He was an upcoming preacher
Married five years
He had an opportunity
To preach at a big church
He told his young wife
'Please lock the doors,
put the children to bed early
pray before you sleep
I will call you immediately I get there
I will be back first thing tomorrow morning.'
She prepared the children
Drove them to school
Tidied up the house
Went to work
Picked the children from school
Did homework, prepared lunch
It thundered
Day turned to night so fast
They slept off.
She couldn't breathe
Something was crushing her throat.
She struggled
It was a hand
She kicked and groaned
Opened her eyes
There were six of them
With guns, machetes and knives
'Where is the money?'
She pointed to the room
She was yanked up
She led them to the room
They took all the cash and jewellery
She cooperated.
They took all the valuables
Their leader turned to her
Fondled her breasts
Tore her clothes
She wouldn't dare scream
Her two little girls
Asleep in the living room
What if they heard her scream?
What if they ran to the room?
What if they see her like this?
What if they get raped!
Teeth clenched, she bore it.
One after the other
Gun pointed down her throat
They took turns
The filled every opening
Chocked every space
She was their sport
They plundered her mercilessly
She was battered, bruised, broken and buried
Yet they persisted
Like a pack of Wolves
Like a pack of Hyenas
She died.
He found the doors wide open
He entered cautiously
'What could have happened?'
The living room was in disarray
He saw his daughters
Sleeping peacefully on the sofas
He was gone for only one day
And she couldn't even keep...
He saw her, in a pool of blood
Right by the bedroom door
He picked her up
Oh Jesus! Jesus!
He broke out in tongues.
He didn't quite understand it
Everything was a blur
He felt a garment envelope him
His inner man kicked in
He carried her into the car
Took his daughters to the neighbours flat
Drove like Mad Max
Got her to the hospital
She had a faint pulse
She had lost a lot of blood
She might not make it
He laughed at the doctor
She will make it!
He was so sure
He had no doubt
She made it
She came out of the coma within 24 hours
She was stitched and repaired
He was by her side
Every word in an angelic tongue
He rented a new apartment
He didn't want her traumatized
He got the best psychiatrists
Please help her, please
She responded, bit by bit
Her shattered reality was put together
He was with her, standing by her
She saw in his eyes
Who she really was
It helped her heal
The bleeding though did not stop
The issue of blood thing
The doctors said she had cancer
He was shocked
Can rape cause cancer?
Another year rolled by
The blood flow persisted
He fasted, he prayed, he skabashed
Doctors prescribed drugs
Nothing worked!
One day he asked her
Why is it you don't want this blood flow to stop?
She: What do you mean?
He: I know you, I have loved you since we were young adults if you want something you have a certain urgency but in this case, you have been flaccid. What is wrong?
She: The images in my head are killing me. I keep seeing them, I think I am broken forever, I want to die!
He: And what about me? What about our children? Did you even consider us in your ruminations? Were we even a factor?
She: You will move on. They will be fine. I am done!
He: I love you...
She: I got tired, I forgot to lock the door, I slept off. I keep asking myself why I was so foolish. Was it that I wanted this to happen to me? Why didn't I lock the door? Why did I sleep off? I put my children at risk though you warned me. It was all my fault
He: It is not your fault.
She: Then is it God's fault? Did God permit it to teach me a lesson? Was it because I didn't pray?
He: The thief did this. The enemy did this. It is not your fault and God is not to blame. God will never teach you a lesson this way.
She cried.
He told God 'Father, please take these images away from her head, take away the burden of guilt and shame, give her the oil of gladness, give her a reason to live in Jesus name. Amen.
That night as she slept, she saw herself nursing a set of twins.
The bleeding stopped!
The next morning, she found herself desiring to go out
They went for a picnic
They went to the cinema
They went shopping
They went to see friends and relatives
The conversation shifted away from self
Joy ushered in hope
Hope made her hormones sing
She returned to his bed
One year later
She delivered her set of twins
Happy memories prevailed
She lived
Her home was restored
Her joy renewed
Her husband didn't understand how God did it
What mattered was 'It was done.'
The Amalekites sacked Ziklag
But He pursued, overtook and recovered all
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