


He was six years old when it happened.

His father's younger sister who was

living with them at the time.

Will take him into the bathroom with her

She will fill the bathtub with warm water

Lie on him, straddle him on her tummy

and make him suck her breasts.

He loved it!

He didn't know it was wrong but she told him if he told anybody she will not allow him to touch her again.

He wanted very much for their play to continue.

He didn't tell anybody.

When he turned nine, they moved to the bed

She taught him oral sex

He was a quick learner

At 12 she made him ejaculate for the first time, his fingers and toes tingling with electrical sensations.

He: Will we get married now?

She: Yes. You will be my only love and husband forever but you have to keep our secret for that to happen.

He did. He never told anybody

As he grew into adolescence, deep darkness started growing within him. It was a burden of guilt, negligence and shame. He became distrustful and unsettled.

He became violent in school, even at home, fighting everybody. His parents had to place him in a boarding house

The change of environment helped him, he behaved better but whenever he was on holiday, he would insist on spending it with a friend or a relative, anywhere but at home. He did this throughout his secondary school days. His parents didn't think twice about it.


He graduated from the university, started a company, had many relationships but couldn't bring himself to ask any lady to marry him.

The ladies saw prospect, flocked around him, invested time only to discover it had been for nothing. He simply wasn't interested in marriage.


On his 40th birthday, his parents called a meeting. He got to their house and found his current babe with them.

He: What is going on here?

His Mother: My son, your father is dying, he would like to see you marry and have children of your own. That is why we called this meeting.


He: So now you care. Were you not my parents when Aunt so and so was molesting me? Did you pay any attention? When for many years I satisfied her sexual needs in this house? Did you pay any attention to me when I was calling for help? Please let me be. I hate you all!

They didn't know. All those years ago they had joked about how close he was to her.


They sought help as a family and got it. He was able to love and trust his family again.


Two years later he got married


Let us pay attention to our children and protect them from abusers.