The Oil at Zuph

The Oil at Zuph

They had a very strict rule during 
their campus fellowship days 
The rules applied especially to the 
executives of the fellowship 
The rules were made to rid the
 fellowship of unnecessary scandal 
among the leaders of the fellowship 
especially in terms of courtship and 
Excos in their final year must declare 
to the fellowship whosoever they 
are involved with publicly 
This was deemed important by the 
founders of the fellowship to prevent 
a repeat of certain experiences of 
the past in which many young ladies 
flocked around a particularly gifted
brother and such a brother saw it 
as an opportunity to take a bite of 
several apples before picking one 
They once had a fellowship President 
who had 29 girlfriends within the 
campus fellowship 
The Brother eventually married a lady 
from another fellowship a year after 
He left behind a lot of broken hearts 
and distrust! 
Many unbelievers on campus used him 
as a point of reference whenever they 
wanted to mock the members of the 
The brother was highly anointed 
He was the sort that many ladies fancied 
being married to because he was
destined for the top in every way 
He was also very friendly and open 
The sort ladies find it easy to approach 
for prayer and counseling 
His conduct was a public relations nightmare 
for the fellowship after he graduated 
This was why they made the rule that year 
They decided there must be a public 
declaration of who you are with so that 
other potential suitors would be aware 
that you are taken and consider other 
The rule was made to put an end to 
secret relationships and set an example 
of openness and transparency within 
the fellowship! 
Like all rules, the rule they made had 
its advantage and disadvantage 
Brothers were put under pressure by 
sisters to announce them even when 
the brother was not yet sure if he 
was willing to commit to their 
relationship for a lifetime 
Sisters were equally put under the 
same pressure announcement day was 
soon followed by many breakups, 
broken hearts and lot of "where are 
we going with this relationship" talks 
What was set up to prevent scandals 
became a problem for the executives 
Within a year of announcing the rule, 
the number of secret relationships 
increased and most executives only 
gave ladies promissory notes that they 
would date them after their term in 
office (If they can wait) 
Fellowship leaders abstained from 
relationships and good hands who 
were in relationships refused to accept 
leadership positions 
He joined the fellowship around that time 
He was a direct entry student 
He graduated from the polytechnic with 
a distinction 
He was also a Christian fellowship President 
in the polytechnic before crossing over 
to the school 
He was an asset to the fellowship and his
reputation preceded him 
Within a month of joining the fellowship, 
he was teaching and leading the fellowship 
so well that rumors began to spread that 
he would be appointed the next fellowship 
president when he got to his third year 
The wicked rumor persisted despite his 
prayers that it dissipates 
It seemed that was what the Holy Spirit 
had in mind for him 
There was a sister in the fellowship who 
was equally determined to be the President 
of the fellowship, she was a believer and 
a born again Christian 
There had been a lot of prophecies and 
word of knowledge pointing her in 
that direction 
She knew she would either be appointed 
the Fellowship President or given 
another position of prominence within 
the fellowship 
The Holy Spirit told her so and it wasn't 
because she was ambitious or seeking 
for it 
She had a vision in which she saw the
Holy Spirit point her to the altar within 
the fellowship and said "You will serve 
with me from there" 
The vision was so vivid and couldn't 
be mistaken for anything else 
Within the female hostel, she was by 
far the most effective fellowship leader 
She had a lot of fruits and her
fruits abide She was the go-to person for 
counseling and prayer within the fellowship 
She was young but it was obvious that 
she had an aura of grace and power all 
over her 
Her name was everywhere on campus 
When she ministers, the power of God was 
so evident that some fellowship
members and executives started calling 
her Kathryn Khulman 
The leadership of the fellowship would 
obviously be decided between the two 
of them 
The fellowship had never had a female 
President before 
The reason was that the ladies previously 
offered the position declined totally
based on the workload 
It was a highly demanding position that 
only students with excellent academic 
standing are considered for because it 
was a major distraction for some. 
They once had a president who graduated 
with a second class lower after becoming 
the president of the fellowship
because he couldn't combine both wisely 
They have also had a Fellowship president 
who was advised to withdraw by the school 
based on his academic performance. 
It was primarily due to this incident that 
the fellowship insisted on a very strong CGPA 
as a prerequisite for leadership
They were both in 200 level While he was a 
direct student and a fresher 
She was in her second year 
She didn't know why she disliked him 
From the moment she saw him ministering 
on The Leadership of the Holy Spirit during 
their Pentecost revival week
She knew he was a serious contender 
for the post the Holy Spirit signed, 
sealed and delivered unto her the 
first week she stepped her foot on 
the campus 
His ministration was backed by a 
demonstration of the power of the 
Holy Spirit in such a manner that 
she felt her spirit purring and 
quickened by his words
After the ministration, she saw 
the campus executive members 
hugging and congratulating him 
in such a manner that made her 
very jealous He was stealing her 
