The quest for greatness is innate to every human being
We all strive to make something of ourselves
To get there, we first learn the ropes
This was always first a physical thing
We learn to walk, talk, eat by ourselves, and become independent
We learn to think, we learn how to process information and how to do things
Then the quest for survival takes a step further
The mind needed to be reined in
To be taught a skill, a craft or exposed to knowledge
We go to school and/or learn a trade, and develop our skills set
We begin our ascent to the top
Some move swifter than others
Some just keep to their pace
Others got to a point and got stuck
But there is a peculiar breed, with a peculiar ascent trajectory
Nitro fueled, jet speed, time defying progress
Those were the ones they watch out for
They swore a pact, all fifteen of them
To harvest the bright stars, guard the brightest suns and limit the unusual
For every child born in the compound
They would attend the naming ceremony
And see with the third eye
What shall he or she become in life?
Those very close to them would come with appeasement
What shall it take to get the brightest glory for our child?
What shall it cost us?
The day the twins were born
They saw a darkness defying dayspring
All of them saw it
It called for an emergency meeting
What they saw portends both adventure and danger
Like holding a tiger by the tail
Not all glories can be tampered with without repercussion!
Some stars are like the Ark of Covenant
Such stars came armed for battle, ready for war
But leaving the stars as they are means one sure thing!
The twins will be the greatest children in their compound for many generations
Worse still, the twins were born to a family that had steadfastly refused to join their elite group
Something had to be done!
Something crafty!
They spoke to the wind, called for an eclipse
Cover this glory!
That was that!
The twins grew fast, extremely brilliant, extraordinarily intelligent
But the boy was light fingered and the girl was blighted with bedwetting
Though both were the clear best amongst their peers but nobody would entrust responsibility to a thief
The boy once went for a scholarship interview and he picked the pocket of his interviewer
It was innate, the urge to steal
It was his Achilles heel!
Bedwetting killed the confidence of the girl
She couldn’t sleep on a mattress, only a mat
They were both laughing stocks, their glories reduced to shame
A prophet met with their parents, diagnosed the problem but offered no solution
She said “Make sure these children do not go to their father’s hometown or compound ever again! That was where the affliction came from!”
That was all.
They never went to their father’s compound again
And yet, the problem persisted!
They got into the university, both had learned to manage their reproach a little
The campus fellowship organized a crusade
A converted herbalist was the preacher
They sat at the front row
The converted herbalist mentioned their case
“A young man suffering from kleptomania and a young woman suffering from nocturnal enuresis,
If you give your life to Jesus today! Your glory will be restored and time will stand still until you recover all!”
What have they got to lose!
Jesus welcomed them with joy and gladness
The boy began to speak in the tongues of angels immediately!
The next day, he left campus, took a bus to their home town
He arrived unannounced
Walked right into his father’s compound
They rustled up food and drinks for him
He ate!
He drank!
The fifteen came to see him, others too came to say hello
He was but two years old when they last saw him
Now he is in his early twenties
He didn’t come empty handed
He brought bread, milk, provisions and a cheerful heart
The fifteen got together
Why was the young man so happy?
The joined hands, they wanted to see
Was the seal intact? Had the seal been broken?
They called forth his glory!
Kaboom! Kaboom!! Kaboom!!!
The young man went back to school
The fifteen started dying off
One by one!
The compound ran helter-skelter
What sort of strange death is this?
Almost every house in the compound lost somebody
On the seventh day, the last of the fifteen died, after confessing their evil deeds
The young woman stopped bedwetting from that day
The young man stopped pilfering
Their glory rose like the sun
It is still blazing hot!
PS: This event covered a period of time between 1985 and 2011
It happened in South-western part of Nigeria
The twins are both Chattered Accountants
They are both married with children
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