

Her mother didn't have to explain why they had
to leave their father's house
She remembered the strife
There was hardly a day of peace
It was always one thing or the other
between her mother and her grandmother!
Their house was about thirty minutes
walk from their grandmother's house
Her father rented the house in order to be close to
his mother who was a widow
He was his mother's only child!
Her father was torn between his mother
and his wife
Her grandmother was a very possessive
woman who had her father wrapped around
her fingers
Her mother was a fiercely independent woman
who wanted to have her own space in her
husband's house 
It was war!
Her grandmother would cook
Her mother would cook
Her father had to eat from both pots
Her mother wanted to assert her territory
in the early years but her grandmother was
an extremely cunning woman who saw a rivalry
in everything and refused to know her place
Her grandmother wanted attention
Her mother wanted attention
Her father tried to make things work
between the two most important women
in his life
But neither would concede to the other
Her mother prayed and prayed
Sometimes howling into the night like
a werewolf!
God answered her mother's prayer
Her father was transferred to another state
He was working as a bursar at a federal
government college at the time
They moved a month later
My mother felt she would end up enjoying
her marriage for the first time in twelve years
They moved to Akure, from Badagry
Two months after they moved
Her grandmother suddenly showed up
with another girl
Her mother had gone for an advanced training 
course in Family health organized by UNICEF in
Her grandmother told her father, the lady she
brought was the wife she wanted her father to
Since her "son" had moved so far away from her
the lady would serve as her eyes and ears and
make sure he was well fed and taken care of
Her father resisted, ordered her grandmother
and the lady out of the house
They left in tears!
They returned two days later, as early as 7AM
on a Sunday morning
As soon as her father saw her grandmother
He welcomed her and the young lady joyfully
and went into the room with the lady while
her grandmother sat in the sitting room
watching wrestlemania on their black and white
That was how her father married a second wife
without any ceremony!
Of course, her grandmother and the new wife
had gone to get extra-mundane help to seek
her father's cooperation and it worked!
By the time her mother returned weeks later
The new wife had become quite comfortable
Her grandmother also stayed until her mother
Perhaps to see the look in her mother's shocked
face or ensure that her mother did not undo
what had been done!
Her mother didn't say a word to anyone
Not to her husband, her mother in law or
the new wife!
Her grandmother left three weeks later
The new wife had by then been confirmed
Her mother's silence was very worrying
Even to the children, her mother never said
a word
It was as if she gave up on the fight for her
husband's affection somehow
Even her grandmother didn't know what to
make of it
Her grandmother visited their house unfailingly
every fortnight with concoctions, herbs, rings
all sorts to protect the new wife
Her grandmother kept saying "The Hawk does
not pick ducklings because of the silence of
the duck! That the duck kept silent did not
mean the duck was foolish!
Nine months came!
The second wife went into labour
Her grandmother had arrived weeks to the day
Her father and grandmother took the new wife
to the hospital to deliver her baby
According to them, strange things started 
The new wife kept screaming that there was
a noose tied around her neck
She didnt dilate on time
The hospital's generator refused to work
The Amniotic fluid came but the baby was stuck
To cut the long story short
New wife died
Her baby died
Her grandmother was inconsolable
Her mother was labeled a witch
Her father also believed there was nothing
normal about the death of the new wife
The family members of the new wife came
Her grandmother instigated them not to
accept the new wife's death as a natural 
She told them to do diabolic things to the 
body of the new wife!
"Don't let her sleep until she avenged her death,
Don't let her rest until she snuffs life out of her
killer and her children"
Her grandmother kept in cursing those who had 
a hand in the death of the new wife!
The family of the new wife showed up
They told her father they wanted an explanation
Directly or indirectly they wanted to punish
her mother
Her mother kept quiet through it all
Weeks later, a man suddenly showed up
He came with her grandmother and some
family members
They insisted that her mother must drink
a specially prepared portion
The portion according to them would kill a witch
but would not harm an innocent person
Her father and grandmother insisted her
mother must drink the portion 
That was the only way she could convince
them she was not a witch
Her mother drank it
Nothing happened!
Her grandmother was shocked!
