Their Pastor decided to do medical outreach
The strategy was simple
The parish was ordered to do a Christian Social
Responsibility event
The church needed to drive up the membership
Previous crusades had been attended by
church members only
Thus the 'medical' outreach
They got doctors, nurses to volunteer, pharmacists
and the drugs
Members contributed generously
They started the campaign
'Free food, free drink, free medical consultation,
free drugs, free glasses for
those with vision impairment, free BP check,
what do you have to lose?'
On the day of the event
They rolled out the drums
A musical band and their evangelism unit
stormed the streets
Armed with a megaphone, they chose a
young man with a loud voice
'Today is the free medical outreach of so and so parish,
the medical professionals are there. Come Now"
They returned to church
The young man and some workers held hands to pray
'Father, bring your people, let them come in droves,
use us as instruments of your benevolence today,
let everyone we touch be blessed. Thank you Father"
Minutes later, the crowd started pouring in
The process was simple, Register at Stand A,
meet the doctors at Stand B, meet Pastors at Stand C,
collect your drugs at Stand D
Hundreds trooped in especially after the first set
went home with carrier bags testifying to the
goodness of God
Nothing pulls a crowd like Freebies
Six pastors were on hand to pray for the sick,
though free drugs were available, not every illness
responds to medicine. But every creation responds
to the voice of their creator! As people were
counselled and prayed for, they proceed to the
point where they got their drugs
One pastor had to make use of the restroom,
she asked the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
to deputize for her
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt sat down
A 14 years old girl approached him
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt: Have you
seen the doctor?
Girl: Yes, but he said they cannot help me
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt: What is the
Girl: I have a hole in my heart!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt: Are you sure?
Girl gives him her file from three specialist
hospitals with details of
Atrial septal defect (ASD)
Chest X-ray.
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Cardiac catheterization
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Computerized tomography (CT) scan
Girl: I cannot play with my friends, every time
I walk I get tired.
My mummy has told me about heaven and
that I will be with angels soon.
The doctors say I will die anytime from now.
Can Jesus heal me?
Can Jesus make my mummy stop crying?
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt laid his hands on Girl
"You hole I command you to fill up now, right now
in the name of Jesus.
I command every tissue, vessel, nerve, flesh,
needed to perfect your health to get to work now!
Girl started shaking, swaying
Suddenly girl started turning like a ceiling fan
Girl fell down
The church stood still
Pastors watched in awe
The Doctors paused
The nurses watched
The crowd gasped
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt was shocked!
He was not a pastor, what was happening?
Girl stood up and started running, she whole
church cheered
Glory! Glory!! Glory!!! To the Most High God
Girl left
Other people awaiting prayer went to queue
before young man!
He surely had something others didn't have!
Signs and wonders broke out
The news spread abroad
More people trooped in from all over the city
Medical outreach was a success
The name of Jesus was glorified!
Ps: And these signs shall follow them that believe;
In my name shall they cast out devils;
they shall speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any
deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay
hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
PS: This event happened in Lagos in 2013
Girl's parents took her to the hospital
Tests took three weeks
The doctors reluctantly conceded she had
been miraculously healed
Girl is now an Undergraduate
The church still stands
The young man in Jeans and T-shirt is not a pastor
He raises the dead!
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