Missing The Mark
The PA was seated in his office when
the man of God walked in
The man of God was highly anointed
and well-respected
The man of God was also very humble
He didn't mind sitting in the office of
the PA while waiting for the Senior
Pastor he came to see
The PA informed the Man of God that
there was a reception downstairs with
the hospitality team on standby to
wait on him
The man of God shrugged off the suggestion
He said "My spirit craved company, the
company of one who loves God.
Usually when i finish ministering to the
people of God, I want to be alone for about
thirty minutes just to give thanks but it is
impossible because as soon as I step
out of the altar, people would be waiting
for me
There is so much woe in the world and
only a few people have truly encountered
the truth even among pastors, hence the
crowd you see waiting to see me when i
come to minister here
I am not proud of it but the church has
become a religion and many are serving
a God they do not know
God does not want his children acting all
helpless and aimless but the church had
refused to empower the saints with
the truth
Those of us who do are considered to
be mavericks or weird because our
messages of salvation and grace are lost
in the midst of the noise of works being
made by the majority.
Sometimes the reality i see sickens me
but what option do I have but to continue
doing my best while hoping there will be
a wind of change...
The man of God kept quiet for a while
The PA continued to look at him in awe
He respected the man of God a lot and
found his presence in his office absolutely
The man of God said "I don't know why
I was drawn to you and why I was
speaking so freely with you as if I was
talking to an old friend...
Tell me about yourself...
It was the PA's first week on the job
He used to watch the man of God on TV
before that day
The PA told the man of God so
The man of God said "Wow, Imagine that..."
They talked on and on like old friends
Suddenly the man of God turned to the PA
with tears in his eyes and said
"Seventeen years ago, i used to sit in the
seat you are seating on. I was the first
PA to the Senior Pastor that was in charge
of this church at that time.
I was about your age
The pastor i worked with was a terror
he made life difficult for me
He treated me worse than his dog
Sometimes he would speak to me in such
a manner that it would feel as if i was being
flayed or skinned alive by his words
I remember running to the bathroom
several times in tears
But God turned the story around
Four years after working with him,
I encountered the power of the Holy Spirit
in the place of prayer
I just noticed that I was speaking a strange
language that morning, it was pouring
out of me
I didn't let it remain in "speaking in tongues
I started praying for the sick I started
praying a lot And the tide turned
The pastor was transferred
I was posted to pastor a parish and everything
changed Nobody could say they helped
me out of the hole I was pulled out by
the power of God
My brother, I see the same thing ahead
of you as we were talking
God will train you here and bring His
kingdom to many through you
Just be strong and be courageous"
The senior pastor the Man of God was
waiting for arrived
The man of God left
The PA forgot all about it
The following week, another Wednesday,
they had the special midweek
interdenominational service in the church
Another highly revered man of God,
was invited to minister
The PA watched the service in the office
The Senior pastor he was working with
had instructed that the PA must man the
office during such services in order to
attend to correspondents that might come
for the senior pastor during the ministration
Because the service was held during the
week, many people dash in on their way to
the office knowing the church office will
be opened that morning
The PA's duty was to attend to such people
After the programme, the man of God again
ignored the protocol officer and the
hospitality team specially designated to wait
on him and found his way to the PA's office
Just like the other man of God
He came into the PA's office and asked if
he could sit down
The PA said "Yes sir"
Then he said "You look very familiar,
my brother, but I am sure I didn't meet
you in this office"
The PA told the man of God he had only
seen him on TV before that day
Then the man of God said "Do you know
I used to sit in your sit?
I was a PA here in 2000 after Pastor
So and So was transferred and his PA
became a parish pastor
You are seated in a place that seemed
obscure to the world but I believe
strategic to God's plan
All the PA's who had ever sat in your seat
went on to become mighty instruments
in the work of the Kingdom.
Tell me about yourself..."
