Welcome Home, Not Farewell

Welcome Home, Not Farewell

The inevitability of the cessation of 
earthly consciousness...well, only for 
a time, t and possibly a distance, d.
An equation of life demystified a couple 
of thousands of years ago
Yet, many find themselves grappling at 
straws void of tangibility and meaning 

Of course, your time was near as every one's 
With each breath we draw in and exhale 
in a repeated manner
This time, the tentacle of time had swung 
so low rupturing its hold
Yet, the loss of consciousness is in a 
league with sadness and shock among your 
loved ones
Thankfully it's not the end at all...
no it's not

Does the lacrimal gland feel the pressure 
at all
It does, for the intermittent supply of 
fluids wouldn't stop among many...
o ye loved one
Would the images and thoughts of you 
stop yet
Sharper than the tip of a tungsten needle
Pinching us to a new reality 

Oh well, it's the inevitability yet again 
On one side of the coin, a very ugly head, 
on the other hand, one we can live with
It's okay to go
It's okay rest


Home is where the heart is, he said
But where is home when the heart falters 
Tumbling in silence on the slippery slope 

Where is home when the eyes cannot perceive 
and the consciousness is lost in its entirety 
Shut off
A resounding hollow 

Yet he forgets
Home calls to us everyday one way or the other
For some in a high magnitude, for others it's 
barely a light feather weight
There's a light in a man that ushers into 
the other realm
Even if the heart stops beating and loving
And the compounding consciousness from 
birth drains away
The path the elders tread is laid bare to 
guide one to the final destination 
Free of the earthly weights and decadence 

Home is home
Where the eagles are in an innumerable company 
And the Light perpetually shines on 

I know home, and I define it for you
To you, in your earthly lost consciousness, 
home is where I know you currently are
Written on the tablet of my heart 

Home is where we meet again where love reigns.

Rest on dad

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 NIV
13 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to 
be uninformed about those who sleep in death, 
so that you do not grieve like the rest of 
mankind, who have no hope. 
[14] For we believe that Jesus died and rose 
again, and so we believe that God will bring 
with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him
