Saving Josephina's Husband
The doctor looked at him right in the
eyes and said "I am sorry sir, you have
between 6 to 9 months left to live,
the cancer has spread all over your
The oncologist that referred you to me
knew I would do everything I can to help
but I also know when to tell my patients
the truth
It would be wicked of me to subject you
to one treatment or the other in the name
of "finding a cure" when i know there is
known cure for this I will advise you to
go home and spend time with your children
and family members.
Make peace with those with whom you had
a grudge and live out the rest of your days
in peace.
Many don't get to hear this news because
their end came suddenly but you are
fortunate to know the time frame so that
you can tidy things up"
He watched the doctor's lips moving
He had nothing to tidy up
He was fifty-two years old
His wife was 44 years old
They had two children
The girl was 15 while the boy was 12
They were all living in the UK
He was working with one of the Insurance
firms, his wife was a nurse
They had their teething problems in the
marriage, especially due to family
interference in
their marriage before they relocated to
the UK
He had always been strong and healthy
His father died at the age of old age 87
His mother was still living and very
active at the age of 82
There was no history of cancer or such
in his family
He didn't indulge in any risky habit
that could expose him to the disease
It was a strange attack
He woke up one morning, dressed for
work and blacked out just as he was
about to walk out of their flat
He was rushed to the emergency
The procedure demanded that a scan
was done to be sure he didn't have any
internal injuries especially because he
hit his head on the floor when he slumped
The scan didn't show any injuries but
it showed other things
The hospital decided to investigate further
An oncologist was invited to check his test
Suddenly he was told he had cancer
It was terrible
A knockout punch
They told him he had to start treatment
The oncologist told them further tests
had to be done to know the extent of
the spread of the cancer But it was
somewhere in his brain and it was
responsible for the blackout
The oncologist wondered how he was
able to function for that long without
showing any symptoms he spent the
whole day in the hospital
The next morning he was referred to a
specialist and the specialist conducted
another day of tests
At the end of it all, he was told to go
home and die
Just like that
His wife was right beside him as he got
the news
The news hit her badly
He saw as life practically drained from
her face
She was very fair in complexion, it made
her very easy for him to read emotionally
when they were younger
He remembered the day she came to the
church where he worshipped for the first
The church was a youth church and he was
the youth president (Not pastor)
He was assigned the duty of following up
first-timers her house was one of the houses
he was asked to visit
He was accompanied by the vice-president
of the youth church (a lady who had a very
obvious crush on him)
As soon as they walked into the compound
of the house where his wife lived, she saw
She was by the well, fetching water
She was wearing a black spaghetti top
and short knickers
She was flushed with embarrassment
He saw her face turn red and then she
took off
She ran into their flat and locked the door
behind her
The lady with him started laughing it was
the strangest reaction they had ever gotten
from a first-timer
The lady said "She likes you, that's why she
ran off like that.
She couldn't handle the emotion
she was feeling around you.
She was probably daydreaming about you
when we showed up and assumed you
could read her mind"
They didn't bother knocking on the door
They went to another first-timer's house
and let her be
The following Sunday she arrived in church
very early and came to apologize to him
personally for her conduct
She said she reacted the way she did
because she was a dreamer and she
had dreamt of that particular event
several months before
She was just scared what she saw in
her dream was happening exactly as
she saw it
At that time
he was just glad she came back for
They became friends
Four years later they got married
As they sat in the doctor's office that
day getting the news, he could read
her mood to determine the odds
against him
He had no chance
The doctor said so His wife's reaction
echoed it
His wife was in tears as soon as they
got home "I warned you, I warned you, i
told you I saw you in a casket!
I told you I saw in my dream that you
were dead, I told you we had to do
something about it
My dreams always come to pass
I saw you in my dream several months
before we met
My mother was a dreamer too
This was how she dreamt of my Father's
death several years ago
My father behaved like you
He was nonchalant and it killed him
Why didn't you try harder, fight for your
He looked at her, what else was he
supposed to do?
They had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights
Binding and loosing in the name of Jesus
They had finished that and started a
series of vigils One week on, one week off
Reclaiming their destiny from Dream killers
and Dream Hijackers
They bought books on how to deal with
forces that attack one in the dream
When the General Overseer of their church
went to the UK, they went to the programme
he organized and even ensured that they
saw him
At a point, they had to take God by his word
They had to move on in faith
They had to hold on to the word of God and
believe it is settled
His wife cried all night For her, the death
sentence was a heavy blow
How come she had always been powerless
to change her own dream
If she saw anything, no matter how many
prayers were said about it, it will come to pass
She had been passed over several times for
promotion at
her office She always saw it before it happened
and no matter how much she prayed nothing
would change
She had come to accept her dream as
A MUST HAPPEN event, a glimpse at an
unchangeable slice of the future that cannot
be altered, until she had the dream about her
husband's death
The dream was so real that when she woke up
she touched the side of the bed where he slept
to be sure he was still there
She saw the burial ceremony
The pallbearers and the family members
She saw the vault
She saw herself and her children
The children were dressed in white while
she was dressed in grey
She saw the obituary publications
The posters on the walls and the newspaper
She saw everything
When she told him, he didn't argue
He believed her because she had a track
record that cannot be argued
And yes, they prayed hard and fought hard
He did everything she asked for and more
And yet within a year, the dream was coming
to pass What was the value of a gift that
puts one at a disadvantage?