They talked for about twenty minutes
until the Senior pastor arrived
The man of God left with a huge smile on
his face
When the PA got home, he thought about
the events of the past two Wednesdays
He wondered what was going on
What was God saying to Him?
He prayed about it and promptly forgot
about it
Two years later, on a Wednesday in April,
another visitor came to his office
The visitor was a woman
She was had written a book on prayer and
wanted the church to stock their
bookshop with it
The senior pastor told the PA to read
the book and give him his recommendation
The PA read the book and told the Pastor
the book was not good enough for
believers to consume
When the woman came to see the senior
pastor, the senior pastor told her the truth
She felt the PA had deliberately sabotaged
her book and came for the PA with
guns blazing
As soon as she got to the PA's desk,
her voice ceased, she began to choke
and cough
The PA quickly got her water
She drank a little
Then she began to speak in tongues
Like Balaam's donkey
She started screaming, "The hand of
the Lord is upon you, you have seen
the light and you will shine that light
There is an aura of grace and greatness
around you
You are a father to many, sir, you are
my Father!
The PA was embarrassed
His Boss was watching everything
Even though the man was not acting
as if he heard, the PA knew David
suffered for the song Saul heard
The event opened the gates of hell
The senior pastor suddenly declared
war on the PA
He said he didn't feel comfortable working
with the PA anymore
He said the PA should hurry up and leave
It was a tough time
A lot of verbal and psychological abuse
Eventually, the senior pastor requested
that another PA be sent to Him within
the office
The administrative office had to do a shuffle
They brought the PA of that senior pastor to
the PA's office and took him to the other
Senior Pastor's office
The new PA hated the office
It was small and denigrating
Even though they were both PA's, the office
of the other PA attracted more prestige
and a better pay
The other PA protested the "demotion"
The senior pastor insisted the other PA
stayed or another PA was to be employed
for him
It was clear that his boss wanted to get rid
of him
He resigned!
The week he resigned, he was praying
at home when the Holy Spirit opened
his eyes
He saw the other PA, dressed like a
King going for a coronation
Suddenly another person, a
younger man came out of nowhere
and knelt down before the King
Maker while the other PA looked
The crown was placed on the other
person and the vision was lifted!
It was an open vision
He was on his knees praying when
he saw it
The next morning, the other PA called
"Sir, the people here are not Christians
at all! could you believe that as soon as
you resigned they told me I had to report
to your desk or resign too?
I have decided to write a petition to the
powers that be
I will take it up
Nobody can cheat me!
He listened patiently
Then he told the PA his own story and
the visitations he had while in that
small office
Report to that office sir
There is something God intends to do
through you
The PA listened and said "I have heard you"
He forgot all about it and moved on
with his life
Barely one year after he resigned
all the prophesies that were pronounced
upon him came to pass
One day, he was invited to minister in
the church
The church where he was a PA
When he finished ministering, he found
his way to his old office
He met a young man in the office
As soon as he sat down, he saw the
future of the young man and his place
in the gospel
He blessed the young man
He was on his way out of the office
when he saw his old friend the PA
His hair was graying and his heart
was weary
His old friend started crying
"I have remained in one spot, I saw
you today as you were ministering and
I remember what God said about me
when I was in Ibadan several years ago
What happened to me?
What happened to the vision God gave
He felt very sorry for his old friend the PA
The opportunity came for him to be lifted
but he didn't see it!
PS: There is nothing as frustrating as
being in the wrong place in God's plan
I know many in this shoe
Many who like Esau preferred the
Many who like Judas preferred the
pieces of silver
Their stories make the merry heart
Don't be like them!
GSW's notes: Prophecies dont just
come to pass
There is a "walking in" and a "walking
Sometimes God will tell us clearly what
will profit us
We have a choice in the matter
If we do his will, it helps us to move
along quickly
If we do our will, we get bogged down
This is extremely important in a
marriage scenario
If God says "This is the one" very
It might not seem like the perfect
choice at the beginning
Please, just obey
It will save you many tears and sorrows
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