Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls

She couldn't remember a time she
was not bedwetting
Her earliest memory was when she
was five years old
She was living in the village at her
parents were determined to
rid her of the menace
Her mother tied ten live
snails through a string around
her waist and made her dance
all night to a song of shame
while other little children
sang for her
It didn't work!
When she was eight, she was
taken to a man who brandished
her body with incisions from
head to toe!
It didn't work!
When she was twelve, her mother's
elder sister came to pick her from
her mother's house after a merciless
Her mother wanted nothing to do with
her and was determined to flog
the madness out of her!
Of all those who had the menace
that was recorded in their village
She was the worst!
She urinated in her sleep even when 
she took a five minutes nap
Her mother's aunty tried
She made sure she didnt take any
fluid after 7 pm and took her to
the toilet to urinate right before
she slept
But every night, like clockwork
She would have this dream
She would be in the river playing'
with her friends
The play was always fun and very nice
Then she would drink of the waters
of the river and after some time
she would see an old beautiful woman
who would tell her not to desecrate
the river by urinating into it!
"Come out and urinate here" 
The woman would say in a stern voice
She would run out of the river
Urinated in the bush beside the 
river and rush back to the river
to continue playing with her friends!
That was always the moment she
wetted the bed!
She was taken to several hospitals
She went to all sorts of spiritualists
It was shameful!
Whenever she slept in school, she did it
She also did it several times when she
slept off in a public bus on her way
to or from a long-distance journey 
to the village
Bedwetting was her cross of shame
Her classmates used it to insult her
they gave her a nickname as coined
by their geography teacher when she
was in senior Secondary school 2
"Victoria falls"
It was a fancy name
She had been called "Atoole" 
meaning "bedwetter" for years
The new nickname was given to her
because the geography teacher 
wanted to sleep with her
She didn't know that at the time
The bed wetting hadn't prevented
her from filling out and becoming
a fine young woman!
She would have been the most 
beautiful lady in her set by far
But the bedwetting thing had left
her face marked and her confidence
She started sleeping with the 
geography teacher in SS3
It was not uncommon in those days
He was single and says he would
marry her
She had no other suitor
In their village, a secondary school 
education was good enough for a 
She was nineteen when she finished
secondary school
The geography teacher was her
He slept with her in his office
There was no room for sleep
They had sex and she went home
to assist her aunty with cassava
Then she gained admission into the 
teacher training college
She didn't expect it
But it was better than sitting on
her hands and sleeping with the
geography teacher
She was determined to make something
of her life
She devised a way of controlling the
She wore a thick towel, like a nappy
to bed under her wrapper every night!
She faced her studies and worked hard#
Her aunty's husband sponsored her
He was a cocoa dealer and also had
farmlands cultivated for him by
She met her husband when she went
for teaching practice
She was twenty-five at the time
Her husband was from Otu, a
small town in Oyo State
She told him about the 
Enuresis or urinary incontinence
as diagnosed by medical doctors!
She told him everything she had done
and how nothing had worked!
Her husband took her home
She met an herbalist from her husband's
The herbalist made a special concoction
for her which she ate at 1 AM in the morning!
The bed-wetting stopped!
In its place was a strange sensation
in-between her legs!
She started feeling the sensation minutes
after eating the concoction
The herbalist told her she would never
be able to urinate involuntarily again
The concoction was made of little
spiders and spider eggs
The spiders tie down her urethral opening
It worked!
They got married
Her husband secured employment with
the federal government
He was posted to Nasarawa
They had four children
Three girls and one boy
She noticed that all her daughters
aged twenty three, twenty-one and 
eighteen were bedwetting just like 
she did!
She had to teach them the towel
trick and buy them adult diapers
which they wore in order to cope
as they grew up!
She made sure they were well-coached
They didn't suffer the embarrassment
and shame she suffered
She also made sure they shut their
Apart from their father, nobody else
She didnt allow them to spend holidays
with relatives and friend and she made
sure children of friends and relatives
keep far away from their house
Her daughters were all beautiful and
Suitors came knocking for the first
daughter while she was in the final
year as an undergraduate 
but the affliction must be dealt with!
She didn't want her daughters to
become an object of shame and
ridicule in their matrimonial homes
She could have taken them to the
herbalist who helped her
But she was practically living in hell!
Over the years her urethral opening 
had become a source of affliction 
for her
Whenever she wanted to urinate
it would seem as if fire was lit in
between her legs!
She would cry and scream whenever
she was in the toilet to urinate
She hardly drank water or any other
She didn't want the same experience
for her children
They had been to the hospital several
The doctors told them it was hereditary!
It was her first daughter that heard
about the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
They read stories on twitter and
later on the website
Then  her daughter told her about the
conference that was to hold on
October 1, 2019
She decided they would all attend!
They Lagos a day before the event!
They arrived at the event late due
to the rain
They could barely get a space to sit
While one of the brothers was
Another brother climbed the altar and began
to sing a strange song into the microphone
She had never heard the language
or the song before
She heard a loud sound "POOM" in
her ears
Like the bursting of a musical drum
Something dropped from her body
She opened her eyes and looked around
She saw little bead like things and a 
She does not wear waist bead
She wondered what they were
Just them she saw them moving
Scattering everywhere
They were spiders, tiny spiders
Hundreds of tiny spiders
And the string 
Everything disintegrated as she 
Nobody else saw
The strange sensation she had felt 
her legs for twenty-four years stopped!
She started feeling pressed immediately
She ran to the toilet
It was the sweetest feeling of relief
The urine danced out of her body 
with joy!
She was healed!
That night when they got home
she told her daughters to eat and drink
as much as they desired
And not to urinate before sleeping
They had to test it out!
They all woke up in the morning!
None of them urinated in their sleep!
The Holy Spirit delivered her and
her children!
She called the brother in Jeans and
T-shirt to share her testimony
He told her it was key for her and her
children to give their lives to Christ
and be filled with the Holy Spirit!
She agreed!
The met with him and he prayed with them
All of them were baptized in the Holy

PS: It has been two months!
The first daughter is having her 
introduction on December 14, 2019
The affliction is gone forever
in their family!
The Holy Spirit crushed the affliction
of many years

Is there a secret affliction you
are battling with or managing
Don't assume you have a story
so strange none would believe
Jesus is the only true help and hope
for us all

GSW's note: I had told the body
of ministers that all the miracles
recorded on the 1st Supernatural
conference are unto the Lord!
They are our first fruit offering
We are not sharing them with the 
But this sister insisted she wanted
the world to know where God brought
her out of!
After weighing the pros and cons
I had to agree with her!

Special shout out to Sister Phemmy
of PSSBCNigeria!
Your mentees are on fire today!
Please keep it up!