Her father was shocked!
The herbalist told them to bring forward other
members of the family
She was thirteen at the time
As soon as she drank it!
Everything went dark!
She just blacked out!
By the time she opened her eyes
She saw incisions on her wrist, waist,
head and ankles
They had labeled her a witch!
They had accused her of killing the
new wife!
She was dazed!
She didn't even know what to think
or how to think
They kept asking her "Where do you meet?"
"Who are the other members of your 
witchcraft coven? "How many people have
you killed"
She was just looking at them
They beat her, poured water all over
her body, threatened to make her dance 
naked to the market!
She didn't understand what she did wrong!
The herbalist told them he would be
back the next day
Early the next morning, her mother
left the house with her and her siblings!
Her mother said she would have stayed with
their father if she was the one labeled as a 
witch, she would have handled whatever they 
throw at her but she couldn't bear her daughter
being labeled as such!
It would have ruined her life
That was 1998!
They relocated to Lagos
Her mother worked very hard and trained
them all through school
Nobody knew what she had been through
But she did!
She slept consciously, always praying
she wouldn't find herself in a meeting with
other witches devouring human flesh!
What happened had cast a long shadow on
her reality!
She didn't know where to place herself!
Was she a witch or not?
They all got good jobs
Her younger ones got married
Both relocated to Canada with their mother
She was the only one left in the country
It was as if there was a mark on her
Something ominous!
She had strange dreams all the time
Especially when something good was
about to happen to her
Whenever a guy says hello, and interest seemed
to be building, she would have the dream
and the relationship would fizzle out
Whenever she put in for a visa to study abroad
The same dream and she would be denied
Even in her chosen profession
She was a medical doctor but it felt more
to her as if she was a glorified nurse
she found herself unable to attain the same
height other doctors attained easily!
She believed she was either a witch
or had something to do with witchcraft
Why else was she the one the portion
She wanted freedom
She wanted to be able to live to her full
potential in life
She reached out to the Brother in Jeans and
She sent him her story (What she remembered
of it 
"Help me, sir!" She wrote
They had a chat on Whatsapp 
He told her what it means to be a Christian
He called it the Translation
He told her being a witch is no different from
being an unbeliever
Both are darkness!
He also told her she could become light in an instant!
"When you become light, the reality of darkness
leaves you forever
You become a new creature with a brand new
Your past and its connection to the world and
experiences are wiped clean
You get a fresh start and you get a guide
The Holy Spirit!
He will teach you how to work out your
new reality to please God and be God's
best to this world!"
She willingly accepted to give her life to Jesus!
That was it!
She gave her life to Jesus over the phone
He got her filled with the Holy Spirit over
the phone
They fellowshipped with other saints online
He told her who she had become and what
she was supposed to say to herself every day
as a Christkind!
She obeyed!
A door of opportunity opened for her
she applied...
She went to Holland on a fully funded training
Another door opened, she went to Qatar
Another door opened, she went to India
She met her husband in India
He was a Nigerian born Polish athlete who went 
to India for medical treatment on his muscles
He had nobody to stay with him in the hospital
during his surgery and she volunteered 
He recovered very quickly and they became 
fast friends
They got married in 2017
They had their first child in Canada in 2018
Her mother and siblings were all there
to pamper and rejoice with her
It was as if she never had a day of struggle in
her life!
She met the Brother in Jean  first time in April 2019
Her father had developed prostate cancer
and needed her help
She asked the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
to join her to minister the gospel to her Father!
They met and led her Father to the Lord at
the hospital
The Holy Spirit graciously healed him of the 
Her father's mother had died in 2013
He had remarried and had two other children
She was able to meet them and somehow
reunite them with the entire family
The one who was once labeled a witch
became an agent of reconciliation through

PS: The reality of the believer who understood
the gospel is never a drag!
She had a total turn around!
I have seen many who claimed nothing changed
in their reality when they gave their lives to Christ!
I have to ask!
"Was it the same Christ they received?"
Was it the same Holy Spirit that they got baptized
There is a Jesus Christ of religion
And then there is a Jesus Christ...
The one whose presence is power, light, and love.
Which Christ did you receive?