They had been friends for years
They met in the very first year of secondary school
They became instant friends
While other students were making friends and horsing around
They would talk about Jesus and the Bible
They would pray for hours in tongues and in understanding
They were the first two in their set to join the student's fellowship
They were both eleven years old at the time
They read the Bible voraciously
They also read other materials
Both of them were from very strong Christian backgrounds
His Friend's parents were both Deacons
His own parents were Pastors
Christianity was not strange to either of them
What was strange was the love they both felt from the Lord
It was different from the love the other students around them know
All around them they saw apathy
It was like waking up amongst zombies everyday
They saw their classmates and roommates doing all sorts of things that wouldn't please the Lord
They tried to talk to them
Why would you be willingly engaging in actions that does not please the Lord
You are believers, you are Christians
How could Christians be living such a lifestyle?
It wasn't about the law
It was about their identity
It's like seeing an eagle eating rotten meat
Something was definitely wrong somewhere
These students scored very high in Christian Religious Studies
How come the knowledge of the theory of the Lord is not impacting their reality?
How can Christians be so dead set carnal?
At a point they decided to fast and pray for their friends
They were all in the boarding House at the time
After praying for some days
His friend told him God said they should have a revival programme
His spirit agreed
They were in Junior Secondary class 3 at the time
They announced the revival in all the classes
The turnout was massive
The power of the Holy Spirit moved mightily
Many were healed and delivered
They saw a definite reduction in the level of misdeeds in school
Some students renowned for truancy became fervent Christians
The revival evolved into a second student's fellowship in the school
Student's call them "Pastor"
Even though all they were doing was living up to the profession of their faith
When they graduated from secondary school they were admitted into different Universities
The fire went with them
They already had a reputation for being carriers of God's presence
They just had to keep being themselves
During the second semester of their first year
They went for the minister's retreat of a particular ministry
They shared the same room and talked all night
They were still talking when the vision came
The ceiling of the room simply cleared and he could see
It was like watching a movie being projected on the ceiling
They were both standing on the summit of a mountain
Two angels were standing right behind the two of them
He was looking upwards at the skies
The angel with him was explaining some things to him
His friend was looking downwards at the valley
The valley was full of people
Many of them were trying to get to the summit they were standing on
The angel besides his friend was looking upward into the skies
His friend took out a notebook and was writing down the things he was seeing
He didn't know why looking into the valley didn't excite him
There was much activity there and he could help many
people come up to the summit if he paid attention to them
But he found his heart was stirred in another direction
He kept his eyes on the skies
The angel with him was saying some things to him
Explaining why they had to come up that day to see the revealed King
Half of what the angel was saying was greek to him
There was something happening right inside his body
Suddenly the skies parted
A bright light came upon the valley
The bright light lifted after a few minutes
He saw a huge staircase appear in the valley
The crowd in the valley started finding their way to it
Making it easier for them to get to the summit
Then the light shined upon him directly
He saw another set of stairs appear linking the summit to the source of the light in the skies
The light lasted for a few minutes
The angel behind him told him to climb
He began to climb the stairs towards heaven
He had taken many steps before he became conscious that he has left his friend behind
He turned to the angel frantically
Why is my friend not coming up
The angel looked at him and said: He has kept himself busy with faults,
When he is ready, he will look at the source and his angel will guide him!
He continued to climb as the vision cleared
Few minutes later, his friend spoke!
"Did you see that?"
He nodded! He was speechless and a little bit unhappy
He asked his friend what he saw
His friend described the same scene excitedly
His friend said "I saw a huge crowd, both the saved and unsaved,
I saw why they were struggling to get to the summit
They have hidden sins, they lie, they cheat, they commit adultery
They backbite and live a sinful life!
That was why they couldn't get to the summit
I remember writing all the sinful habits I saw down
I remember promising myself to help these people by pointing out these faults to them
But it seemed you were distracted
I saw you looking upwards and not paying any attention to the people
Why was that?
You seemed totally distracted!
He told his friend to sit down and explained his own version of the vision
His friend looked at him and said "This God is mysterious, perhaps he is
sending us both to different sets of people or perhaps he is calling you home soon,
Who can tell?"
They parted ways few days later
When he got to school, he decided to throw away all the books and materials he had
He got his Bible and started studying it afresh by himself
He wanted to prove the vision through the scriptures
As he read the scriptures, he made notes and
helped by the Holy Spirit he gained understanding
He shared the scriptures with his church members, he showed them what the Bible said
The emphasis on "sin", "Sin", "and the devil" in the church is not of God
We cannot preach evil that good may prevail
We cannot scare people into giving their lives to Christ
Love is the spirit of Christ not fear
Majority of those who became Christians because of fear of hell end up backsliding
Sin had been defeated once and for all by the death of Christ on the Christ
A believer whose eyes is on "Sin" has missed the point
The spirit of Jesus is the spirit of love
Those who came into Christ by the spirit of love finds rest in Him
The eyes of every believer must be on "Jesus" the author and finisher of his/her faith
He didn't care what the religious people around him said
Sin consciousness had robbed believers of their Identity in Christ
Instead of doers of the word, it had turned them to minders of the world
He started preaching Christ Consciousness"
He told all his fellowship members
You cannot be Christ conscious all the time and sin
Your spirit cannot conceive evil because your spirit is Holy
Believers who go about hurting people, sleeping around and living irresponsible lives
are chaff! They were planted in the church by the enemy
Many of them are pastors, prophets and whatever title today
They are not of the Kingdom of God
The Bible says by their fruits you shall know them, not by their sermon
The reason many preach sin is because sin is all they can see
And you will only sin and sin and sin again if you are sin conscious
The first thing he saw was a change in the atmosphere around his fellowship
Joy, shouts of joy and testimonies rend the air
The dressing became liberal but so did the spirit
Many saw the fellowship as embracing carnality
Some saw him as preaching a gospel of irresponsibility
All those views reflected the heart of their thinkers
Good will always think good
Evil will always think evil
If you give freedom to the Holy Spirit, He will always do Holy deeds
If you give freedom to the evil spirit, it will always do evil deeds
A born again Christian, full of the Holy Spirit cannot abuse grace,
he or she thrives in it
He obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit and became a blessing for many generations
Five years after the vision, his friend came to him
"Tell me the secret! My stars kept shining down!"
He reminded his friend of the vision
His friend got it!
His friend took his eyes off "fault" and focussed on Jesus
He saw the source and things turned around!
Ps: A man once claimed he died and went to heaven
He told the story in a revival
It was a moving story
A pastor played the video in his church
Church members were moved!
Many cried and rolled on the floor
Within a year, the church members had all backslided
We dont preach hell to get people to heaven
Jesus only is our message!
You cannot be a child of God and continue in sin
The two are mutually exclusive
It is not because I want to make the rapture that I don't commit sin
I dont commit sin because "He that is born of God cannot sin" 1 John 3:9
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