When we Pray
Good morning Sir.
I trust you and your family are doing great.
Thank you for being an instrument the
Lord has used to lead us to the light.
I have never in all of my Christian walk
experienced God and the power of the
Holy Spirit in the manner in which I
experience Him now.
My testimonies are too many, I'm in
awe of how far God has brought me
from July to September.
The Holy Spirit has transformed me
spiritually, emotionally, mentally and
I no longer experience spiritual dryness,
I'm literally high on God's presence, I
can't get enough of Him.
Emotionally I'm more stable, I no longer
live in fear and depression (I have had on
and off depression since 2015).
Plus I'm now more emotionally balanced
with my husband.
I no longer dwell on the things he does
wrong or things he didn't do, side chick
or side runs.
I'm learning to depend on the Holy Spirit
and His guidance and I have no doubts
He will complete the work in my husband's
Mentally, I now remember things more
easily (I used to be really forgetful).
I realise my capacity has increased in so
many ways.
Physically, I'm amazed at how I'm able
to do so many things I couldn't do before.
See, I used to be what one would call lazy
I get easily tired, very low energy level.
If I do anything strenuous I could fall
sick the next day.
To make matters worse, I had a health
condition that had to do with my spine
so it caused so many complications for me.
(Pastor Eyitayo prayed for me after last
month's vigil and God healed me).
Shortly after I joined the telegram group,
Pastor Eyitayo gave a word of prophesy
about someone who is 5"7 and has a
condition with the spine.
I knew it was me because I have had
what is medically called scoliosis.
A curvature of the spine which leaves
an individual tilted or bent to one side.
I have had it since I was 15 which
makes it 31 years of my life.
After the prophesy, I didn't really
experience much change but Pastor
Eyitayo kept asking my brother how
I was doing.
Then he told my brother to tell me to
contact him.
I contacted him and he prayed for me
immediately after last month's vigil.
I felt changes after the prayer even
though physically, I still look slanted
to one side but I know that God who
has healed me will make me whole.
I'm now able to do so much more than
I used to do.
The condition gave me pains and discomfort
on the right side of my body which affected
proper use of my right hand.
Previously I couldn't do anything strenuous
with my right hand like opening a tightly
closed bottle or turning amala on fire.
Yesterday I made amala without pains
I also used to have severe headaches
on the same right side, the headache
would affect my eye, sometimes my jaw.
All that has stopped and everyday I see
significant improvement in my physical
I feel so emotional talking about it because
all my siblings have it, except one.
It was genetically passed on from my Dad.
I began to see the signs in my first daughter
and I told Pastor Eyitayo, he also prayed
for her that night and I realise that I no
longer notice those signs because even
though I may not see it physically yet,
I rest in the assurance of complete
healing and wholeness.
Good morning sir. I have a testimony.
I saw your post where you asked people
to send their prayer requests to a number
which I did.
Later in the day, someone called me.
He asked if I was born again and if I
prayed in tongues and I told him yes.
We began praying in tongues then
suddenly I couldn't speak, I was just
laughing in the spirit, he then told me
it is settled.
I kept laughing even after the call, I just
couldn't explain what was happening.
Part of my prayer request was financial
provision for my parents to pay their debt
(they weren't able to pay their rent for
almost a year).
This morning, I got a call that they paid
for 2 years already.
God also favoured my Mom in a new
business she started ( she started selling
bags of rice). Infact, wholesalers give
her free, she then supplies and returns
the money.
This is what God has done for me and
my family. And I believe before the end
of this year, I'm coming with another
about my job and marital settlement
The power at work in us is mightier than
anything we can imagine.
My husband doesn’t sleep well.
Wakes as early as 2am.
So I always have lexotan at home to
help him sleep.
About two weeks ago, he asked for
one and to my surprise we didn’t have
any at home.
Not anything that could make him sleep,
we even looked for actifed but couldn’t find.
He was worried because he had to leave
for Lagos early the next day.
So I said, don’t worry I’ll pray for you
before you sleep and you’ll sleep well.
I said the words but I didn’t pray beyond that.
This man overslept that night
When he woke, he asked me if I laid hands
on him while he slept.
I said no and just smiled because I knew
it was The Holy Spirit.
I still have the lexotan I got a couple of
days later.
It’s almost 2 weeks and he has not asked
for any!
And he has been sleeping like a log of wood.
PS: When we pray, we drag mundane
issues into the supernatural realm
And light overcomes darkness in its
We must respond to the call for prayer
We must pray
We must agree with others in prayers
We must stand in the gap
We must pray in the Spirit
We must pray in the understanding
We must occupy until He comes
GSW's notes: We will be taking prayer
requests every Monday as a ministry
Kindly send in your prayer request
to gsw@gswmi.org
+2348072744871 Whatsapp
You are free to send the requests in
at any time of the day
We will take that walk from the mundane
to the supernatural together and we
will emerge victorious in Him
The testimonies above are a few of
those we share in the GSWMI, COZ,
and PSSBC platform everyday.
God bless you
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