The Sun Has Risen

The Sun Has Risen

I remember thinking over and over how unfair it was that the "Me Too" movement targeted only men as if many women did not commit atrocities against men and young boys before that period.

If you are making movies, writing, and prosecuting men for crimes against women that date back thirty to forty years in some cases, you should be doing the same about women who molested young men and abused their position of power and authority to exploit young men over the years too.

We should not weaponize society against men.

When men are stripped of their belief in their abilities as men, women will suffer more for it.

If we are telling our girls that they can be whatever they want in this world, we should not be doing so to the detriment of our boys.

"What a man can do, a woman can do better" makes no sense when we insist that the man is now of no value in society.

Men and women are equals.

The men who were proven guilty of crimes during the "Me Too" movement deserved whatever punishment they got.

The women who were never accused, slandered, or embarrassed, despite committing great atrocities against men, are not innocent. They may not be in a physical jail at the moment, but they are very guilty.

The wheels of justice do turn, even though it may do so ever so slowly!

The demonization of men by the feminist movement, in a bid to kill patriarchy, had a devastating effect on the men in our world in general.

It silenced them.

The cancel culture that followed did a number on men and pro-common-sense advocates all over the world at that time.

It silenced them.

When the truth is silenced, justice dies.

The truth is the lifeblood of justice.

Our world has some serious healing to do.

Our world also has some serious lessons to learn from her mistakes.

Imagine the aftermath of an election in which the winner has been clearly declared.

A nation that ought to rally around the obvious winner and encourage him or her to succeed as one remains divided against itself.

In Nigeria, an election was held several years ago. The people voted.

For the next eight years, on every social media platform, members of a particular ethnic group from the Eastern part of Nigeria kept insulting the members of another ethnic group from the Western part of the country for voting for the elected president from the North.

The war was over. The citizens, however, formed an active opposition against the government that was elected to see to their well-being.

Not only is this unhealthy, but it was never so in the past.

This unique challenge came with social media.

In the past, we allowed politicians to do politics.

When a party wins, the other party becomes an active and healthy opposition party.

The two parties check and balance each other to the advantage of the people.

The citizens did not become vile and aggressive against each other for eight years.

Yes, there were electoral tensions and sometimes a bit of violence, but it did not last for the entire duration of the government in power.

We have seen another election cycle in which the same mindset is repeating itself.

We seem to have accepted this reality as our new normal:

If you don’t vote for my candidate, you are to be shamed and insulted on social media every day for as long as your candidate is in power.

Every policy of the candidate in power must be evil, vile, and violently resisted.

The same pattern emerged in 2016 in the United States.

Two people contested an election. Somebody won, and we saw an immediate weaponization of the citizens against the person, including members of his government who ought to support him and work with him on policies that would help him succeed and make the country better.

In the last few months, I have seen people on television telling family members to avoid other family members who didn't vote for the candidate they voted for as punishment for their choice in the last election.

So-called psychologists were brought on television to declare that neighbors should avoid neighbors who didn't vote their way, and family members should avoid family members who didn't vote their way.

The psychologists and media talk heads claimed this is good for the health of the people.

No, it is not!

It is like having a child who throws tantrums because you won't let him have his way or a friend who, after a spat, decides to keep malice with you for having the gall to tell your side of the story.

We tell spouses with this attitude to work on it because it is unhealthy in a marriage.

Ladies often complain about men giving them silent treatment after a disagreement simply because they had their way, and their man was unhappy about it.

We counsel such men to desist from such behavior because it is unhealthy for their marriages.

But here we are, openly and deliberately advocating for families to be splintered along the political divide just to prove a point.

The deliberate psychological warfare by the media to neglect objectivity in their approach to news dissemination was key to all the social and cultural issues we have seen in the world these past few years.

The media mounted opinions as facts, and many citizens just toed the line.

The professors from the universities advancing these lies through the media must come out in a few years and announce to us how they came about turning the whole world into a social laboratory and the result of the experiments they are conducting on the nations.

Imagine the effrontery of the media to redefine who a real man is during the last election in the United States of America.

Beta men were pitted against Alpha men, and Alpha men were painted as evil and vile.

A lot of things have gone awry.

The push for the inclusion of all, to the exclusion of the majority, in a society that ought to be coming together has created several issues in the nations.

The redefinition of gender and the deliberate attempt to create a new normal, in which certain standards would be compromised to the ill of all, has created a monster that needed to be tamed quickly.

The Woke Mind Virus, which is deadlier than a nuclear virus, must be stopped in its tracks.

We have seen the ills it has brought to our societies, and we must all declare that enough is enough.

The talking heads that sold us lies after lies via the media over the years must be turned off.

We must refuse the urge to toe the line of artificial narratives and invented belief systems that are being churned out daily.

Staying relevant requires that we have a mind of our own!

The truth has always needed a champion. Without a rider carrying the flag of the truth, the truth can never prevail.

We must find a champion for the truth. We must be the champions of the truth.

A mind that is being programmed by a third party is not useful to itself.

We were created to own minds as individuals and rule over our minds by ourselves.

No pastor, imam, Krishna, or Buddha should be given the power to control our minds at the snap of a finger.

We must be able to make up our minds on what we want to believe based on the facts laid before us.

This is how a proper and functional human being must make decisions.

We have to return to that process and not sit before a television set in the name of listening to the news while we open our minds to the voices of many from various media platforms who repeat the same script over and over again based on a theory of communication.

We all need to take our minds back and own them.

I have good news for us.

There is a new sunrise.

The Sun of Righteousness has risen with healing in His wings.

He will heal our nations and cure the darkness that had been pushed like a cloud over the nations in the last few years.

The evil that suddenly gripped the nations had a spiritual stronghold. Many believers who are in tune with the Holy Spirit saw the dark clouds and prayed fervently that they would be dispersed, especially since the COVID onslaught in 2020.

We have made several gains since then with the help of the Holy Spirit.

2025 shall be the Year of the Sun of Righteousness.

According to the word of God, healing shall cover the nations as the rays of the sun stream over them.

The Woke Mind Virus shall be flushed out of our systems.

We will come to embrace the truth of the Word of God again.

The knowledge of the Lord shall cover the whole earth as the water covers the sea.

Expect with joy the year of our Lord 2025, The Year of the Sun of Righteousness. We receive this with thanksgiving, in Jesus' name. Amen.