She loaned him N300,000 when he wanted to buy his car, he paid her back in instalments, she didn’t mind at all. It was going to be their car after all? She had no intention of collecting the money back but he insisted.
They went house hunting together, she insisted on her choice even though it was a little above his budget, she loaned him another N500,000 to make up the acceptance, damages and agreement fees.
This time she told him it was a gift but he wouldn’t hear it. He went to his parents, got a loan and repaid her. He really wanted to be the man. She was so proud of him!
They went shopping, she bought the kitchenware, curtains, beddings, draperies... spent hours in yaba market.
He got the electronics, furniture, generator etc. They both took a week off work to set up their Eden. She supervised the artisans as they made shelves, cabinets, wall hangers and other repairs on the flat.
He was so grateful, that he made sure he refunded every kobo she spent out of her own money and even compensated her with some thank you gifts. The house was set. he now had a car, she had a car also. They both had good jobs and then she started shopping for their wedding.
He had been talking a lot about settling down lately and a proposal was imminent
He didn’t propose
Her mother got worried. The "you are not getting any younger" talks intensified She spoke with her sister, what do i do?
Everybody says if he wouldn’t propose she should break-up with him before it is too late. She couldn’t.
She started withdrawing from him tacitly. They usually spent one day a week together. She suddenly became ‘busy’.
He didn’t make a fuss.
Two months later, he called out of the blue to inform her he was at her gate. She opened the gate and saw him standing next to a twenty-something year old pretty face with a plastic smile
She: Hi
Him: I am sorry i came this early, I know you have been very busy nowadays but I must share this news with you before anyone else. Yvonne here reported to my office two months ago for Industrial Training. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her.
I proposed yesterday and she said yes. I have told her all about you and our great friendship.
She fought back the tears. Gritted her teeth. Inhaled
He: Are you okay?
She: I have a headache.
He: Sorry
She: Can i meet up with you guys later, please call me.
They left.
Her knees wobbled at the gate. She fell to the ground and cried.
He had been her only friend since 200L
It was only natural that they marry.
They discussed everything, they were best friends!
That night she called him
She: Are you at home?
He: Yes, Are you feeling better now?
She: Can I come over
She went over, laid her head on his chest and cried
He held her
She didn’t say anything, but he got it
She: I am sorry, I didn’t know I love you this much
He held her by the shoulder, pulled her gently away from his chest and looked into her eyes
He kissed her, she kissed him back
Angels sang in the realms of glory
Six months later
He married her!
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