

I had borrowed a 7-day loan 
laptop from the library (mine's been 
awfully slow). As usual, there was 
the warning about handling with care. 
So I managed to keep every 
liquid away from it until the 
night before I was to return it.

I didn't realize a cup of tea was 
placed behind the laptop when 
I pulled down the lid to shut it. 
The cup fell and the tea spilled 
on the table seeping into the laptop.

It stopped working! 
Ha!! I was looking at £700 in 
payback to uni.
I was upset at myself.

The battery was undetachable 
I laid hands on it and declared 
healing. It came on for 
a bit that night, so I went 
to bed satisfied that all was good.
I tried it on the next day when 
I was ready to go to uni, 
but it didn't work. 
I started panicking 

I got settled in the train on 
my way to university.
Then I took it to the Garden.
I sat beside Him.
He asked me to lay my 
hand on the laptop and hold 
it there for a while.

Then He placed His hand over 
mine, While reminding me of our 
reading of Romans 8:2 and His life 
flowing through me.

When I got to class, I turned 
on the laptop, NOTHING! 
I felt disappointed. 

I told my SS group and @OlufuntoP 
asked me to lay my hand on it 
and leave it there for a while. 
Just what He had asked me 
to do that I forgot to do 
in my worry. So I did, and 
held my hand there.
I imagined His hand on mine 
and life flowing through to the laptop. 

After a few minutes, I pushed 
the power button and it came on.
Turned it on and off a few times. 
The laptop worked!!! 
Returned it to the loan cabinet, 
plugged it, and it worked!!!

Nothing to remind you of today, 
save that Abba always loves you!
I'm just thankful that the laptop 

Again, Abba loves you!
Live loved!!!

- Jessica Essien