



He said:

As soon as I opened the gate

I heard their cry, my children,

all five of them, crying like urchins.

I parked the car.

What could have happened?

The darkness was thick.

It was one of such nights.

No electricity, no moon.

I grabbed the snacks I bought for them.

I ran inside.

I found them in the sitting room.

Eyes red, voices cracked, pain everywhere.

I put on the lantern.

Where is your Mummy?

My first child starred at me, lost.

They were starving, they were scared.

I calmed them and made food.

They slept.

I paced the floor all night

The next day I ran to the police station

Filed a missing person’s report

I started calling friends and relatives

Where could my wife be?

Everything was upside down.

My children, aged 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2 were destabilized.

Chaos everywhere and I had to work!


Somehow we got through the first month.

I woke up at 4 a.m, prepared them for school.

I picked them on my way home from the office.

We would go to the police station to see if there was any update and then head home.

Most nights I laid awake, afraid something terrible had happened to my wife.

Then, one Saturday, she stormed in, followed by four hefty men.

He: Where have you been?

She: In health and wealth, I was told you were looking for me, may your kind never find me again!

He: I don’t.....

The children heard her voice and trooped out of the room.

She hugged them.


She: Children, I am leaving, I am no longer with your father, I will come and check on you soon.

The children didn’t understand, he didn’t understand.

They packed her stuff, pieces of jewellery and her certificate.

She left.

The children cried, he cried.

He went to see her parents, they are good people.

Her mother offered to help with nursing the children.

He refused. He became angry and vengeful.

Every night as he laid on his bed he would call her name over and over again.

Sometimes he will talk to himself for hours, crying.

Every night!


She said:

I didn't plan to leave.

I went to see this man.

It was supposed to be just sex.

I had always done the extra-marital thing.

Everybody does it! So what?!

But this guy got a taste of the pudding and wouldn't let go.

I begged him, he threw #100,000 cash at me for the night.

The next day, he proposed.

If I married him, he will give me #2 million in cash.

Hey! We are talking about a big game here.

My dream life!

Dubai, Paris, New York.

I had no choice.

The children would grow up to understand.

Life is all about seizing opportunities.

He will get over it, men always do.


He said:

How can a mother be that callous?

How can a wife be that heartless? I hated her.

I quit my job and started my own construction company.

So I could have more time for the children.

I prospered.

I employed two domestic servants.

I kept the children away from their mother.

She is a snake!



She said:

My new husband died ten years later, I had to marry his younger brother or get thrown on the street because I didn’t have any child for him.

If you were in my shoes, what would you do?

It was a take it or leave it thing.

He was married and his other wife was very diabolical.

I fell ill, ran everywhere I knew for help.

I found myself in a church.

Prayer worked but I was advised to leave the union.

I got employed as a church secretary.

I met JESUS!

I started thinking of my children.

I had their pictures.

I had not seen them in fifteen years.

Their father wouldn't let me.

I confided in my pastor.

We prayed.

We went to see my parents.

My parents told us my children and their father would be coming around on a Sunday.

But it was risky, he may get angry and cut them off for telling me.

I started fasting and praying.

Mercy was all I cried for.


He said:

I was shocked when I saw her.

She came straight to me, knelt and held my legs.

She was sobbing, profusely.

Her mother joined her, on her knees.

She was looking right into my eyes.

Fourteen years of hatred, malice, anger, and rage exploded in me.

I walked out.

The next day, seven pastors came to my house.

My family members and hers also came.

They preached and preached.

So I asked them, ‘What do you want me to do?’

She had been in the car, they called her in.

‘What do you want him to do?’

I want him to take me back!

I want to sit in my seat.

She said:

I wouldn’t have dared to be that bold.

I knew it was unfair, I only wanted access to my children.

But my mother advised that I should ask for the moon.

'If he said no, he would have to give you the next best thing

He remained single for a reason, just try'


He said:

It was what I wanted.

From day one, my love for her was all-consuming.

Despite her exit,

I never stopped loving her.

I tried but I couldn’t.

I had many opportunities to remarry.

I kept thinking of my children and then of her.

One day her folly will wane, why shut the door on her?

Why bring in another woman?

I cried.


She said:

His silence gave me hope.

But then he began to cry, he was inconsolable.

I rose from my knees, my heart in my mouth.

I embraced him, my knees wobbling in fear.

After a while, he held me.

'I AM SORRY' I whispered into his ears.

I cried.

It was the happiest day of my life.


Their story:

The pastors insisted on renewal of vows.

They had to present an HIV status report.

He refused to touch her until it was done.

That night as she laid in his embrace, she couldn't stop crying.

Had she known?

He said, "I forgive you, my love, please forgive yourself."