Workers of Iniquity

Workers of Iniquity

In Genesis 15, God told Abraham to offer 
him a sacrifice Abraham obeyed 
As soon as Abraham presented the sacrifice, 
vultures show up! 
Vultures are eaters of rotten flesh! 
In many traditional religions, they are 
regarded as demonic agents that eat 
sacrifices when they are accepted
Abraham protested! 
He chased the demons away 
After he did this, a deep dread fell on him 
and he slept off When he woke up, 
he saw the covenant being made by God 
with God on his behalf 
(This was where Abraham saw the day 
of Jesus and rejoiced) 
Abraham became a beneficiary of a
Covenant he didn't partake in. 
All he did was sit and watch the event 
This was the first time we saw that sacrifice 
meant for God could attract demons! 
If Abraham didn't chase the demons away 
they would have feasted on the sacrifice 
and pollute the ingredients of the covenant
Peter admonished us to be living sacrifices!
 As living sacrifices, we attract both angelic 
and demonic presence! 
If like Abraham a believer is wise and says 
No to demons by living a Holy life, 
he or she will walk with the spirit of Christ 
and get the result of Christ all the time
But if he or she is fornicating, committing 
adultery, stealing, lying, doing all sorts of 
filthy stuff and still working miracles, 
he or she is not working with the Holy Spirit 
but has accommodated demonic presence! 
Demons work miracles all the time and 
believers have authority
Over demons! So the argument that the gift 
of God is without repentance is moot here. 
The fruits of a Christian shows the manner 
of spirit he or she is working with! 
You cannot join the body of Christ to prostitutes 
and claim you have made the prostitute Holy 
(1 Cor 6:15-16)
Many pastors who curse in the name of 
Jesus while pretending to be praying in many 
of our churches and have testimonies to show 
for it are working hand in hand with demons! 
Either deliberately or ignorantly, they are 
employing demonic means to get testimonies 
of signs and wonders
This is why Jesus called them workers of Iniquity. 
A believer's walk with Jesus is not measured 
by miracles but by the fruits he or she bears! 
If they are fruits of the spirit, then he or she 
is in tune with the Holy Spirit! In summary, 
walking in the light must be consistent!
If you walk in darkness and work miracles, 
you are working with the spirit of darkness 
If you walk in the light and work miracles, 
you are working with the spirit of Light! 
The devil was once in the light and he 
worked miracles 
The devil is now darkness and he still 
work miracles
There is nothing like "I backslid and still 
work miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit 
Once you are out of the light, you can only 
work miracles with darkness 
That you get result does not make you one 
with the gift of God which is without 
You are a demonic agent!