Sevenfold Plus One
The Recovery
So in 2011 my wife sold her
Mazda 626 for 80 thousand
Naira, she took a loan from
her office and I also took a
We joined all the funds together
and bought a saloon car.
We just had a baby and we
needed the car to be able to
move around conveniently
Two months later the car
was stolen in the middle of
the night.
I searched everywhere,
I went to Television houses
and police stations, we made
announcements and so on
I spent a lot of money and
yet the car was gone!
Ironically, we were still paying loans.
I got angry!
I cried!
I cursed!
I lamented!
I got bitter with God.
I suspected everybody!
It wasn't as if I didn't hear
from God the day the car
I got home from the office
around 5 pm
A friend came visiting
The friend came with his
own car
When he was leaving i
followed him to see the car
It was a white Saloon car
I blessed the car at my
friend's insistence
My friend left after a few
Just as i was going back into
my apartment, the Holy Spirit
said "Go and park your car
in the church compound!"
The church compound was
about five minutes walk from
my house
I was a minister and had both
the access and the liberty
to park there
But I would have to walk over
there the next morning to
bring home the car
I procrastinated
I looked around, seeking some
physical evidence of near
and present danger
I saw nothing
in fact, the street was very quiet
and serene that evening
I told myself i was being paranoid
I convinced myself the car
would besafe
I was sure it was just my mind
playing a trick on me
I heard the voice again
I silenced it
I went upstairs
I heard the voice again
I told myself I will drive it to church
When it was seven p.m
I got into the car and drove
it to a petrol station
I filled the tank (It was empty
before then) and somehow
I drove it back home
I had forgotten that I was supposed
to park it in church
I never did and I never saw
the car again with my eyes
The experience was terrible
A few days after the car was
I got to church and met the
prayer team was praying!
They were commanding that
the stolen car be brought
back by the power of the
Holy Spirit!
I joined them half-heartedly
I was wondering why God
permitted me to become a
prayer point in church
Shockingly, my next-door
neighbours’ car was stolen
exactly a week after my car
was stolen!
He went to a witch doctor
and the car did some things
for him
His car was found abandoned
somewhere two days later.
He came to me and asked me
if I would like to do what he
did, that was when my eyes
I had been behaving like a
loser and now the devil
was offering me options
and people were feeling
sorry for me! as i was getting
taunted to do something fetish
I told him no!
I went to church and told the
prayer team to stop praying
I don’t want the car again,
I am getting another car!
I forgave the thieves and
blessed them!
The Bible says if anybody robs
me he shall pay me back in
seven fold! '
So I took the word as fact!
I threw away feelings and emotions.
Who does that help?
I started confessing the word!
I declared my sevenfold
recovery just like David did
when the Amalekites robbed
him and his men
A few days later,
My father-in-law invited me
to his house and gave me his
old BMW 5 series.
It was an old car but it was
still moving
I used that for three months!
I was grateful but it was not
my sevenfold blessing
Then as i was praying one
I said "I know I have a new
The word of God is yea and
That car must manifest within
a month
I promised myself that until
I get the car, I will not take
a bike or public transport
anywhere apart from my office
I will be walking everywhere
If "anywhere else" was too
far to walk to, I wouldn’t go
I implemented it that same day.
If anybody says “Come to so
and so” I will say “I cannot
come because I am not mobile
and I am not walking or
taking public transport”
Somehow money started
coming to me and my wife.
Despite the loan, we suddenly
had a lump sum.
Two weeks later, my brother
called me.
He said he couldn’t sleep.
It was impressed upon his heart
to find a new car for me at a
price i can afford
He found a bigger and better saloon
car for me to buy!
The following day, the new
car was brought to my house.
The dealers said I should pay a
deposit and pay the balance
whenever I had it.
As soon as I sat in the car,
I knew the rest was history
Money flowed in from
I paid the balance a month
I have never lost a pin to
or armed robbers since then
because i never took the voice
of the Holy Spirit for granted
Perhaps that was the best thing
that came out of that drama!
I know His voice and i follow
that voice confidently from
glory to glory
2) Make a Tree Good
A few months ago,
I was in my office listening
to the sermon of a man of
The man of God has been a
blessing to me since my
University days but I have
never been to his church or
any of his services before.
All i do was listen to him online
whenever i can! My boss,
a pastor, walked into the
office and snapped at me!
"Stop playing the sermon of
that man anywhere around
Are there no pastors in our denomination
you can listen to?
My spirit does not agree with that pastor!
Every time I see him, all I see is
flamboyance and showmanship, that is not
what young ministers should be seeing.
You will get easily deceived
and carried away by his
sweet tongue.
I disagree with him on every
level but he was my boss and
I had to respect him so I
stopped watching the sermon.
When my boss got to his seat,
he played a song on his laptop!
It was Sinach's Waymaker,
I kept quiet!
As he continued his work,
Sinach's music continued to
play softly in the background!
Later Eben's song took over followed
by Frank Edward and Joe Praise!
At about 2 pm, I took my Bible
and opened to Matthew 12:33.
I walked into his office and
asked him to please explain
the Bible verse to me.
It says “Make a tree good and
its fruit will be good, or make a
tree bad and its fruit will be
bad, for a tree is recognized
by its fruit."
He loved the fact that I came
to him with the question and
he explained it very succinctly.
Then I said "You love Sinach,
is it because she is anointed
or because she has a good
He said "Oh! That lady's song
stirs me, when I listen to her
I burst into tongues and find
myself praying"
I nodded and smiled
I was trying very hard to be diplomatic
So I said "Sinach, Joe Praise,
Eben, Frank Edwards and
many others are fruits of one
tree sir.
If the fruits are good, the tree
must also be good"
He said "We are all fruits of
the tree of life, they are
ministers of the gospel like
I said "They are fruits of the
Pastor you said you don't like!
The one I was listening to
He laughed
He said "I knew Eben o, I know
he attends XYZ church!"
I laughed and said "Google
it" sir
He did!
His face changed!
I smiled and left his office
The next day, I noticed he
started listening to other
gospel artists.
"Omije Oju mi n bere Aanu re
Baba" and so on
I ignored him.
Some believers would rather
hold on to their negative views
rather than embrace positive realities
He would rather be right than adjust
his wrong mindset I continued listening
to the man of God and following his
instructions for my development
I continued to grow to the
point where I had to resign
and start-off on my own
He remained in the office
Last week he called me out
of the blue
He said "Gbenga, I have been
instructed to be a part of
your ministry by the Holy
I said "Yes sir"
He said "I will like to come
and see you after the lockdown,
I have a lot to learn"
I said "Yes sir"
He is a good man and a
very wonderful boss
I love him with all my heart
I will also work with him
with joy and gladness as the
Holy Spirit directs
It is just a little bit ironic that
the Holy Spirit will direct him
to me!
I am also a fruit of that tree
which he disliked with a
As I study my Bible and walk
with the Holy Spirit,
I continue to listen to that man
of God!
He has been a blessing
to me and always will be"
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