Breaking Through
He knew the race to get a job would
be a fierce battle
He had three elder brothers and they
all graduated with wonderful grades
The first had to settle for teaching
in order to make ends meet
The second got himself into diesel supply
business after months of praying and
fasting for a job
The third teamed up with a friend to start
a branding business!
All of them were academically outstanding
They searched diligently for a job
They simply weren’t lucky!
Not getting a job in time affected their
life plans
The first had planned to get married to a lady
he met as an undergraduate
The lady waited for him to propose
He couldn’t propose because he didn’t
have what it would take to keep a home
The lady eventually met another man
who wasn’t going to waste her time!
She left him!
He acted as if it didn’t hurt him, but it did!
It set him back many years!
The second one had the plan of going
abroad to further his studies!
He applied for all sorts of programmes
and scholarships!
He got it several times
But his joy always lasted a short while
Financially, the family could barely eat
Where would they get the funds to
support him?
His life was one of dreams, hope and
abstract successes, nothing tangible!
A terrible life!
The third has a tendency to go into crime!
Especially because he studied programming
and knows a thing or two about internet
He was very desperate but somehow the
fear of God and their mother’s tears
stopped him!
He was always complaining like a broken
“This country had nothing for the youth!
I should have made it by now,
I should have thrown caution to the wind
I would have been so rich now,
You guys know I know what to do
I will do it and find my way out of this
But his brother never did!
This was reality!
When he was writing his final examinations,
he decided he needed to hit the ground running!
His family needed the break!
He applied for a lot of jobs and prayed fervently
Eventually, he got some interviews
He studied and prayed
There was one interview in which he had
gotten to the final stage
Only for another young man with a business
card to come in and get the job due to the
weight of the name on the card!
That was the height of it!
He got home that day determined to hear
from God or kill himself!
It felt so much as if his family is under a spell!
How can a widow with four sons who
ought to be taking care of her be the one
still practically feeding all her sons!
None of them had made any headway in life!
It was too much
He sent the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
a Direct Message
"Sir, I don't mean to use this to get
attention but I feel like commuting
I cannot sit at home and join the
welfare line!
I have to break out or die!
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed
with him!
He told him help is coming
From the past!
Help is coming from the past?
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt said
“The Holy Spirit said help is coming
for you from the past,
it is coming soon”
They prayed together again over the
phone and he felt at peace!
The next day, he got a message from
his former IT supervisor!
They worked together for only a month
when he was still a student!
The man was transferred and he was
handed over to someone else!
It was a season he had trashed in his mind
because as much as he tried to make
a good impression, the man he worked
with didn’t see it!
His former IT supervisor recommended
him for a position with his organization!
He was given his letter of employment
three days later!
His salary was so good, he was living in
his own house that he built within a year!
Funny enough, as soon as he broke out of
the curse of stagnancy!
His brothers and even his mother also
broke out!
His brothers got better jobs, got married
and the one that desired to travel abroad
was able to do so!
Within two years, they had all left the
shallow waters and started sailing on
deeper waters!
Glory be to God!
Ps: There is dignity in labor Work hard!
There is a place called Bethel!
Jacob had an encounter there twice
The first time he had nothing
The second time all he had was
under threat!
Both times he met with God
Both times, the tide was turned
in His favor!
It is time to pray!
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