I want nothing more than seeing him
Beholding his glory as the rays of his
light dazzle brilliantly
Seated at the edge of the ocean as I
take in the flow
With him beside me opening up my
understanding to certain realities
There's nothing more that I want
I want nothing more than beholding the
master of the universe
As He beautifully sits amidst the Cherubims
Directing the affairs of beings, angels
and men
To ride with him in the realm of his glory
as we gallop on the chariots of horses made
of fire
So aglow radiating all over the sky in
There's nothing better, nothing more glorious,
nothing more beautiful
To be looked upon with those eyes of fire
To be touched with the hand --in its fleshy
form -- was once nailed to the cross
To be hugged as his fragrance abides with
me forever
Our hearts are thirsty, so parched, needing
the hydration of his manifested presence
Oh Yeshua
Nothing else matters in the universe
But to know you deeply, fully without restrictions
For your love is shed abroad in our hearts
Come, Lord Jesus, come
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