed
by some clerics and will help us conceive
After the wedding ceremony, we went off
to our honeymoon
Somehow I forgot the bedsheets in the
booth of the car where we had our other
wedding gifts
My husband especially was in a naughty
mood on the honeymoon night
We changed in the hotel room and went
down to the restaurant for our special
dinner for two!
I stood up in the middle of the dinner
I had to go freshen up in the ladies
My husband sneaked in after me
into the ladies
I watched "us" in the restroom
mirror as he took me from behind
It was one of those rare nights when
everything was good and right
I forgot all about the bedsheet
My mother-in-law didn't ask about
it too
Our honeymoon lasted two weeks
When we saw his parents and mine
a month later to say thank you
Everything was fine
We went back to work
I was working at that time as a 
marketer for PHCN
My husband was a consultant with
an IT firm
He was an engineer and a trainer
I was five months pregnant before
I knew I was pregnant
It was shocking to me
My job required that I move around a lot
On one of such days when I was on duty
I suddenly felt very dizzy
I went to the hospital the following day
and i was confirmed pregnant
As soon as my mother-in-law heard
it, everything changed
"Didn't you use the bedsheet I gave you?
Who told you it was allowed for you to
get pregnant in your first year of marriage!
She said many things that were very
It was as if they didn't want me to get
pregnant or have children
My husband couldn't believe his ears
He was so shocked that he said his
mother was speaking like a witch
His mother took offense
His mother started raining curses
on us and our children
My husband got sacked that week
The scholarship got revoked
Everything went spiraling badly
I had to bear the family through
my pregnancy for almost a year
A pastor told my husband to go
and beg his mother
The pastor said he wouldn't make
any headway without begging
My husband went to beg
His mother said it was fine
My husband got another job
after he begged
My husband was especially hurt
by what happened
He felt his mother was playing
power games with his life and
he was determined more than 
ever not to give his mother
that kind of power over him
We kept away from his parents
My husband especially didn't
want to hear anything about 
He was seriously convinced his 
mother was either a witch or
a destiny saboteur!
He stopped picking his mother's
calls and forbade me from picking
his mother's calls too
I got pregnant with our second child
around this time
We told nobody
We joined a church and started
My husband started planning to
take us out of the country
We wanted to migrate to Canada
we cleared all the stages and were
imputing some data on the website
when the website suddenly crashed!
We had to start all over
It was a tedious process and it took
We moved out of our apartment
The one known by everybody into another
apartment in another location
We changed churches and friends
My husband was determined to isolate
himself from his mother's influence
I delivered the baby
We didn't tell anybody
We started the process again, filled the forms
made the payments and applied for our visa
The embassy called us to come and
submit our passports
Finally, we will be traveling
My husband believed his Isolationist
technique worked
Nobody could monitor his activities
and sabotage it with witchcraft
We submitted our international 
We waited for the visa
One month, three months, five months
Then I discovered I had gotten 
As usual, I was already three months
gone before I found out
My husband is losing it
He couldn't sleep anymore
He was nervous and tensed up
He believed it was witchcraft at
He has prayed and fasted and cried
Sir! Please, we need divine 
Please help us!
As she spoke, The Brother in Jeans
and T-shirt kept hearing the word
Gibeonite in his spirit 
"Where is your husband?" He asked her
"He is in the car downstairs" She replied
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told
her to go and get her husband 
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt opened
the Bible to the book of Joshua 9
He told them the story of the Gibeonites
He said "Many come into the church
today like the Gibeonites! They come 
because they are harrassed by the hordes
of darkness and needed a refuge
They come in with a religious mindset 
believing that if they pray and fast God
will protect them from the enemy
And yet they remain outsiders to the
Have you and your wife ever given your
lives to Jesus? The Brother in Jeans and 
T-shirt asked them
They shook their head
The husband says "I help out in the technical
department of our church, though, I am not
a worker but I am a volunteer!"
The wife says she helps out with the
children class in the church
Church activity and being born again
are not the same thing
Many believers have carnal mindsets
about the things of the spirit
Looking for special prayers, special
fastings, thunder, and lightening
while walking in ignorance of the 
basics of being a believer!
"When you give your life to Jesus
you become born again! 
You become a new creature
A Christkind
A Melchizedek like being who has
no past 
You are born into the life realm
Born into the realm of light
Born from Above!
Nobody can ever lay claim to your
life or destiny
You don't need to hide from anybody
You are not cowered into silence
You can never be put at a disadvantage
You are above all because you are
from above!
He told them he would prove it to them
He led them to Christ
After they gave their lives to Christ
They started praying in the Holy Ghost
Then they made their declarations
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt blessed
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told them
to call their family members and relate
with them
Light does not hide from the darkness
You do not put the light under a bushel
Shine! Shine! Shine!!!
They left rejoicing!
One week later, they got their passports
Two weeks later the entire family 

Ps: Many Christians are still running
scared of witches and dark powers
You will make a victim of yourself and
embolden the enemy by your fear
Jesus said "Nothing shall by any means
hurt you"
Why are you acting as if the scripture
was lying or only telling half-truths?
Your unbelief is a weapon for the enemy
repent today!
You can never be put at a disadvantage
It is impossible for darkness to reign
over light!
Romans 5: 17 For if, by the trespass of 
the one man, death reigned through 
that one man, how much more will 
those who receive an abundance of 
grace and of the gift of righteousness 
reign in life through the one man, 
Jesus Christ!
If you are Born again, you have received
an abundance of grace and the gift
of righteousness through Jesus!
You have the right to reign in life!
The Gibeonites couldn't reign even
though they were in the promise land
because they are not children of the
There are many in the church today who
ar like the Gibeonites
Churchgoers and benchwarmers, if
you are one of such, it is wise to get you
Citizenship papers today by accepting 
Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour.
Do not join those who mock the Holy Spirit
and speaking in tongues
Be filled with the Holy Spirit and once you
are filled do not give room to any fear of
Just reign!