spotlight and he was a direct 
threat to the promises of God 
for her 
It bothered her for several days 
She didn't want to sit down idly while 
he would be given what had been 
promised to her from the beginning 
She decided she needed to do some 
cozying up to certain influential people 
among the fellowship's executive 
members so that she could sound 
them out and stylishly convince them 
to speak for her and vote for her when 
the time comes 
She decided to get closer to the current 
president of the fellowship and work 
out a mentee/mentor thing 
It would make her seemed very eager 
to learn and encourage him to speak 
for her as his mentee 
Other executive members would also 
see their relationship as a form of 
She had her eyes on the promise of God, 
she was determined not to lose what 
God had promised her 
She didn't share her thoughts with anyone 
She knew what most spiritual people 
will say 
The Bible recorded that Bathsheba 
and Prophet Nathan had
to convince David to crown Solomon King 
before it happened, even though it 
was the promise of God. 
Adonijah would have taken the crown 
by force if they didn't act 
There was a time for waiting and a time 
for action 
She went to the library to meet with 
the Fellowship's President...
She presented her case by stating that
The Holy Spirit has laid it upon her
heart to learn many things from him
and she would like for him to mentor
her henceforth
The President was happy that she came,
he wouldn't dare say no to the Holy Spirit
They set a time to meet and talk during
the week
She also volunteered to follow him to his
ministrations i.e invitations, follow-up
and evangelism
She was officially part of his team
As David was to Saul before taking over
the throne
She had heard a pastor say once that
Kings are raised through kings
Her plan worked out like a charm
She went everywhere with the 
President and learned a lot of things
At a point, it felt to her like the Holy
Spirit directed her to do what
she did because of the ministrations 
she saw and was privileged to be a 
part of
Then something unexpected happened
She couldn't tell how but she fell in love
with the Fellowship president
It had been going on for a while before
she was able to define what it was
She was twenty years old and had never
been in love before
The feeling was alien and very perturbing
She found herself thinking of him whenever
she knelt down to pray, eat, sleep or talk
She found herself daydreaming about
She found herself longing for his presence,
his attention and his validation
She found herself unable to sleep 
whenever he traveled off campus
and happy whenever he called her
on the phone
She tried as much as possible to mask
her feelings around him
They wrote the second semester 
examination and went off on the long
It was the first time she would be
away from him in months
His tenure as President was over
New excos will be chosen over the
holidays and announced by the first
week of the new semester
She felt it was time to push her case
and also see him
She called him and stylishly invited
herself over to his house
When she got there he was home 
They talked, but not about the fellowship
He told her how he felt about her
She found herself melting within
Everything he said was satisfying
Everything else faded
Suddenly she didn't want to be the
president of the fellowship anymore
She just wanted to be with him
She told him the truth
She felt they shouldn't start a 
relationship based on any falsehood
He listened to her and laughed
There was no way he would be President
and then his intended will be the 
president immediately afterward
He told her he would wait for her 
response to his proposal
Even if he had to wait for a year
so that she can push for the presidency
as instructed by the Holy Spirit
She said NO!
She doesn't want to play fast and
loose with him
Comparing a leadership position that
will last for year to being with him for
a lifetime felt like an insult
The executives were chosen
When school resumed, she was 
selected to be the Vice president of
the fellowship
The direct entry guy became the
She still served at the altar
They made a very good team and
deepened the foundations of the
fellowship on Campus
She believed she couldn't have done
a better job if she was the President
During their tenure, her younger
Sister gained admission into the 
Their tenure expired after a year
They graduated
She got married to her man three
years later
Her younger Sister became the first
female President of the same 
Three years after her younger sister
graduated, she got married to 
the Direct Entry guy she served as
Vice-president under
She didn't even know they were 
Her younger sister and her younger
Sister's husband started a ministry
and a church
She and her husband became 
ministers with them a year after the
ministry started
The ministry continues to thrive in
leaps and bounds

PS: This is the testimony of Pastor
E and Dr. Mrs. A Jesutogun, my
very good friends
I am celebrating the Holy Spirit at
Work in you, your family and ministry
Thank you for not complicating simple
things and forcing what ought not
to be!
Your example is an inspiration to many
Blessed be the Lord God of your

GSW's notes: Saul went searching for lost donkeys 
and ended up becoming King
Sometimes as you're led, your eyes
are looking elsewhere
I have been there several times
I love the lines especially
when they are blurry
Sometimes the Holy Spirit will send you
You will assume you know why until
you get there and discover the real 
Walking with the Holy Spirit is a real
Blessed are those who are led by Him

GSW will be in at the GSWMI Office
Theikos Doxa Evangelical Ministry
No 22, Funsho Williams
Avenue, Opposite Maldini Granite, Surulere
Lagos on Sunday to sign coipes of Lambano
and give such to those who have purchased
the book from 9am prompt. Thank you