

He came into the room in the middle of the day
it was the last thing he was expecting
A visitor of such magnitude 
He was on his knees, praying earnestly for something
No! He wasn't praying for something
He was praying for something before that time
He had planned to pray for only a few minutes
While he was on his knees praying
He suddenly couldn't stop!
He felt a very heavy hold on his spirit
He prayed on and on
And suddenly, there He was
The effect of seeing "Him" was always somehow
You want to run
You want to wait
You want to scream
You want to bask
Your heart is singing
Your heart is fainting
Your legs are weak
Your nerves are tingling
Your spirit is calm
Your spirit is blissfully excited
Your flesh is on fire but you 
can't scratch it
You feel light all of a sudden
as if the slightest breeze could send you
afloat like a balloon
And yet somehow you know you won't float
or you know you will float while on your feet!
Floating while on your feet
He was light, he was life, he was love
He was a friend, a father and a teacher
His presence alone is knowledge
You dont have to ask him anything
You just know!
They had met before, years before
Those early days when He just gave his 
life to Christ and He was still
 wondering what it all meant
They met again, a few months
after that
The Lord pointed straight ahead and said "Look"
He looked in the direction of the outstretched hand
And He saw a stretch of white linen
The stretch was as wide as the sky
It was like seeing the heavens draped in white
Then he noticed at the hem of the white drape
Certain colours, not designs, more like dirt
The Lord said "Unrenewed minds"
Many with unrenewed minds are writing upon 
the canvass of the church
They bring in ideologies, ideas, beliefs,
misconceptions, worldly wisdom, superstitions,
fetish mindsets, sometimes, fetish lifestyles
into the Kingdom!
For this reason, they accommodate all sorts of
They are white but yet, their reality is coloured
They are light but they had patches of darkness 
And yet they are the ones struggling to teach
darkness how to walk in the light!
This is why they are stuck!
Blind leading the blind into a ditch!
I told Peter to feed my lambs and then my sheep!
The lambs are feeding by themselves now
The sheep are feeding by themselves
The shepherds are feeding by themselves
Sometimes the shepherds are feeding on the sheep
Sometimes the sheep are feeding on the lamb
Sometimes the shepherds simply don't know what to do
The bread had become stale and the presence now 
a fading memory
You hear many saying "When I was still hot" 
"When I was still fervent"
"When I was still walking in power"
In their head, their yesterday was better and there 
was no plan for tomorrow
The lure had them in knots
The dance as puppets to the whims of their
And their journey into reality is sabotaged!
It was the clash of reputation that bent many
The supernatural seemed too controversial
They towed the path of lukewarmness
Let's just share the moral code and leave the rest
They wanted another rest apart from my rest
And they got it
They rested while I was still working!
They retired!
My children are scared of occultic powers
My children are held sway by demonic influences
The light is overshadowed by darkness
This is an error!
It is time!
Knowledge is increasing
Doubt is increasing
Disbelief is on the increase
Human ideologies are on the rise
Darkness has a lot of names
But the light is shining out of Zion
The troubled shall seek it out
Those who are afflicted shall be drawn to it
The oppressed shall seek relief in it
The sick shall be healed in it
The dead shall rise in it
The confused shall be set on their courses in it
The Word shall be do-able not just spoken
The thirsty shall drink and be satisfied
The hungry shall eat and be satisfied
The prisoners shall reach out and be set free
I have planted this tree
To give shade to many, fruit to many, and leaves to many
I have channelled this river on a course of restoration
I am with you
I will keep you
Fear not!"
That moment froze
The words kept ringing in his ears
He didn't know he had started crying 
He didn't know the bed and the bed sheets were wet
He didn't know His T-shirt was wet!
He rose from his knees fifteen minutes later
It was almost 8:30 pm
He was in a daze throughout the night
The next morning, he got to church late
He wanted to do normal things to distract his mind
The experience had weakened him in a way
He knew he was introspecting and wondering
He didn't like over thinking stuff
Sunday service ended, he went to join the workers to pray
He held the microphone and sang in the spirit
Fire fell!
Even though people were in a hurry to leave
They couldn't!
From 11 AM, the atmosphere changed
The choir sang, people rejoiced and worshipped 
it continued till 12:30 AM
He got home and said
"Holy Spirit, I don't know what to do" 
The Holy Spirit said "It is time for practical
demonstration of Christ in love, power and grace,
it is time for theories to come to life!
It is time"
The week after was quiet for him
He felt somehow subdued
Many people wondered why he was suddenly withdrawn
Even He couldn't explain it
Everything has changed!

PS: This event happened on a Saturday 
If you have been singing the Lord's song in 
a Strange Land
If you have had a dream that turned 
your joy to sorrow
If your reality is not consistent with the reality 
we are supposed to have in Christ
Don't suffer on and claim life is full of ups 
and downs
The living water can flow right out of your belly
Set your course for greatness today!