The dreamers in the Bible, Joseph, Daniel,
and Joseph the Father of Jesus were
able to use their dreams to their advantage...
She wondered why she couldn't do that
He took the verdict as pragmatically as
any man would
They had saved up some money for
He told his wife he would like them to
visit Nigeria so that he can make peace
with people and die at home
They travelled to Nigeria in March 2019
The plan was to stay for a few months
He was already in the fifth month of
the six to nine months verdict
He was growing weaker by the day
and had two professional nurses
employed to wait on him
His relatives and friends came to
visit and he made peace with everybody
He had already built two houses in
One in Magodo Estate, Lagos and the
other in his home town
He gave the One in Lagos to his church
Asked them to convert it to a Parish
and he also gave the one in his hometown
to his relatives
He and his wife had secured the children's
education fund in a trust and his wife
would be coming into some money after
his death
He had a life insurance policy and he
she would also be paid his dues at his
They had processed all the paperwork
in that regard
The clock was ticking
All they were waiting for was the last
Then one of his cousins came visiting
with the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
The brother in jeans and T-shirt and
the cousin had been discussing spiritual
realities and the Brother in Jeans and
T-shirt had insisted dreams are lies!
He had said categorically that GOD
does not speak to the Holy Spirit
through DREAMS
He said if a believer is full of the Holy
Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the spirit
of God, it makes no sense for God to
be talking to His children in dreams
when he can speak to them directly!
Dreams were too unreliable and are
prone to too much error
God does not confuse his children
Then the cousin mentioned their
case and the Brother in Jeans and
T-shirt insisted he must see the
family with his own eyes and hear
from them
He was warm and in good spirits
he welcomed the brother in jeans
and T-shirt with a joke about Arsenal
and Chelsea
Then he narrated his story
His wife was seating right beside him
When he was done, the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt told him to stand
His wife and two nurses helped him
The Brother in jeans and T-shirt said
"Are you a born again Christian?"
He said "Yes"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt said
"Say after me, I belong to Jesus and
I am full of the Holy Spirit.
I will not be afflicted by lies, I purge
myself of all forms of spiritual realities
that negate the outworking of the gospel
in my life!
I embrace the Holy Spirit and His reality
in Christ Jesus
Therefore, i speak to my body
Hear the word of the Lord, you are
set free of the power of lies and wrong
You are full of life and light
Because Jesus lives, I live!"
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt laid
his hands on him and started praying
in the spirit
Suddenly, there was a reaction
The weak brother started flailing and
He pushed his wife and two nurses
as he retreated from the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
started laughing
The Cousin, watching from afar
initially started praying when he
saw the reaction
He said "I am not going anywhere,
Do you know who i am, leave me
alone! Just let me be!"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
didn't respond he laid his hands on
the man's head and said "In Jesus
name, let him go"
The man jerked and shrieked
Then he collapsed on his knees!
The Brother in jeans and T-shirt went
to sit down
The nurses tried to lift the man
It took his about five minutes to
He said he was hungry and he
started speaking in tongues and
rolling on the floor
He couldn't stop
Tears were streaming down his face
After about twenty minutes
He stood to his feet, walked up to
the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
and said "I can see you clearly brother,
my eyes were no longer blurry,
the ache in my head is gone,
I feel light and heat all over my body.
Who are you, sir?
Thank you!
Ps: He didn't die! He returned to the UK
in September 2019 with his family
He was totally cleared of Cancer
His wife also got filled with the Holy
She stopped believing in lies
She stopped believing in dreams
The Brother in jeans and T-shirt taught
them that the reality of a believer
is based on the Word of God and
the leading of the Holy Spirit
That was what Jesus gave the
The great commission and the
Holy Spirit
He didn't tell the church to disciple
the world by teaching them about
Joseph, Moses, Pharaoh and
Matthew 28:16-20
The Great Commission
16 Then the eleven disciples went to
Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus
had told them to go.
17 When they saw him, they worshiped
him; but some doubted.
18 Then Jesus came to them and said,
“All authority in heaven and on earth
has been given to me.
19 Therefore go and make disciples of
all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit,
20 and teaching them to obey everything
I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to
the very end of the age.”
A christian must obey EVERYTHING
Going outside the COMMANDS of Jesus
to teach people the doctrines of the
pharisees and saducees and Judaism
shows Many pastors do not know how
GSW's notes: I was teaching PSSBC's
year 5 students on dreams
Those guys want my head
Like all the other sets before them
They couldn't let go of what they felt
was part of their spiritual realities
because of wrong teachings and
traditional teachings!
I had to write to my Brother and Sister
in the UK for permission to share their
They joyfully gave me the go-ahead
I hope it helped
It was my Trump card to help my students
through this class!
What you believe affects your reality
it is simple
If Jesus or the Apostles didn't say it
or do it or write about it
It is not for you
That something is in the Bible does
not mean we should make a doctrine of it.
Jesus is the one who decides what
His church must practise!
JESUS is the Head of the church
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