His younger brother drives a Taxi in Texas.
His wife is a nurse
They have all lived in Dallas for twenty years.
His younger brother has prospered.
Younger brother and wife had bought three houses in Nigeria
and here he is, the older one, a shoe salesman
barely able to pay his rent.
He took stock of his life.
He had dropped out of secondary school in Lagos.
Worked briefly at a Local government before leaving Nigeria.
Twenty years later, he is now an American citizen.
That's all he has. Blue Passport.
He went to his younger brother.
They reasoned together.
He collected his tax returns
He came to Nigeria
Found himself a young lady with a good brain,
married her.
He was 40, she was 31.
It took a while but she joined him.
He immediately put her in the school of nursing.
"She will be my 'Dollar Mint" he reasoned.
She graduated, started working.
He reasoned, 'She is making money now'
Why do I need to work?
He started living like a king
The wife didn't bat an eye
Until she found the letter
An old letter by his ex based in the UK.
Talking about his nonchalant attitude towards his two children
She: So you have children in the UK?
He: It was a mistake I made several years ago
She went to his brother to report him.
His brother laughed, told her he has eight children from different women, six in Nigeria and two in the UK.
Her eyes hung open
Love had eaten the forbidden fruit
He begged her, he begged.
Had it been she wasn't pregnant she would have left.
She swallowed it.
But the knowledge of good and evil had destroyed Eden.
She began to watch out for her interest
She had a daughter, started saving more.
He went back to work.
She completed her ARNP, started earning more, she bought a car.
He started cruising about town at will.
He tells whoever cares to listen, how his wisdom bought him a 'Dollar Mint.'
She got a mega pay job offer at John Hopkins Hospital. She took it.
He got mad.
He: I have lived in Dallas all my life and you want to take up a job in New York?
She: Yes, the pay is very good
He: I don't know anybody there.
She: You can get a job in New York and be responsible instead of loafing around.
He: The cost of living in New York is very high
She: I have bought an apartment.
He: Bought, where did you get the money?
She: I took a mortgage
He: I can't live in a house bought by a woman.
She: But you can drive my car, eat my food, spend my money.
He left that night
She packed her bags and flew to New York the next day
One month later, he decided to forgive her but she must apologize
She didn't
Another month of squatting, he decided he can live in a house she bought.
He called her.
The next day, she filed for divorce.
He realized he was losing out big time.
His golden goose and her golden eggs have taken flight.
He travelled to Nigeria, explained himself truthfully to her mother
They both went to New York.
She came back from work, saw him and her mother.
He begged, her mother begged.
He became serious at 46.
Did night school.
Got a degree, became a nurse too
They had another baby
He got his ARPN and better pay
On his 52nd birthday, they had their first house warming in Nigeria.
He admits, he would still be loafing around if not for her.
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